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258 lines (165 loc) · 7.41 KB

File metadata and controls

258 lines (165 loc) · 7.41 KB


A library for parsing data in NMR-STAR format, used by the BMRB for NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) data archival.

This is an open source project under the MIT license; feel free to use the code in any way that helps you get some awesome science done!


The easiest way to install NMRPyStar is using pip:

pip3 install nmrpystar

If you don't have pip or easy_install, you can download the package manually from the pypi page.


If it was installed with pip, it can be easily uninstalled:

$ pip3 uninstall nmrpystar

Quick Start

It's easy to start parsing NMR-STAR files:

import nmrpystar

# read and parse data from STAR-NMR file
with open("examples/bmrb17661.txt") as str_file:
    str_string =
    parsed = nmrpystar.parse_nmrstar_ast(str_string)

# get chemical shifts frame data
chemShiftSave = parsed.value.saves["assigned_chem_shift_list_1"]
loopShifts = chemShiftSave.loops['Atom_chem_shift']

# loop through chemical shifts frame data
for entry in range(len(loopShifts.rows)):
    row = loopShifts.getRowAsDict(entry)
    key = (row['Comp_ID'], row['Atom_ID'], row['Val'])

    # process / show 

Or try out one of the examples:


Running the tests

python3 -m unittest

Python version

This library was created for use with Python3. I'm working on making it compatible with Python2 as well.


Why is this project necessary? After all, many people have already written working NMR-STAR parsers.

However, not all parsers of the same format are identical. Here are some important characteristics of parsers:

  • what language the parser actually accepts. Some parsers are more lenient, accepting some malformed input; others may reject perfectly valid input.

    This project aims to: 1) accurately parse all valid NMR-STAR input, and 2) accurately recognize and report all invalid NMR-STAR input.

  • what the parse result is. What access does the user have to the parsed result? What information is included in the result?

    The output of this parser is a parse tree representing the structure of the input, including data blocks, save frames, loops, and key-value pairs. The parse tree is composed of Python objects, against which queries can be easily written to extract the required data.

  • error reporting: how, when, and with what context information

    Accurately reporting where and why makes it easier to locate and fix errors.

    Arguably, error reporting should be part of a format specification -- this parser does its best to report errors, but it's not always clear how an error should be reported. Suggestions welcome!

  • how the parser is used -- is it a stand-alone tool? Can it be imported as a library?

    This parser is designed to be used as a library -- simply import it, hand it your NMR-STAR input, and set it loose!

  • modularity and flexibility -- can the parser operate on stdin and stdout? Can it parse content pulled from a web page? Can it parse multiple files at once?

    This parser doesn't know anything about files, urls, or I/O streams -- any way you use to read in your data and hand it to the parser is fine. This means that it's easy to parse files from the BMRB's web interface -- just use the urllib2 library to grab a web page, and hand the contents to the parser!

  • licensing, cost, restrictions.

    This project is 100% open-source under the MIT license. This means that you may use it in any way you wish, including reading, modifying, and sharing the code.

NMR-STAR Grammar

Derived from the Spaddaccini and Hall papers describing the Star format, and with thanks to Dmitri Maziuk for his pointers.

The following grammar is used to generate a parser. Although I believe that it is correct, if you find a mistake please contact me, I am always happy to make corrections.


newline    :=  '\n'   |  '\r'

blank      :=  ' '    |  '\t'

space      :=  blank  |  newline

stop       :=  /stop_/i

saveclose  :=  /save_/i

loop       :=  /loop_/i

dataopen   :=  /data_/i  (not space)(+)

saveopen   :=  /save_/i  (not space)(+)

identifier :=  '_'  (not space)(+)

unquoted   :=  (not special)  (not space)(*)
    special    :=  '"'  |  '#'  |  '_'  |  '\''  |  space

scstring   :=  ns  (not ns)(*)  ns
    ns     :=  newline  ';'

sqstring   :=  '\''  ( nonEndingSq  |  bodyChar )(*)  '\''
    nonEndingSq  :=  '\''  (not space)
    bodyChar     :=  (not ( '\''  |  newline ) )

dqstring   :=  '"'  ( nonEndingDq  |  bodyChar )(*)  '"'
    nonEndingDq  :=  '"'  (not space)
    bodyChar     :=  (not ( '"'  |  newline ) )

value      :=  sqstring  |  dqstring  |  scstring  |  unquoted

comment    :=  '#'  (not newline)(*)

whitespace :=  space(+)

In addition, any amount of whitespace and comments is allowed before any token (the tokens are: stop, saveopen, saveclose, loop, dataopen, identifier, and value), except that unquoted values may not be preceded by newlines if they start with semicolons.

Also, reserved words -- stop_, save_, loop_, save_[^ \n\t\r]+, data_[^ \n\t\r]+ -- take precedence over unquoted values, meaning that stop_ cannot be an unquoted value.

Context-free grammar. Note that hierarchical rules' first letters are capitalized, while token names are all lowercase:

NMRStar  :=   Data 
Data     :=   dataopen  Save(*)
Save     :=   saveopen  Datum(*)  Loop(*)  saveclose
Datum    :=   identifier  value
Loop     :=   loop  identifier(*)  value(*)  stop

Additional constraints for STAR AST:

  • Loops
    • no duplicate keys
    • number of values must be integer multiple of the number of keys
  • Save frames
    • no duplicate keys
  • Data
    • no duplicate save frame names

Additional constraints for NMRSTAR AST:

  • Loops:
    • prefix of all keys must be identical
  • Save frames
    • prefix of all keys must be identical
    • have an _<prefix>.Sf_framecode key, value matches the save frame name
    • have an _<prefix>.Sf_category key, value is a link to the NMR-STAR data dictionary
    • no duplicate loops, based on the loop prefixes

Questionable (as in not sure if these are actually enforced) rules:

  • Save frames
    • if there's a _<prefix>.ID key, it must appear in each loop table within the save frame, under the key _<loop-prefix>.<prefix>_ID and the same value
  • General
    • _<prefix>.Entry_ID must appear in every Save frame and every loop, with the same value


Parser Combinators: a Practical Application for Generating Parsers for NMR Data by Fenwick et al, Proceedings of the ITNG, 2013.

Contact information

Found a bug? Need help figuring something out? Want a new feature? Feel free to report anything using the github issue tracker, or email me directly at mfenwick100 at gmail dot com

How to cut a release

See here for instructions:

  • update version strings
  • python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade setuptools wheel
  • python3 sdist bdist_wheel
  • pip3 install twine
  • twine upload dist/*