Note: this info is also in Spark monitoring documentation following SPARK-26890
Spark is instrumented with the Dropwizard/Codahale metrics library. Several components of Spark are instrumented, notable for this work several metrics generating from Spark driver and executors components can be instrumented.
An important architectural details is that the metrics are sent directly from the sources to the sink. This is important when running on a cluster, as each executor will communicate directly to the sink, for better scalability.
Contrast this to the standard WebUI/Eventlog instrumentation of Spark, which uses Listeners and where metrics will flow through the driver (see the architecture diagram of sparkMeasure for example).
- master: The Spark standalone master process.
- applications: A component within the master which reports on various applications.
- worker: A Spark standalone worker process.
- executor: A Spark executor.
- driver: The Spark driver process (the process in which your SparkContext is created).
- shuffleService: The Spark shuffle service.
- applicationMaster: The Spark ApplicationMaster when running on YARN.
Metrics used by Spark are of type: gauge, counter, histogram, meter and timer
(see dropwizard documentation for details)[].
The following list documents the metrics available, grouped per component
instance and source namespace.
The most common time of metrics used in Spark instrumentation are gauges and counters.
Counters can be recognized as they have the .count
suffix. Timers, meters and histograms are annotated in the list,
the default is that a metric is a gauge.
Some of the metrics is the list are only active if a corresponding Spark configuration parameters
is used to enable them, as detailed in the list.
This is the component with the largest amount of instrumented metrics
- disk.diskSpaceUsed_MB
- memory.maxMem_MB
- memory.maxOffHeapMem_MB
- memory.maxOnHeapMem_MB
- memory.memUsed_MB
- memory.offHeapMemUsed_MB
- memory.onHeapMemUsed_MB
- memory.remainingMem_MB
- memory.remainingOffHeapMem_MB
- memory.remainingOnHeapMem_MB
- fileCacheHits.count
- filesDiscovered.count
- hiveClientCalls.count
- parallelListingJobCount.count
- partitionsFetched.count
- compilationTime (histogram)
- generatedClassSize (histogram)
- generatedMethodSize (histogram)
- hiveClientCalls.count
- sourceCodeSize (histogram)
- job.activeJobs
- job.allJobs
- messageProcessingTime (timer)
- stage.failedStages
- stage.runningStages
- stage.waitingStages
- (timer)
- (timer)
- (timer)
- numEventsPosted.count
- queue.appStatus.listenerProcessingTime (timer)
- queue.appStatus.numDroppedEvents.count
- queue.appStatus.size
- queue.eventLog.listenerProcessingTime (timer)
- queue.eventLog.numDroppedEvents.count
- queue.eventLog.size
- queue.executorManagement.listenerProcessingTime (timer)
namespace=appStatus (all metrics of type=counter)
- note: Introduced in Spark 3.0. Conditional to configuration parameter:
(default is false) - stages.failedStages.count
- stages.skippedStages.count
- stages.completedStages.count
- tasks.blackListedExecutors.count
- tasks.completedTasks.count
- tasks.failedTasks.count
- tasks.killedTasks.count
- tasks.skippedTasks.count
- tasks.unblackListedExecutors.count
- jobs.succeededJobs
- jobs.failedJobs
- jobDuration
- note: Introduced in Spark 3.0. Conditional to configuration parameter:
- note: User-configurable sources to attach accumulators to metric system
- DoubleAccumulatorSource
- LongAccumulatorSource
- note applies to Spark Streaming only. Conditional to configuration parameter:
spark.sql.streaming.metricsEnabled= true
(default false) - eventTime-watermark
- inputRate-total
- latency
- processingRate-total
- states-rowsTotal
- states-usedBytes
- note applies to Spark Streaming only. Conditional to configuration parameter:
These metrics are exposed by Spark executors. Note, currently they are not available when running in local mode.
namespace=executor (metrics are of type counter or gauge)
- bytesRead.count
- bytesWritten.count
- cpuTime.count
- deserializeCpuTime.count
- deserializeTime.count
- diskBytesSpilled.count
- filesystem.file.largeRead_ops
- filesystem.file.read_bytes
- filesystem.file.read_ops
- filesystem.file.write_bytes
- filesystem.file.write_ops
- filesystem.hdfs.largeRead_ops
- filesystem.hdfs.read_bytes
- filesystem.hdfs.read_ops
- filesystem.hdfs.write_bytes
- filesystem.hdfs.write_ops
- jvmCpuTime
- jvmGCTime.count
- memoryBytesSpilled.count
- recordsRead.count
- recordsWritten.count
- resultSerializationTime.count
- resultSize.count
- runTime.count
- shuffleBytesWritten.count
- shuffleFetchWaitTime.count
- shuffleLocalBlocksFetched.count
- shuffleLocalBytesRead.count
- shuffleRecordsRead.count
- shuffleRecordsWritten.count
- shuffleRemoteBlocksFetched.count
- shuffleRemoteBytesRead.count
- shuffleRemoteBytesReadToDisk.count
- shuffleTotalBytesRead.count
- shuffleWriteTime.count
- threadpool.activeTasks
- threadpool.completeTasks
- threadpool.currentPool_size
- threadpool.maxPool_size
- shuffle-client.usedDirectMemory
- shuffle-client.usedHeapMemory
- shuffle-server.usedDirectMemory
- shuffle-server.usedHeapMemory
- fileCacheHits.count
- filesDiscovered.count
- hiveClientCalls.count
- parallelListingJobCount.count
- partitionsFetched.count
- compilationTime (histogram)
- generatedClassSize (histogram)
- generatedMethodSize (histogram)
- hiveClientCalls.count
- sourceCodeSize (histogram)
Note: this applies to driver and executor (and other components)
Provides information from JVM metrics, notably inclusing usage of memory.
Activate with: spark.metrics.conf.*.source.jvm.class=org.apache.spark.metrics.source.JvmSource
- namespace=jvm
- PS-MarkSweep.count
- PS-MarkSweep.time
- PS-Scavenge.count
- PS-Scavenge.time
- direct.capacity
- direct.count
- direct.used
- heap.committed
- heap.init
- heap.max
- heap.usage
- heap.used
- mapped.capacity
- mapped.count
- mapped.used
- non-heap.committed
- non-heap.init
- non-heap.max
- non-heap.usage
- non-heap.used
- pools.Code-Cache.committed
- pools.Code-Cache.init
- pools.Code-Cache.max
- pools.Code-Cache.usage
- pools.Code-Cache.used
- pools.Compressed-Class-Space.committed
- pools.Compressed-Class-Space.init
- pools.Compressed-Class-Space.max
- pools.Compressed-Class-Space.usage
- pools.Compressed-Class-Space.used
- pools.Metaspace.committed
- pools.Metaspace.init
- pools.Metaspace.max
- pools.Metaspace.usage
- pools.Metaspace.used
- pools.PS-Eden-Space.committed
- pools.PS-Eden-Space.init
- pools.PS-Eden-Space.max
- pools.PS-Eden-Space.usage
- pools.PS-Eden-Space.used
- pools.PS-Old-Gen.committed
- pools.PS-Old-Gen.init
- pools.PS-Old-Gen.max
- pools.PS-Old-Gen.usage
- pools.PS-Old-Gen.used
- pools.PS-Survivor-Space.committed
- pools.PS-Survivor-Space.init
- pools.PS-Survivor-Space.max
- pools.PS-Survivor-Space.usage
- pools.PS-Survivor-Space.used
- total.committed
- total.init
- total.max
- total.used
Note: applies when running on YARN
- numContainersPendingAllocate
- numExecutorsFailed
- numExecutorsRunning
- numLocalityAwareTasks
- numReleasedContainers
Note: applies when running on mesos
- waitingDrivers
- launchedDrivers
- retryDrivers
Note: applies when running in Spark standalone as master
- workers
- aliveWorkers
- apps
- waitingApps
Note: applies when running in Spark standalone as master
- status
- runtime_ms
- cores
Note: applies when running in Spark standalone as worker
- executors
- coresUsed
- memUsed_MB
- coresFree
- memFree_MB
Note: applies to the shuffle service
- blockTransferRateBytes (meter)
- numActiveConnections.count
- numRegisteredConnections.count
- openBlockRequestLatencyMillis (histogram)
- registerExecutorRequestLatencyMillis (histogram)
- registeredExecutorsSize
- shuffle-server.usedDirectMemory
- shuffle-server.usedHeapMemory