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Build on Linux ROS2

Run the following steps to build sick_scan_xd on Linux with ROS 2:

  1. Create a workspace folder, e.g. sick_scan_ws (or any other name):

    mkdir -p ./sick_scan_ws
    cd ./sick_scan_ws
  2. Clone repositories and

    mkdir ./src
    pushd ./src
    git clone
    git clone
    rm -rf ./build ./build_isolated/ ./devel ./devel_isolated/ ./install ./install_isolated/ ./log/ # remove any files from a previous build
  3. Build sick_generic_caller:

    source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash # replace foxy by your ros distro
    colcon build --packages-select libsick_ldmrs --event-handlers console_direct+
    source ./install/setup.bash
    colcon build --packages-select sick_scan_xd --cmake-args " -DROS_VERSION=2" --event-handlers console_direct+
    source ./install/setup.bash

    For ROS versions other than foxy, please replace source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash with your ros distribution.

Note: LDMRS sensors are currently not supported on Raspberry. Build with cmake flag -DLDMRS=0 -DRASPBERRY=1 on Raspberry:

colcon build --packages-select sick_scan_xd --cmake-args " -DROS_VERSION=2" " -DLDMRS=0" " -DRASPBERRY=0" --event-handlers console_direct+

Note: libsick_ldmrs is only required to support LDMRS sensors. If you do not need or want to support LDMRS, you can skip building libsick_ldmrs. To build sick_generic_caller without LDMRS support, switch off option BUILD_WITH_LDMRS_SUPPORT in CMakeLists.txt or call colcon with option -DLDMRS=0:

colcon build --packages-select sick_scan_xd --cmake-args " -DROS_VERSION=2" " -DLDMRS=0" --event-handlers console_direct+

Note: To build sick_generic_caller without multiScan136/sick_scansegment_xd/picoScan150 support, switch off option BUILD_WITH_SCANSEGMENT_XD_SUPPORT in CMakeLists.txt or call cmake with option -DSCANSEGMENT_XD=0:

colcon build --packages-select sick_scan_xd --cmake-args " -DROS_VERSION=2" " -DSCANSEGMENT_XD=0" --event-handlers console_direct+

cmake flags can be combined. Use flags -DLDMRS=0 -DSCANSEGMENT_XD=0 to build without LDMRS and without multiScan100/picoScan100 support:

colcon build --packages-select sick_scan_xd --cmake-args " -DROS_VERSION=2" " -DLDMRS=0" " -DSCANSEGMENT_XD=0" --event-handlers console_direct+

Note: Depending on the ROS-2 distribution, package diagnostic_updater might not be found (compiler error: diagnostic_updater.hpp not found). In this case package diagnostic_updater has to be installed by

sudo apt install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-diagnostic-updater
sudo apt install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-diagnostic-msgs
# E.g. to install diagnostic_updater on foxy, run
# sudo apt-get install ros-foxy-diagnostic-updater
# sudo apt install ros-foxy-diagnostic-msgs

Summary for the different build options:

  • Without LDMRS-support and without multiScan100/picoScan100 support
colcon build --packages-select sick_scan_xd --cmake-args " -DROS_VERSION=2" " -DLDMRS=0" " -DSCANSEGMENT_XD=0" --event-handlers console_direct+
  • Without LDMRS-support and with multiScan100/picoScan100 support
colcon build --packages-select sick_scan_xd --cmake-args " -DROS_VERSION=2" " -DLDMRS=0" --event-handlers console_direct+
  • with LDMRS-support and without multiScan100/picoScan100 support
colcon build --packages-select sick_scan_xd --cmake-args " -DROS_VERSION=2" " -DSCANSEGMENT_XD=0" --event-handlers console_direct+
  • with LDMRS-support and with multiScan100/picoScan100 support
 colcon build --packages-select sick_scan_xd --cmake-args " -DROS_VERSION=2" " --event-handlers console_direct+

Note: To create source code documentation by doxygen, run

cd ./doxygen
doxygen ./docs/Doxyfile

Build on Windows ROS2

To install sick_scan_xd on Windows with ROS-2, follow the steps below:

  1. If not yet done, install Visual Studio. Visual Studio 2019 Community or Professional Edition is recommended.

  2. Create a workspace folder, e.g. sick_scan_ws (or any other name):

    mkdir sick_scan_ws
    cd sick_scan_ws
  3. Clone repository

    mkdir .\src
    pushd .\src
    git clone
  4. Set the ROS-2 and Visual-Studio environment:

    call "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" -arch=amd64 -host_arch=amd64
    call C:\opt\ros\foxy\x64\setup.bat

    Note: This step depends on your local ROS-2 and Visual-Studio installation. Please replace C:\opt\ros\foxy\x64\setup.bat with your ROS-2 version and adapt the path to the Visual Studio folder if your installation is different.

  5. Cleanup to insure a complete rebuild:

    rmdir /s/q .\build
    rmdir /s/q .\install
    rmdir /s/q .\log
    del /f/q .\src\CMakeLists.txt

    Note: This step is only required for a complete rebuild. A complete rebuild is recommended e.g. after an update of the sick_scan_xd sources.

  6. Build sick_generic_caller:

    colcon build --packages-select sick_scan_xd --cmake-args " -DROS_VERSION=2" --event-handlers console_direct+
    call .\install\setup.bat

Note: LDMRS sensors are currently not supported on Windows.

Note: To build sick_generic_caller without multiScan136/sick_scansegment_xd support, switch off option BUILD_WITH_SCANSEGMENT_XD_SUPPORT in CMakeLists.txt or call cmake with option -DSCANSEGMENT_XD=0:

colcon build --packages-select sick_scan_xd --cmake-args " -DROS_VERSION=2" " -DSCANSEGMENT_XD=0" --event-handlers console_direct+