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Advanced Usage

This page lists some of the advanced manuevers that may be of specific interest to help configure the package for use in your environment.

Environment Variables

To control the behavior of the MATLAB Proxy, you can optionally specify the environment variables described in this section. You must specify these variables before starting the integration. For example, a network license server can be specified when you start the integration using the command below:

env MLM_LICENSE_FILE="" matlab-proxy-app

The following table describes all the environment variables that you can set to customize the behavior of this integration.

Name Type Example Value Description
MLM_LICENSE_FILE string "1234@111.22.333.444" When you want to use either a license file or a network license manager to license MATLAB, specify this variable.
For example, specify the location of the network license manager to be 123@hostname.
MWI_BASE_URL string "/matlab" Set to control the base URL of the app. MWI_BASE_URL should start with / or be empty.
MWI_APP_PORT integer 8080 Specify the port for the HTTP server to listen on.
MWI_APP_HOST string Specify the host interface for the HTTP server to launch on. Defaults to on POSIX and Windows systems.
With the default value, the server will be accessible remotely at the fully qualified domain name of the system.
MWI_LOG_LEVEL string "CRITICAL" Specify the Python log level to be one of the following NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, or CRITICAL. For more information on Python log levels, see Logging Levels .
The default value is INFO.
MWI_LOG_FILE string "/tmp/logs.txt" Specify the full path to the file where you want debug logs from this integration to be written.
MWI_ENABLE_WEB_LOGGING string "True" Set this value to "True" to see additional web server logs.
MWI_CUSTOM_HTTP_HEADERS string '{"Content-Security-Policy": "frame-ancestors **"}'
Specify valid HTTP headers as JSON data in a string format.
Alternatively, specify the full path to the JSON file containing valid HTTP headers instead. These headers are injected into the HTTP response sent to the browser.
For more information, see the Custom HTTP Headers section.
TMPDIR or TMP string "/path/for/MATLAB/to/use/as/tmp" Set either one of these variables to control the temporary folder used by MATLAB. TMPDIR takes precedence over TMP and if neither variable is set, /tmp is the default value used by MATLAB.
MWI_ENABLE_SSL string "False" When set to True, the values in MWI_SSL_CERT_FILE & MWI_SSL_KEY_FILE are used to configure matlab-proxy to use SSL. If you do not provide a CERT and KEY file using these variables, the software generates a self-signed certificate. Defaults to False.
MWI_SSL_CERT_FILE string "/path/to/certificate.pem" The certfile string must be the path to a single file in PEM format containing the certificate as well as any number of CA certificates needed to establish the certificate’s authenticity. See SSL Support for more information.
MWI_SSL_KEY_FILE string "/path/to/keyfile.key" The keyfile string, if present, must point to a file containing the private key. Otherwise the private key will be taken from certfile as well.
MWI_ENABLE_TOKEN_AUTH string "True" When you set the variable to True, matlab-proxy requires users to provide the security token to access the proxy. Optionally, set the token using the environment variable MWI_AUTH_TOKEN. If you do not specify MWI_AUTH_TOKEN, the software generates a token for you.
For more information, see Token-Based Authentication for more information.
MWI_AUTH_TOKEN string (optional) "AnyURLSafeToken" Specify a custom token for matlab-proxy to use with Token-Based Authentication. A token can safely contain any combination of alpha numeric text along with the following permitted characters: - . _ ~.
When absent matlab-proxy will generate a random URL safe token.
MWI_USE_EXISTING_LICENSE string (optional) "True" When set to True, matlab-proxy will not ask you for additional licensing information and will try to launch an already activated MATLAB on your system PATH.
MWI_CUSTOM_MATLAB_ROOT string (optional) "/path/to/matlab/root/" Optionally, provide a custom path to MATLAB root. For more information see Adding MATLAB to System Path
MWI_PROCESS_START_TIMEOUT integer (optional) 1234 This field controls the time (in seconds) for which matlab-proxy waits for the processes it spins up, viz: MATLAB & Xvfb, to respond. By default, this value is 600 seconds. A timeout could either indicate an issue with the spawned processes or be a symptom of a resource-constrained environment. Increase this value if your environment needs more time for the spawned processes to start.
MWI_MATLAB_STARTUP_SCRIPT string (optional) "addpath('/path/to/a/folder'), c=12" Executes string provided at MATLAB startup. For details, see Run Custom MATLAB Startup Code
MWI_SHUTDOWN_ON_IDLE_TIMEOUT integer (optional) 60 Defines the duration in minutes, that matlab-proxy remains idle before shutting down. When you do not set the variable, matlab-proxy will not shutdown when idle. For details, see Shutdown on Idle.

Shutdown on Idle

Set the environment variable MWI_SHUTDOWN_ON_IDLE_TIMEOUT to the number of minutes with no user activity after which matlab-proxy will shutdown.

This timer resets when we detect:

  • Usage of MATLAB from the Desktop
  • Execution of MATLAB code
  • Execution of MATLAB code from jupyter notebooks

Use this environment variable to clean up idle system resources.

Adding MATLAB to System Path

When matlab-proxy starts, it expects the matlab executable to be present on system PATH in the environment from which it was spawned.

matlab-proxy will error out if it is unable to find matlab on the PATH.

One can add it to the system PATH using the following commands:

# On Linux & MacOS
sudo ln -fs ${MATLAB_ROOT}/bin/matlab /usr/bin/matlab

# On Windows environments
setx PATH "${MATLAB_ROOT}\bin;%PATH%"

Where MATLAB_ROOT points to the folder in which MATLAB was installed. Example values of MATLAB_ROOT on various platforms are:

On linux: /usr/local/MATLAB/R2023a
On MacOS: /Applications/
On Windows: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2023a

Custom MATLAB Root

Use the environment variable MWI_CUSTOM_MATLAB_ROOT to specify the location of MATLAB_ROOT.

When this environment variable is set, matlab-proxy will not search the system PATH for MATLAB.

This might be useful in the following situations:

  1. Changes to the system PATH are not possible or desirable.
  2. There are multiple MATLAB installations on a system, and you want to use matlab-proxy with a particular installation of MATLAB.
  3. The existing matlab executable on PATH is a user defined script as explained in this issue.

Example usage:

env MWI_CUSTOM_MATLAB_ROOT=/opt/software/matlab/r2023a matlab-proxy-app

Custom HTTP Headers

If the web browser renders the MATLAB Proxy with some other content, then the browser could block the integration because of mismatch of Content-Security-Policy header in the response headers from the integration. To avoid this, provide custom HTTP headers. This allows browsers to load the content.

For example, if this integration is rendered along with some other content on the domain, to allow the browser to load the content, create a JSON file of the following form:

  "Content-Security-Policy": "frame-ancestors ***;"

Specify the full path to this sample file in the environment variable MWI_CUSTOM_HTTP_HEADERS. Alternatively, if you want to specify the custom HTTP headers as a string in the environment variable, in a bash shell type a command of the form below:

export MWI_CUSTOM_HTTP_HEADERS='{"Content-Security-Policy": "frame-ancestors ***;"}'

If you add the frame-ancestors directive, the browser does not block the content of this integration hosted on the domain

For more information about Content-Security-Policy header, check the Mozilla developer docs for Content-Security-Policy.

NOTE: Setting custom HTTP headers is an advanced operation, only use this functionality if you are familiar with HTTP headers.

Proxy Support

matlab-proxy support for proxies is based on the support available for them in the aiohttp package. AIOHTTP Proxy Support.

matlab-proxy has configured its usage of aiohttp to honor the environment variables that are used to configure proxy environments. viz: http_proxy, https_proxy, no_proxy

matlab-proxy however needs to communicate via HTTP(S) with several processes including MATLAB on the machine on which it is running, and will automatically add the following values into the no_proxy environment variable:

  1. localhost

Example Usage

Start a web proxy on your machine using the ubuntu/squid container:

docker run --rm --name squid-container -e TZ=UTC -p 3128:3128 ubuntu/squid:5.2-22.04_beta

From another system terminal, configure the environment variables to use this server:

# Configure your environment to use the SQUID Container as its web proxy
export http_proxy= && \
export HTTP_PROXY=${http_proxy} \
       HTTPS_PROXY=${http_proxy} \
       https_proxy=${http_proxy} \ MW_PROXY_PORT=3128 \

# Start matlab-proxy-app from this terminal

Replace with the FQDN for the machine on which the ubuntu/squid container is running.

The logs from the SQUID container terminal should show activity when attempting to login to MATLAB through matlab-proxy.

Run Custom MATLAB Startup Code

Use the environment variable MWI_MATLAB_STARTUP_SCRIPT to specify MATLAB code to run at startup.

When you start MATLAB using matlab-proxy, MATLAB will first run a startup.m file, if one exists on your path. For details, see User-defined startup script for MATLAB. MATLAB will then run any code you have provided as a string to the MWI_MATLAB_STARTUP_SCRIPT environment variable.

You might want to run code at startup to:

  1. Add a folder to the MATLAB search path before you run a script.
  2. Set a constant in the workspace

For example, to set variables c1 and c2, with values 124 and 'xyz', respectively, and to add the folder C:\Windows\Temp to the MATLAB search path, run the command:

env MWI_MATLAB_STARTUP_SCRIPT="c1=124, c2='xyz', addpath('C:\Windows\Temp')" matlab-proxy-app

To specify a script to run at startup, use the run command and provide the path to your script.

env MWI_MATLAB_STARTUP_SCRIPT="run('path/to/startup_script.m')" matlab-proxy-app

If the code you specify throws an error, then after MATLAB starts, you see a variable MATLABCustomStartupCodeError of type MException in the workspace. To see the error message, run disp(MATLABCustomStartupCodeError.message) in the command window.

Note: Restarting MATLAB from within matlab-proxy will run the specified code again.


  • Commands that require user input or open MATLAB editor windows are not supported. Using commands such as keyboard, openExample or edit will render matlab-proxy unresponsive.

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