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350 lines (233 loc) · 7.22 KB

UVM Subsystems and System Calls

This file was automatically generated from api/syscalls.json.

The host APIs exposed to programs running on UVM are organized into multiple subsystems described in this document. Each subsystem includes a number of system calls (syscalls). Arguments to syscalls are pushed on the stack in order. Each syscall has fixed arity, that is, the number of input arguments is fixed, and can output either 0 or 1 value on the stack. The syscalls with a void return type do not output anything.


Core functionality provided by the VM that isn't related to any kind of I/O.


void memset(u8* dst, u8 value, u64 num_bytes)

Fill a block of bytes in the heap with a given value.


void memset32(u32* dst, u32 word, u64 num_words)

Fill a region of memory with 32-bit values. This is useful for some graphics operations.


void memcpy(u8* dst, const u8* src, u64 num_bytes)

Copy a block of memory in the heap from a source address to a destination address.


i32 memcmp(const u8* p_a, const u8* p_b, u64 num_bytes)

Returns: i32 result

Compare two sequences of bytes. Returns 0 if equal, -1 if the first mismatching byte has a lower value in p_a, 1 if greater.


u64 vm_heap_size()

Returns: u64 num_bytes

Report the current heap size in bytes.


u64 vm_resize_heap(u64 num_bytes)

Returns: u64 new_size

Resize the heap to a new size given in bytes. This is similar to the brk() system call on POSIX systems. Note that the heap may be resized to a size larger than requested. The heap size is guaranteed to be a multiple of 8 bytes. Returns the new heap size in bytes if successful, or UINT64_MAX on failure.


Stream I/O functionality.


void print_i64(i64 val)

Print an i64 value to standard output.


void print_f32(f32 val)

Print an f32 value to standard output.


void print_str(const char* str)

Print a string to standard output.


void print_endl()

Print a newline to standard output.


i32 putchar(i32 char)

Returns: i32 char

Write one byte to standard output. This is a blocking function. The value -1 is returned on end of file or error. Otherwise the byte written is returned.


i32 getchar()

Returns: i32 val

Read one byte from standard input. This is a blocking function. The value -1 is returned on end of file or error.


Date, time and timing related system calls.


u64 time_current_ms()

Returns: u64 timestamp

Get the UNIX time stamp in milliseconds.


void time_delay_cb(u64 delay_ms, void* callback)

Schedule a callback to be called once after a given delay.


Functionality related to creating windows, drawing graphics, as well as mouse and keyboard input.


u32 window_create(u32 width, u32 height, const char* title, u64 flags)

Returns: u32 window_id

Create a new window with a frame buffer to draw into. The window is initially hidden when created, and will appear as soon as the first frame of image data is drawn.


void window_draw_frame(u32 window_id, const u8* pixel_data)

Copy a frame of pixels to be displayed into the window. The frame must have the same width and height as the window. The pixel format is 32 bits per pixel in BGRA byte order, with 8 bits for each component and the B byte at the lowest address.


void window_on_mousemove(u32 window_id, void* callback)

Register a callback for mouse movement. Mouse x/y coordinates are relative to the top-left corner of the window and may be negative if outside of the window.


void window_on_mousedown(u32 window_id, void* callback)

Register a callback for mouse button press events.


void window_on_mouseup(u32 window_id, void* callback)

Register a callback for mouse button release events.


void window_on_keydown(u32 window_id, void* callback)

Register a callback for key press event.


void window_on_keyup(u32 window_id, void* callback)

Register a callback for key release event.


void window_on_textinput(u32 window_id, void* callback)

Register a callback to receive text input. The text is encoded as UTF-8 and the callback is called for each byte input.


These are the constants associated with the window subsystem:

  • u16 KEY_BACKSPACE = 8
  • u16 KEY_TAB = 9
  • u16 KEY_RETURN = 10
  • u16 KEY_ESCAPE = 27
  • u16 KEY_SPACE = 32
  • u16 KEY_COMMA = 44
  • u16 KEY_PERIOD = 46
  • u16 KEY_SLASH = 47
  • u16 KEY_NUM0 = 48
  • u16 KEY_NUM1 = 49
  • u16 KEY_NUM2 = 50
  • u16 KEY_NUM3 = 51
  • u16 KEY_NUM4 = 52
  • u16 KEY_NUM5 = 53
  • u16 KEY_NUM6 = 54
  • u16 KEY_NUM7 = 55
  • u16 KEY_NUM8 = 56
  • u16 KEY_NUM9 = 57
  • u16 KEY_COLON = 58
  • u16 KEY_SEMICOLON = 59
  • u16 KEY_EQUALS = 61
  • u16 KEY_QUESTION = 63
  • u16 KEY_A = 65
  • u16 KEY_B = 66
  • u16 KEY_C = 67
  • u16 KEY_D = 68
  • u16 KEY_E = 69
  • u16 KEY_F = 70
  • u16 KEY_G = 71
  • u16 KEY_H = 72
  • u16 KEY_I = 73
  • u16 KEY_J = 74
  • u16 KEY_K = 75
  • u16 KEY_L = 76
  • u16 KEY_M = 77
  • u16 KEY_N = 78
  • u16 KEY_O = 79
  • u16 KEY_P = 80
  • u16 KEY_Q = 81
  • u16 KEY_R = 82
  • u16 KEY_S = 83
  • u16 KEY_T = 84
  • u16 KEY_U = 85
  • u16 KEY_V = 86
  • u16 KEY_W = 87
  • u16 KEY_X = 88
  • u16 KEY_Y = 89
  • u16 KEY_Z = 90
  • u16 KEY_LEFT = 16001
  • u16 KEY_RIGHT = 16002
  • u16 KEY_UP = 16003
  • u16 KEY_DOWN = 16004
  • u16 KEY_SHIFT = 16005


Audio input and output.


u32 audio_open_output(u32 sample_rate, u16 num_channels, u16 format, void* callback)

Returns: u32 device_id

Open an audio output device.


These are the constants associated with the audio subsystem:

  • u16 AUDIO_FORMAT_I16 = 0


Network-related functionality.


u64 net_listen(const char* listen_addr, void* on_new_conn)

Returns: u64 socket_id

Open a listening TCP socket to accept incoming connections. A callback function is called when a new connection request is received.


u64 net_accept(u64 socket_id, char* client_addr_buf, u64 addr_buf_len, void* on_incoming_data)

Returns: u64 socket_id

Accept an incoming connection and creates a new socket. A callback function is called when incoming data is received on the new socket.


u64 net_read(u64 socket_id, u8* buf_ptr, u64 buf_len)

Returns: u64 num_bytes

Read data from a socket into a buffer with specified capacity. Data can only be read if available.


u64 net_write(u64 socket_id, const u8* buf_ptr, u64 buf_len)

Returns: u64 num_bytes

Write data to an open socket. This function will attempt to write the entire buffer and may block if the output buffer is full.


void net_close(u64 socket_id)

Close an open socket.


File I/O and filesystem-related functionality. This subsystem is separated out from the general-purpose io subsystem for security reasons.