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File metadata and controls

86 lines (74 loc) · 3.98 KB

Deployment workflow

Deploying the controllers

The following controllers need to be deployed :

  • CAPI
  • CAPBK or alternative
  • CACPK or alternative
  • CAPM3
  • Baremetal Operator, with Ironic setup


The cluster should either :

  • be deployed with an external cloud provider, that would be deployed as part of the userData and would set the providerIDs based on the BareMetalHost UID.
  • Be deployed with the ProviderID set to be the BareMetalHostUUID
  • be deployed with each node with the label "" set to the BareMetalHost UID that is provided by Ironic to cloud-init through the metadata ds.meta_data.uuid. This can be achieved by setting the following in the KubeadmConfig :
  name: '{{ }}'
    node-labels: '{{ ds.meta_data.uuid }}'

Deploying the CRs

You can deploy the CRs all at the same time, the controllers will take care of following the correct flow. An outline of the workflow is below.

  1. The CAPI controller will set the OwnerRef on the Metal3Cluster referenced by the Cluster, on the KubeadmControlPlane, and all machines, KubeadmConfig and Metal3Machines created by the user or by a MachineDeployment.
  2. The CAPM3 controller will verify the controlPlaneEndpoint field and populate the status with ready field set to true.
  3. The CAPI controller will set infrastructureReady field to true on the Cluster
  4. The CAPI controller will set the OwnerRef
  5. The KubeadmControlPlane controller will wait until the cluster has infrastructureReady set to true, and generate the first machine, Metal3Machine and KubeadmConfig.
  6. CABPK will generate the cloud-init output for this machine and create a secret containing it.
  7. The CAPI controller will copy the userData secret name into the machine object and set the bootstrapReady field to true.
  8. Once the secrets exists, the CAPM3 controller will select, if possible, a BareMetalHost that matches the criteria, or wait until one is available.
  9. Once the machine has been associated with a BaremetalHost, the CAPM3 controller will check if the Metal3Machine references a Metal3DataTemplate object. In that case, it will set an OwnerReference on the Metal3DataTemplate object referencing the Metal3Machine and wait for the metadata and/or network data secrets to be created.
  10. The CAPM3 controller reconciling the Metal3DataTemplate object will select the lowest available index for the new machine and create a Metal3Data object that will then create the secrets containing the rendered data.
  11. The CAPM3 controller will then set the BareMetalHost spec accordingly to the Metal3Machine specs.
  12. The BareMetal Operator will then start the deployment.
  13. After deployment, the BaremetalHost will be in provisioned state. However, initialization is not complete. If deploying without cloud provider, CAPM3 can wait until the target cluster is up and the node appears, then fetch the node by matching the label<bmh-uuid> and set the providerID to metal3://<bmh-uuid>. The Metal3Machine ready status will be set to true and the providerID will be set to metal3://<bmh-uuid> on the Metal3Machine.
  14. CAPI will access the target cluster and compare the providerID on the node to the providerID of the Machine, copied from the metal3machine. If matching, the control plane initialized status will be set to true and the machine state to running.
  15. CACPK will then do the same for each further controller node until reaching the desired replicas number, one by one, triggering the same workflow. Meanwhile, as soon as the controlplane is initialized, CABPK will generate the user data for all other machines, triggering their deployment.


Deleting the cluster object will trigger the deletion of all related objects except for KubeadmConfigTemplates, Metal3MachineTemplates, Metal3DataTemplates and BareMetalHosts, and the secrets related to the BareMetalHosts.