This file contains all changelogs from before this fork was made. For an up-to-date changelog please look here:
Bolded styling surrounded by emojis indicates a breaking change.
- Fixed bug where Autocomplete did not open properly in certain cases with keyboard focus
- Fix noWrap option bug
- Now correctly removes all event listeners on destroy
- Destroy now removed wrapper element added during initialization
- Fixed bug on IE11 where class was not removed properly
- No longer triggers onchange event when selecting the same option
- Destroy now reenables body scrolling if Sidenav was destroyed while it was open
- Tab indicator no longer displays improperly when a scrollbar is present in the element
- Added open and close methods
- Fixed bug where Autocomplete would close on click
- Added autoClose option
- Fixed issue with focus with nested modals
- Removed
class on option elements - Fixed bug where
class was not properly removed on option elements
- Removed
- Destroy method now correctly removes style property
Text Input
- Fixed bug where autofill on chrome overlapped text input
- Fixed bug where Toast did not respect inDuration option
- Fixed tooltip positioning bug in certain scenarios when html height was less than screen height
- Fixed bug where tooltip stayed open on click
- Now uses dropdown
- Added numVisible option
- Added keyboard support
- Fixed scrolling dropdown bug on touch devices
Javascript Initialization
- Added AutoInit function
- Focus now stays within open modal
- Standardized action buttons to match those on android
- Added support for date and time input types
- fromnow renamed to fromNow
- Dropdown scrolls to selected option
- Now detects vertical scrolling
- Fixed tab preselection on swipeable tabs
- Reverted name change from FeatureDiscovery
- Added keyboard support
- Fixed display issue when used in a table
- Fixed autocomplete initialization
- Added hide and show classes for extra large breakpoint
- Added small buttons
- Fixed input helper text alignment when using prefix
Date Picker
- Fixed month and year select overflow issues
- Added additional date formatting options
- Added container option
- Dropdown on mobile now correctly selects the right item
- Dropdown now closes correctly on iOS devices
- Fixed error with photo caption
- Fixed issues caused by width and height attributes
- Fixed issues caused by max-width and max-height
- Improved support for nested modals
- Fixed infinite loop bug
- Renamed plugin class to
- Renamed jQuery plugin to
- Renamed plugin class to
- Fixed issues with draggable option when used with fixed sidenav
Time Picker
- Changed i18n options to be more consistent with date picker
- Fixed error with auto close option
Initialization code for all components changed. E.g. Change
new M.Tooltip(el, options)
toM.Tooltip.init(el, options)
- This was done so that the same initialization code can be used to initialize single Elements as well as NodeLists and jQuery element objects
Added in onOpen and OnClose callbacks for appropriate plugins
- Destroy function added
Feature Discovery
- Added open and close callbacks
- Added open and close callbacks
- Added open and close callbacks for consistency
- Removed ready and complete callbacks
- Has responsiveThreshold option
- Destroy function added
- added onPositionChange callback
- Fixed and standardized chips callback parameters
- Fixed date format option
- Scrollbar no longer unnecessarily appears when using datepicker
- Fixed bug where using month and year selectors didn't change date
- Removed automatic focus highlight on open
- Fixed error where text was cut off on Firefox
- Fixed error with pure JavaScript initialization
- Fixed error where a tab with no content would break tabs
- Fixed error with twelveHour options
Replaced velocity.js with anime.js
- rewritten with classes
- Plugin is initialized on
instead of.dropdown-button
- Renamed classes
- Renamed option
- Added callbacks onOpenStart, onOpenEnd, onCloseStart, onCloseEnd
- Removed HTML attribute options
- Removed stopPropagation option
- Reworked animation
- rewritten with classes
- added duration option
- now requires plugin initialization
- tabs 'select_tab' method renamed to 'select'
- rewritten with classes
- changed events to callbacks
- Added limit chips option
- rewritten with classes
- Added updateData method
- Added sortFunction option
Feature Discovery
- rewritten with classes
- Plugin renamed from 'tapTarget' to 'featureDiscovery'
- Added new helper text element
- Moved validation messages 'data-error' and 'data-success' to Helper Text
- Renamed to Timepicker
- Now opens on enter or click instead of focus
- Added open animation
- Reworked and simplified Timepicker HTML structure
- Renamed internal classes to reflect Timpicker namechange and structure rework
Floating Action Button
- Converted to plugin
- Added direction option
- Added toolbar transition option
- Fixed bug where modal triggers could not contain child elements
- Fixed bug with right alignment option for dropdown
- Allow select native browser validation error messages
- Added fix for validation messages being mispositioned when input is empty
- ✨ Rewrote Modal Plugin ✨
- Modal open no longer initializes plugin
- Fixed bug where modal open did not use initialized options
- Modal-trigger class required for modal trigger elements
- ✨ Rewrote Toast Plugin ✨
- Added class method to dismiss all toasts
- Added instance method to remove specific toasts
- Validation styling support added for many form components
- Added ability to remove autocompelete data
- Fixed waves persisting bug
- Waves no longer throws error on svg elements
- Fixed side nav callback bugs
- Tab accessibility for date picker
- Added container option for time picker
- Fixed carousel image loading bug
- Full width carousel now resizes height on resize
- Added carousel destroy
- Fixed multiple bugs with jQuery outerWidth on Linux
- Fixed cursor blinking on select on iOS
- Fixed search form styling in navbar
- Fixed label animation on date picker
- Added close on select option for date picker
- Browser errors now show up on radio buttons and checkboxes
- Added support for jQuery 3
- Fixed dynamic textarea resize bug
- Added support for custom active elements in scrollspy
- Added Time Picker
- Updated styling for Date Picker
- Added callbacks to side nav
- Updated styling for switches
- 🙅 Autocomplete: renamed and moved options to
🙅 - Fixed collapsible preselect bug
- Fixed dropdown event bubbling bug
- Fixed range position inaccuracies
- Fixed feature discovery mobile styles
- Fixed carousel reinitialize bugs
- Fixed grid offset bug
- Fixed various select bugs on mobile devices
- Fixed small sidenav overlay bugs
- Fixed carousel resizing bug
- Fixed materialbox callback bug
- Range slider supports keyboard navigation
- Added XL breakpoint
- Added Pulse CSS effect
- Added Feature Discovery component
- 🙅 Standardized plugin option naming to camelcase (please check your plugin calls to make sure all the options are camelcase) 🙅
- Added FABs in image cards
- Added swipeable tabs
- Fixed carousel misalignment when switching quickly
- Fixed carousel resize bug where slide widths wouldn't change when changing window size
- Improved tabs compatibility with cards
- Fixed bug where using backspace to delete chips would navigate back in certain browsers
- Added autocomplete integration with chips
- Upgraded noUiSlider to version 9 with support for vertical sliders
- Refactored Modal plugin
- Tabs now supported in navbar
- Chips data can now be reinitiailized
- Minor side nav fixes
- FAB to toolbar component added
- Fixed dropdown options bug
- Basic horizontal cards
- Carousel bug fixes and new features
- Updated sidenav styles and new component
- Meteor package now supports Sass
- Autocomplete form component
- Chips jQuery plugin
- Removed deprecated material icons from project
- Changed /font directory to /fonts
- Datepicker and ScrollSpy now compatible with jQuery 2.2.x
- Responsive tables now work with empty cells
- Added focus states to checkboxes, switches, and radio buttons
- Sidenav and Modals no longer cause flicker with scrollbar
- Materialbox overflow and z-index issues fixed
- Added new option for Card actions within a Card reveal
- Fixed Meteor package crash
- Added Jasmine testing with Travis CI
- Select bugfixes
- Grid Offset bugfix
- Dropdown overflow bugfix
- Range slider error bugfix
- Meteor font issues fixed
- Select rendering issue fixed
- Added Push and Pull to grid
- Dynamic accordion appends fixed
- Image support inside select
- Optgroup supported in select
- Multiple select added
- Card styling fixes
- Breadcrumbs added
- Scrollable tabs
- Tooltips and dropdowns position themselves more intelligently inside the window
- FAB menu is click-toggleable
- Horizontal FAB support added
- Added new range slider with uses noUiSlider to provide powerful options
- Added CSS for Chips
- Toasts support adding of html elements
- Fixed select destroy/creation bug
- Bugfixes for dropdown, badges, collections, scrollfire
- Added default preloader color variable
- File input now supports multiple files and dynamically loaded elements
- Documentation changed to use Official Google Icon web font
- Input errors added
- Flicker on Firefox on dropdowns fixed
- Pagination made more responsive
- Modal now prevents scrolling
- Modal animation added
- Support for multiple modals added
- Programmatic control of FAB to open/close added
- Programmatic control of slider to play/pause added
- Plus many more bug fixes
- Toasts, transitions, scrollfire added under Materialize namespace
- Dropdown is now created as a child of its parent
- Collapsibles supports nesting
- Modal Bottom Sheet added
- Indeterminate Checkboxes added
- New Checkbox Style added
- Text Inputs supports placeholder/readonly
- Google Inbox-like Collapsible added
- Text Character Counter added
- Waves no longer breaks on SVGs
- Parallax image loading / responsiveness fixes
- Date picker supports month/year as dropdown
- Dismissable collection items
- Avatar collection items
- Pagination Added
- ScrollFire fixes
- Switches added
- Transition animation functions added
- ScrollFire Plugin added (fires functions dependent on scroll position)
- Responsive Video tag added
- Custom File Input Button added
- Modals has a fixed footer option
- Sidenav implementation changed (needs 2 UL menus)
- Slider Responsive Fixes
- Sidenav Fixes
- Dropdown alignment/gutter options added
- Parallax fixes
- JavaScript Initialization no longer needed for many components
- HTML options through data-attributes
- Site colors can be defined through Primary and Secondary color in Sass
- Tables no longer resonsive by default
- Drag Out Menu fixed with Touch Interactions
- Toasts minor bugfix
- OL element has default styling
- Fullscreen Slider added
- Footer requires page-footer class
- Progress Bars added
- Form autofill support added
- Responsive Tables support added
- Scrollspy Plugin released
- Waves events are now delegated / behavior enhanced
- Sidenav supports right edge positioning
- Responsive Embeds
- Image Vertical align classes
- border-box added
- Variable file created
- Pushpin added
- Tooltips support all directions
- Layout helper classes added
- Materialbox Fixes
- Form Element Enhancements
- Navbar supports search bar
- Waves fixes
- Materialbox Captions
- Image Slider Fixes
- Flexbox Sticky Footer removed due to IE incompatibility
- Card Reveal
- Image Slider
- Dynamically loaded forms work correctly
- Badges added
- Circular Image
- Waves Fixes
- Footer Added
- Toast support Custom HTML
- Modals support programmatic opening/closing
- Responsive Image support
- Bower semver fix
- Added new radio button style
- Clicking icon in dropdown in navbar no longer closes dropdown immediately
- Multiple select inputs now work properly
- Mobile navbar no longer extends past screen width
- Parallax improved
- Modal restructured / can be opened programmatically
- Callbacks added to modals
- Added dist folder to repo
- Cards restructured
- bug fixes to forms
- added waves color classes
- toast thickened to look better on mobile
- many other bug fixes
- Touch interactions added
- tons more...