Thank you for wanting to contribute! This site is in its infancy and we're not quite ready for contributions beyond our core team 😐
You can, however, create an issue to alert of us about any bugs or desired features!
Before you can contribute to the codebase, you will need to fork the repo.
Fork the repo (click the Fork button at the top right of [this page][this-page])
Clone your fork locally
# in a terminal, cd to parent directory where you want your clone to be, then git clone<your_github_username>/remixaustin-com.git cd remixaustin-com
Install dependencies by running
npm i
. -
Start the dev server with
npm run dev
To configure your Git client to sign commits by default for a local repository, in Git versions 2.0.0 and above, run git config commit.gpgsign true. To sign all commits by default in any local repository on your computer, run git config --global commit.gpgsign true.
To store your GPG key passphrase so you don't have to enter it every time you sign a commit, we recommend using the following tools:
For Mac users, the GPG Suite allows you to store your GPG key passphrase in the Mac OS Keychain. For Windows users, the Gpg4win integrates with other Windows tools. You can also manually configure gpg-agent to save your GPG key passphrase, but this doesn't integrate with Mac OS Keychain like ssh-agent and requires more setup.
Please create an issue in GitHub.
Cool, thanks!
All commits that fix bugs or add features need a test.
Do not merge code without tests!</blink>
npm run test