RetroProgressBar is a customizable progress bar UIView, designed to mimic the classic aesthetics of early iOS and Mac OS X versions. It offers a bubble-like, skeuomorphic appearance, providing a nostalgic feel to your app's user interface.
- Progress Bar Color: Customize the color of the progress bar.
- Corner Radius: Adjust the corner radius of the progress bar.
- Border Width: Define the width of the progress bar's border.
- Border Gradient Colors: Set multiple colors for the progress bar border, creating a gradient effect.
- iOS 12.0+
- Swift 5.0+
RetroProgressBar is available through CocoaPods:
pod 'RetroProgressBar'
Create an instance of RetroProgressBar. You can add it to your view hierarchy as you would with any UIView.
let progressBar = RetroProgressBar()
progressBar.progressColor = UIColor.systemBlue
progressBar.cornerRadius = 5.0
progressBar.borderWidth = 2.0
progressBar.borderColors = [UIColor.white, UIColor.gray]
Set value without animation
This sets the progress bar to 50%.
Set Value with Animation
progressBar.setValueWithAnimation(0.75, duration: 1.0, animationType: .easeInEaseOut) {
print("Animation Completed")
This animates the progress bar to 75% over 1 second with an ease-in-ease-out animation curve.
Contributions are welcome! Please refer to the project's style and contribution guidelines for submitting patches and additions. Issues and pull requests are actively monitored and responded to.