You have promises. You need to wait. Wait for them all
TL;DR: Don't block yourself in a sorted way.
Performance bottleneck
- Wait for all promises at once.
We heard about semaphores while studying Operating Systems.
We should wait until all conditions are met no matter the ordering.
async fetchLongTask() { }
async fetchAnotherLongTask() { }
async fetchAll() {
let result1 = await this.fetchLongTask();
let result2 = await this.fetchAnotherLongTask();
// But they can run in parallel !!
async fetchLongTask() { }
async fetchAnotherLongTask() { }
async fetchAll() {
let [result1, result2] =
await Promise.all(
[this.fetchLongTask(), this.fetchAnotherLongTask()]);
// You wait until ALL are done
[X] Semi-Automatic
This is a semantic smell.
We can tell our linters to find some patterns related to promises waiting.
- Performance
We need to be as close as possible to [real-world](( business rules.
If the rule states we need to wait for ALL operations, we should not force a particular order.
Thanks for the idea
Photo by Alvin Mahmudov on Unsplash
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Douglas Crockford
Software Engineering Great Quotes
This article is part of the CodeSmell Series.