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Releases: matyalatte/tuw


22 Jul 02:26
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  • Added a predefined ID for the user's home directory (%__HOME__%).
  • Added an option to rename the "Browse" button for path pickers.
  • Reduced the binary size. (It became under 1MB!)


  • The linux builds only support Ubuntu 20.04 or later due to the glibc dependencies.
    Build the executable by yourself if you want to use it on other linux distros.

  • The released builds does NOT support ARM devices.


09 Jul 15:26
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Breaking Change

  • Changed the JSON format for choice and check_array. (See the PR comment for the details.)

⚠️ It means, the old JSON files won't work if they have choice or check_array components.

New Features

Other Changes

  • Optimization for size. (Even the uncompressed executables became about 1MB!)
  • Added a function for saving the previously executed command.
  • Changed the format of gui_config.json
  • Fixed a bug that help menu will be shown even if the size of ["help"] is zero.
  • Fixed an error when the size of ["gui"] is zero.
  • Fixed a GTK warning about component sizes.


  • The linux builds only support Ubuntu 20.04 or later due to the glibc dependencies.
    Build the executable by yourself if you want to use it on other linux distros.
  • The released builds does NOT support ARM devices.
  • The compressed versions were removed from the releases because the uncompressed ones became small enough for me.

Known Issue

  • Executables will crash when opening URLs or files from the help menu. (The fixed version is here)


11 Jul 15:19
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A hotfix for v0.5.0.


  • Fix crashes when opening URLs or files from the help menu.


  • The linux builds only support Ubuntu 20.04 or later due to the glibc dependencies.
    Build the executable by yourself if you want to use it on other linux distros.

  • The released builds does NOT support ARM devices.


17 Jun 14:32
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Updates for bug fixes and minor improvements.
There is no change in usage.


  • It will raise errors when the command requires more components or there are unused components.
  • Commands will be shown in the log when loading definitions.
  • Fixed a bug that "%%" won't escsape the "%" symbol.
  • Fixed a bug that the window is resizable on macOS and Linux.
  • Fixed typos.


  • *-packed.* are the 1MB executables that were compressed by UPX.
    But they might cause some problems (e.g. false positives by anti-viruses) on your machine.
    Use the uncompressed ones if they won't work.

  • The linux builds only support Ubuntu 20.04 or later due to the glibc dependencies.
    Build the executable by yourself if you want to use it on other linux distros.


10 Jun 06:16
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  • Changed license to GPL.
  • Added options for exit code.
  • Added predefined ids for "%" and the executable directory.
  • Fixed an error when the current directory is not the same as the executable directory.
  • URLs and file paths will be checked before opening.
  • Optimized for size. (The binary size became under 1MB.)
    • Removed unnecessary codes from wxWidgets.
    • Applied some optimizaion options.
    • Applied UPX to compress executables.


  • *-packed.* are the 1MB executables that were compressed by UPX.
    But they might cause some problems (e.g. false positives by anti-viruses) on your machine.
    Use the uncompressed ones if they won't work.

  • The linux builds only support Ubuntu 20.04 or later due to the glibc dependencies.
    Build the executable by yourself if you want to use it on other linux distros.

Known issues

  • "%%" won't escape the "%" symbol.


07 May 15:55
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  • Added number pickers to GUI components.
  • Fixed a bug that it can't open files on macOS.
  • Error messages became more detailed when failed to parse json files.
  • Refined codes.


08 Apr 11:45
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New features

Other changes

  • Fixed a bug that error dialog can't show non-ascii characters.
  • Updated wxWidgets to v3.2.2
  • Removed more codes from wxWidgets to reduce the binary size.
  • Refined codes.


04 Mar 12:12
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Updates for bugfix and optimization.
There is no change in usage.


  • Fixed errors when using non-ascii characters in labels.
  • Fixed an error when a command requires more components for arguments.
  • Fixed some examples that will raise the command error.
  • Fixed an error when executing the default command.
  • Used hash instead of label in gui_config.json
  • Removed unnecessary codes from wxWidgets to reduce the binary size.


28 Jan 14:23
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  • Added id option for components.
    (It'll be used as a variable name for commands and gui_config.json)
  • Improved json validator


08 Oct 16:06
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  • Introduced wxBoxSizer to align components automatically.
  • Added "default" option to all components.
  • Fixed a bug that non-ascii characters won't be shown up as "empty_message." (Windows)
  • Fixed a bug that LogFrame can't catch non-ascii characters from std::cout. (Linux)
  • Fixed an error when executing non-ascii commands. (Unix)
  • Fixed an error when saving non-ascii characters for text box.

The Linux build only works on Ubuntu 20.04 or later.