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Config files

Shows basic functionality including the ability to comment out entries.

Blank lines should be skipped.

Comments should be ignored even if they're they last entry.

A key doesn't have to have a value. MYHOST= should resolve to a kv pair of 'MYHOST': ''

If there is more than one = in an entry the kv pair splits on the first =.

DB_PASS=s1mpl3=123 resolves to a kv pair of DB_PASS:s1mpl3=123. Not DB_PASS=s1mpl3: 123

Comments in the middle of a set of entries have no effect. Tests to ensure that succeeding entries still get processed.

To test functonality for a single entry.

Values with a space preserve the space. DB_HOST=some server becomes DB_HOST:'some server'.

Comments should have no effect. Tests functionality if the first entry is commented out.

Whitespace is ignored.