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PIKOlang (Praise Innovative Kubernetes Operators)

PIKOlang (Porn Is Kinky Obviously) is a simple, interpreted, esoteric 2-Dimensional programming language. To write PIKOlang (Professionally Interpreted Kernel Operations), you need to write a program in a 2D grid, where each cell is a command. The program in PIKOlang (Probably Incomplete Kotlin Object) is executed by a cursor that moves around the grid, executing the commands it encounters. You can either execute the entire PIKOlang (Python Is Kinda Overrated) program at once or step through it one command at a time.

Online playground

You can try out the language at the Online Playground.


The program starts with # symbol placed anywhere on the grid. The grid can be arbitrarily large. The cursor always starts facing right and moves in the direction it is facing, executing the commands in order as they are encountered (the cursor moves over them).

Find the full syntax with all the symbols explained in the file.

Trademark Usage

If it wasn't obvious, this part is a joke, don't worry.

PIKOlang (Pandas In Kung-Fu Outfit) is a trademark of @matronator (Website | GitHub). When referring to PIKOlang (Programming In Keyboard Only), you must write out the full name of the language and add a unique backronym in parentheses after the name and the name must be formatted in combination of bold and italic (where possible) like in these examples for various languages:


**PIKOlang *(Pejorative Insults Kill Optimism)***


<b>PIKOlang <i>(Polymorphic Ignorant Kind Organization)</i></b>
<!-- Or like this -->
<strong>PIKOlang <em>(Previously I Knew Oprah)</em></strong>


\textbf{PIKOlang \textit{(Polymorphic Innocent Kinology Objective)}}


[b]PIKOlang [i](Parents In Kansas Overreact)[/i][/b]


'''PIKOlang''' ''(Police Is Killing Orphans)''

Backronym Rules

  1. The backronym must be a phrase that is grammatically and syntactically correct, but doesn't have to necessarily make sense logically.
  2. The backronym must be unique for each use of the name PIKOlang (Previously Intelligent Kid Overdosed) in a document.

So to reiterate: Each use of the name PIKOlang (Perverse Innuendos Keep Ongoing) in the document must use different backronym. No two uses of the name PIKOlang (Potentially Insecure Koala Overlords) in the same document can have the same backronym.

Penalty for Trademark Violation

By using the name PIKOlang (Probably Ignorant Killer's Onslaught), you agree to these terms. By not following these terms you are in violation of the trademark and will be subject to a penalty of no less than 100 USD per violation. The penalty has to be paid to Matronator (Website | GitHub) in form of a donation via one of the methods listed on this website: If you don't pay the penalty in 30 days, you will be subject to legal action.

The penalty is subject to change at any time without prior notice.