There is currently a 2.0 branch in development. If you have a feature request feel free to submit an enhancement and we'll try and get it added to the 2.0 branch.
HUC is a simple to use open source command line tool for performing various tasks. It is a self contained executable built on DotNet 5 and has builds available for Windows, Mac, and Linux
Get list of commands
Get list of parameters for a command
huc Sql help
huc FtpPut help
huc Table help
huc <command> help
- Microsoft SQL / MySQL / Oracle
- Windows Task Scheduler Management
- File Operations
- Directory Operations
- Web Server
- Active Directory
- Google Sheets
- VMware
- Generation of Public and Private Keys
- Using a Properties File
- Helper Utility Functions
- Logging
Send an email
huc email -h="" -from="" -to="" -s="Grandpa Birthday" -b="Tell Grandpa/nHAPPY BIRTHDAY!"
Send an email with CC and BCC and attachments
huc email -h="" -to=";" -cc="" -bcc="" -s="Some subject text" -b="Some text for body" myAttachedFile1.csv myAttachedFile2.txt
Send an email with text templating
huc email -h="" -to="" -t1="Sandy" -t2="some other text" -s="Email for {t1}" -b="Hi {t1},\nHere is your {t2}"
Convert tab delimited file to csv delimited file using defaults
cp Orders.txt Orders.csv
huc table Orders.csv
Convert tab delimited file to csv delimited file using specific delimiters and excluding the header row
cp Orders.txt Orders.csv
huc table -hd=pipe -hq=single -he=true -dd=pipe -dq=single -de=false Orders.csv
Convert tab delimited file to HTML table using defaults
cp Orders.txt Orders.html
huc tablehtml Orders.html
Convert tab delimited file to HTML table embeddeding a custom CSS file and Javascript file
cp Orders.txt Orders.html
huc tablehtml -css=MyStyleSheet.css -js=MyJavascriptFile.js Orders.html
Convert tab delimited file to XML
cp Orders.txt Orders.xml
huc tablexml Orders.xml
Convert tab delimited file to JSON
cp Orders.txt Orders.json
huc tablejson Orders.json
Convert tab delimited file to fixed width file
huc tableFixedWidth Orders.txt 10 20 15 9 6 0 4 200
List files in default directory
huc ftplist -h= -u=testuser -p=testpass
huc ftplist -e=explicit -h= -u=testuser -p=testpass
huc ftplist -e=implicit -h= -u=testuser -p=testpass
huc ftplist -e=ssh -h= -u=testuser -p=testpass
Recursively list files in /home/user directory
huc ftplist -h= -u=testuser -p=testpass -r "/home/user"
huc ftplist -e=explicit -h= -u=testuser -p=testpass -r "/home/user"
huc ftplist -e=implicit -h= -u=testuser -p=testpass -r "/home/user"
huc ftplist -e=ssh -h= -u=testuser -p=testpass -r "/home/user"
Get a file from a FTP/FTPS/SFTP server
huc ftpget -h= -u=testuser -p=testpass remotefile.txt
huc ftpget -e=explicit -h= -u=testuser -p=testpass remotefile.txt
huc ftpget -e=implicit -h= -u=testuser -p=testpass remotefile.txt
huc ftpget -e=ssh -h= -u=testuser -p=testpass remotefile.txt
Put a file on a FTP/FTPS/SFTP server
huc ftpput -h= -u=testuser -p=testpass localfile.txt
huc ftpput -e=explicit -h= -u=testuser -p=testpass localfile.txt
huc ftpput -e=implicit -h= -u=testuser -p=testpass localfile.txt
huc ftpput -e=ssh -h= -u=testuser -p=testpass localfile.txt
Query Microsoft SQL server and output tab delimited data file
huc sql -c="Server=;Database=NorthWind;User Id=testuser;Password=testpass;" -s="SELECT TOP 100 * FROM Orders" Orders100.txt
Query Microsoft SQL server and output multiple tab delimited data files from multiple result sets
huc sql -c="Server=;Database=NorthWind;User Id=testuser;Password=testpass;" -s="SELECT * FROM Orders; SELECT * FROM Employees" Orders.txt Employees.txt
Query Microsoft SQL server with SQL script file and output tab delimited data file
printf "SELECT TOP 100 *\nFROM Orders" > mssqlscript.sql
huc sql -c="Server=;Database=NorthWind;User Id=testuser;Password=testpass;" -f="mssqlscript.sql" OrdersFromScript.txt
Upload tab delimited file into a SQL server table
huc sqlload -c="Server=;Database=NorthWind;User Id=testuser;Password=testpass;" -d=NorthWind -s=dbo -t=TempOrders Orders.txt
Upload tab delimited file into a SQL server table and include the file row number and a time stamp, dropping the table if it exists already
huc sqlload -c="Server=;Database=NorthWind;User Id=testuser;Password=testpass;" -drop -rowNumberColumnName=RowNumber -currentUtcDateTimeColumnName=UploadTime -d=NorthWind -s=dbo -t=TempOrders Orders.txt
Zipping a file
huc zip someLocalFile.txt
Zipping multiple files
huc zip *.txt *.csv
List all tasks on scheduler
huc WindowsTaskSchedulerList -h="localhost" -u="administrator" -p="password" ALL
List a specific task MyTask on scheduler with details
huc WindowsTaskSchedulerList -h="localhost" -u="administrator" -p="password" -d /myTaskFolder/MyTask
Create a Windows Task Scheduler job to run every day at 4:15am
huc WindowsTaskSchedulerAdd -h="localhost" -u="administrator" -p="password" -taskUsername="system" -tw="c:\temp" -t1="DAILY 04:15" -tn="MyTask" "C:\temp\RunMe.bat"
Create a Windows Task Scheduler job to run every hour at 35 minutes after the hour
huc WindowsTaskSchedulerAdd -h="localhost" -u="administrator" -p="password" -taskUsername="system" -tw="c:\temp" -t1="HOURLY 35" -tn="MyTask" "C:\temp\RunMe.bat"
Create a Windows Task Scheduler job to run Monday and Wednesday at 7:12pm
huc WindowsTaskSchedulerAdd -h="localhost" -u="administrator" -p="password" -taskUsername="system" -tw="c:\temp" -t1="MONDAY 19:12" -t2="WEDNESDAY 19:12" -tn="MyTask" "C:\temp\RunMe.bat"
Delete a Windows Task Scheduler job
huc WindowsTaskSchedulerRemove -h="localhost" -u="administrator" -p="password" MyTask
Replace all instances of Person with Steve in the file mydoc.txt
huc FileReplaceString "Person" "Steve" mydoc.txt
Append files file1.txt and file2.txt to mainfile.txt
huc FileAppend mainfile.txt file1.txt file2.txt
Split a file on the new line character into 3 other files
huc FileSplit Orders.txt Orders1.txt Orders2.txt Orders3.txt
Generate MD5 checksum for file
huc FileChecksum
Generate SHA512 checksum for files *.txt
huc FileChecksum -t=SHA512 *.txt
Encrypt file with password
huc FileEncrypt -p=password data.txt data.encrypted
Decrypt file with password
huc FileDecrypt -p=password data.encrypted dataDecrypted.txt
Encrypt file with public key
huc FileEncrypt -pk=MyPublicKey.txt data.txt data.encrypted
Decrypt file with private key
huc FileDecrypt -pk=MyPrivateKey.txt data.encrypted dataDecrypted.txt
Generate file with random data
huc GenerateRandomFile testdata.txt
huc GenerateRandomFile -l=1000000 testdata1.txt testdata2.txt testdata3.txt
List some file and directory information to a tab delimited file
huc DirectoryList -creationTime -lastAccessTimeUtc -lastWriteTime -n -nf -p -s -recursiveDepth=10 -pattern=*.cs C:\temp\MyDirectory mydatafile.txt
Get the size of a directory
huc DirectorySize C:\temp\MyDirectory
Move all files in all subdirectories of target directory into the target directory, but don't overwrite if the file already exists
huc DirectoryFlatten C:\temp\MyDirectory
Move all files in all subdirectories of target directory into the target directory, and keep the newest file
huc DirectoryFlatten -c=KeepNewest C:\temp\MyDirectory
Deletes empty subdirectories recursively
huc DirectoryRemoveEmpty C:\temp\MyDirectory
Start webserver and host files out of the current directory
huc WebServer .
Start webserver on port 80 and host files out of c:\www directory
huc WebServer -o=80 c:\www
Start webserver on port 80 and host files out of c:\www directory and require a username and password
huc WebServer -o=80 -u=user -p=testpass c:\www
Issue LS command
huc SSH -h= -u=testuser -p=testpass "ls"
Change directory and issue LS command with options
huc SSH -h= -u=testuser -p=testpass "cd someDirectory; ls -la;"
List all objects and their attributes to a tab delimited file
huc ActiveDirectoryList -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass adlist.txt
List various object types
huc ActiveDirectoryListObjects -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass ?teve*
huc ActiveDirectoryListUsers -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass
huc ActiveDirectoryListGroups -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass Group*
huc ActiveDirectoryListComputers -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass
List various object types and display specific LDAP fields
huc ActiveDirectoryListObjects -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass -pi=*Name
huc ActiveDirectoryListUsers -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass -pi=DistinguishedName,OganizationalUnit,ObjectName,ObjectGuid ?teve*
huc ActiveDirectoryListGroups -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass -pi=*Name,Object*
huc ActiveDirectoryListComputers -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass -pi=* MyComputer?
List additional details for an Active Directory object
huc ActiveDirectoryListObjectDetails -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass Administrator
huc ActiveDirectoryListObjectDetails -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass Users
huc ActiveDirectoryListObjectDetails -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass ?teve*
Change a user's password (note: requires LDAPS certificate to be installed on AD server or running HUC on the AD server itself)
huc ActiveDirectoryChangePassword -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass testuser newpassword
Add User
huc ActiveDirectoryAddUser -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass testuser
huc ActiveDirectoryAddUser -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass -firstname="steve" -lastname="foster" testuser
Add Group
huc ActiveDirectoryAddGroup -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass testgroup
huc ActiveDirectoryAddGroup -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass -gt=GlobalSecurityGroup testgroup
Delete User
huc ActiveDirectoryRemoveUser -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass testuser
Delete Group
huc ActiveDirectoryRemoveGroup -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass testgroup
Move User
huc ActiveDirectoryMoveUser -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass testuser MyNewOU
Move Group
huc ActiveDirectoryMoveGroup -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass testgroup MyNewOU
Add user to group
huc ActiveDirectoryAddUserToGroup -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass testuser MyGroup1 SomeOtherGroup
Remove user from group
huc ActiveDirectoryRemoveUserFromGroup -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass testuser MyGroup1
Enable user
huc ActiveDirectoryEnableUser -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass testuser
Disable user
huc ActiveDirectoryDisableUser -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass testuser
Disable users who have not logged on in the past 7 days
huc ActiveDirectoryDisableUsers -h= -u=administrator -p=testpass -l=7
For setting up the Google account see...
Clear all data from a Google Sheet tab named Sheet1 (sheet ID is in the URL)
huc GoogleSheetsClear -k="MyGoogleAppKey.json" -a="MyApplicationName" -id="dkjfsd328sdfuhscbjcds8hfjndsfdsfdsfe" -s="Sheet1"
Clear all data from the first Google Sheet tab
huc GoogleSheetsClear -k="MyGoogleAppKey.json" -a="MyApplicationName" -id="dkjfsd328sdfuhscbjcds8hfjndsfdsfdsfe"
Clear the first sheet tab and upload Orders.txt tab delimited file to it
huc GoogleSheetsLoad -k="MyGoogleAppKey.json" -a="MyApplicationName" -id="dkjfsd328sdfuhscbjcds8hfjndsfdsfdsfe" Orders.txt
Add a row to first sheet with the values "AA", blank, "CC"
huc GoogleSheetsAddRow -k="MyGoogleAppKey.json" -a="MyApplicationName" -id="dkjfsd328sdfuhscbjcds8hfjndsfdsfdsfe" AA null CC
Make the first row of data have red text, blue background, and bold
huc GoogleSheetsFormatCells -k="MyGoogleAppKey.json" -a="MyApplicationName" -id="dkjfsd328sdfuhscbjcds8hfjndsfdsfdsfe" -width=100 -b -fc=Red -bc=Blue
Query all data from first sheet and output it to a tab delimited file MyFile.txt
huc GoogleSheetsQuery -k="MyGoogleAppKey.json" -a="MyApplicationName" -id="dkjfsd328sdfuhscbjcds8hfjndsfdsfdsfe" MyFile.txt
Generate RSA public and private key files
huc GenerateKeyPair MyPublicKey.txt MyPrivateKey.txt
Generate RSA public and private key files with RSA length 4096
huc GenerateKeyPair -l=4096 MyPublicKey.txt MyPrivateKey.txt
Query various information in a VCenter 6.7+ infrastructure
huc VMwareList -h= -u=testuser@vsphere.local -p=mypass DataCenter VM StoragePolicy
huc VMwareList -h= -u=testuser@vsphere.local -p=mypass VM_Quick
huc VMwareList -h= -u=testuser@vsphere.local -p=mypass VM_WithoutTools
huc VMwareList -h= -u=testuser@vsphere.local -p=mypass VM_PoweredOff
huc VMwareList -h= -u=testuser@vsphere.local -p=mypass VM_IsoAttached
Query raw JSON data from VCenter 6.7+ infrastructure
huc VMwareQuery -h= -u=testuser@vsphere.local -p=mypass /rest/vcenter/host
huc VMwareQuery -h= -u=testuser@vsphere.local -p=mypass /rest/vcenter/vm
huc VMwareQuery -h= -u=testuser@vsphere.local -p=mypass /rest/vcenter/vm/vm-1692
Query all infrastructure data to a JSON file
huc VMwareQueryJSON -h= -u=testuser@vsphere.local -p=mypass MyDataFile.json
Perform various actions on a VM
huc VMwareVM -h= -u=testuser@vsphere.local -p=mypass MyVM None
huc VMwareVM -h= -u=testuser@vsphere.local -p=mypass MyVM Shutdown
huc VMwareVM -h= -u=testuser@vsphere.local -p=mypass MyVM Reboot
huc VMwareVM -h= -u=testuser@vsphere.local -p=mypass MyVM Standby
huc VMwareVM -h= -u=testuser@vsphere.local -p=mypass MyVM Reset
huc VMwareVM -h= -u=testuser@vsphere.local -p=mypass MyVM Start
huc VMwareVM -h= -u=testuser@vsphere.local -p=mypass MyVM Stop
huc VMwareVM -h= -u=testuser@vsphere.local -p=mypass MyVM Suspend
huc VMwareVM -h= -u=testuser@vsphere.local -p=mypass MyVM DetachISOs
Query SQL server, convert the data, sftp it, zip it, then email the data
huc sql -c="Server=;Database=NorthWind;User Id=testuser;Password=testpass;" -s="SELECT * FROM Orders" orders.csv
huc table -hd=comma -hq=none -dd=comma -dq=none orders.csv
huc ftpput -e=ssh -h= -u=testuser -p=testpass orders.csv
huc zip "*.csv"
huc email -h="" -from="" -to="" -s="Orders data" -b="Attached is the order data" "*.zip"
When huc first runs, it attempts to generate a file in the directory of the executable. This file contains all of the parameters for each command. You can populate this file with certain properties so you don't have to type them in every time. The huc program will first check if a parameter was supplied at the command line. If not, if will then check the properties file (commandline overrides properties file). If still not found it will attempt to use a default value for some parameters (not all, some are required to be provided).
So assuming a properties file of...
sql.connectionString=Server=;Database=NorthWind;User Id=testuser;Password=testpass;
The commands now become...
huc sql -s="SELECT * FROM Orders" orders.csv
huc table orders.csv
huc ftpput orders.csv
huc zip "*.csv"
huc email -to="" -s="Orders data" -b="Attached is the order data" "*.zip"
Show current properties set in the properties file
huc ShowProperties
Show all available properties
huc ShowProperties -a
Convert Binary file to Base16
huc ConvertBinaryToBase16 myinputfile.txt myoutputfile.txt
Convert Binary file to Base64
huc ConvertBinaryToBase64 myinputfile.txt myoutputfile.txt
Get a web file
huc wget
Get a web page
huc wget github.txt
Show internet time
huc time
Show drift of local clock compared to internet time
huc time -d
Show all of the colors available for commands that take a color parameter
huc colors
Show details for a specific color
huc colors red
Test JSAS service
huc jsas MyPassword MyData
huc jsas MyPassword MyData NewFile.txt
Encrypt Password to use in file
huc EncodePassword mySecretPassword
HUC supports various logging. At the console level HUC supports INFO
, and TRACE
logging levels. By default the logging level is INFO
. To enable DEBUG
level logging at the console, specify the -debug
parameter at the command line. To enable TRACE
level logging, specify the -trace
parameter at the command line.
HUC also supports logging to a file. To enable file logging, use the parameters Log.FileLevel
and Log.FileName
in the
file to specify the log level (CRITICAL
) and the filename of the file to write out to.