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Problems Solved Language: Golang Language: Rust Language: Bash

LeetCode Algorithm

# Title Solution Difficulty Topics
1 Two Sum Go 🟢 Array, Hash Table
2 Add Two Numbers Go 🟡 Linked List, Math, Recursion
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Go 🟡 Hash Table, String, Sliding Window
7 Reverse Integer Go 🟡 Math
9 Palindrome Number Go 🟢 Math
13 Roman to Integer Go 🟢 Hash Table, Math, String
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Go 🟡 Hash Table, String, Backtracking
20 Valid Parentheses Go 🟢 String, Stack
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Go 🟢 Array, Pointer
35 Search Insert Position Go, Rust 🟢 Array, Binary Search
50 Pow(x, n) Go 🟡 Math, Recursion
53 Maximum Subarray Go 🟡 Array, Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programming
66 Plus One Go 🟢 Array, Math
69 Sqrt(x) Go, Rust 🟢 Math, Binary Search
70 Climbing Stairs Go 🟢 Math, Dynamic Programming, Memoization
75 Sort Colors Go 🟡 Array, Pointer, Sorting
88 Merge Sorted Array Go 🟢 Array, Pointer
104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Go 🟢 Tree, BFS, DFS, Binary Tree
125 Valid Palindrome Go 🟢 String, Pointer
136 Single Number Go 🟢 Array, Bit Manipulation
155 Min Stack Go 🟢 Stack
206 Reverse Linked List Go 🟢 Linked List, Pointer
217 Contains Duplicate Go 🟢 Array, Hash Table
226 Invert Binary Tree Go 🟢 Tree, BFS, DFS, Binary Tree
242 Valid Anagram Go 🟢 Hash Table, String
268 Missing Number Go 🟢 Array, Math, Bit Manipulation
283 Move Zeroes Go 🟢 Array, Pointer
344 Reverse String Go, Rust 🟢 String, Pointer
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Go 🟡 Array, Hash Table, Math, Randomized
387 First Unique Character in a String Go 🟢 Hash Table, String, Counting, Queue
404 Sum of Left Leaves Go 🟢 Tree, BFS, DFS, Binary Tree
540 Single Element in a Sorted Array Rust 🟡 Array, Binary Search
704 Binary Search Go, Rust 🟢 Array, Binary Search
1876 Substrings of Size Three with Distinct Characters Go 🟢 Hash Table, String, Sliding Window

LeetCode Shell

# Title Solution Difficulty
192 Word Frequency Bash 🟡
193 Valid Phone Numbers Bash 🟢