Example application to connect Neo4j to Facebook using the Neography Gem.
- You will need to get a Facebook Consumer Key and Secret on https://developers.facebook.com/apps
- Select the "user_likes", "user_location", "friend_likes", "friend_location" permissions.
- You will need Neo4j in order for your database.
- You will need Redis in order to use Sidekiq for background jobs.
git clone git@github.com:maxdemarzi/neosocial.git
bundle install
sudo apt-get install redis-server or brew install redis
rake neo4j:install['enterprise','1.8.M07']
rake neo4j:start
export SESSION_SECRET=<your session secret>
export FACEBOOK_APP_ID=<your facebook app id>
export FACEBOOK_SECRET=<your facebook secret>
export REDISTOGO_URL="redis://"
foreman start
git clone git@github.com:maxdemarzi/neosocial.git
heroku apps:create neosocial
heroku config:add SESSION_SECRET=<your session secret>
heroku config:add FACEBOOK_APP_ID=<your facebook app id>
heroku config:add FACEBOOK_SECRET=<your facebook secret>
heroku addons:add neo4j
heroku addons:add redistogo
git push heroku master
heroku ps:scale worker=1
See it running live at http://neosocial.heroku.com