Metaprogramming is fancy. but it is not free
TL;DR: Don't add dynamic behavior with metaprogramming
Harder to debug (The code is generated dynamically at runtime)
Security Issues (if the configuration file is not properly sanitized)
Single Responsibility Principle violation (mixing the concerns of model definition and configuration).
Define the methods by hand
Use the Decorator design pattern
Metaprogramming is a powerful technique that allows you to write code that can generate, modify, or analyze other code at runtime. However, it can also lead to code that is difficult to understand, maintain, and debug.
class Skynet < ActiveRecord::Base
# dynamically add some attributes based on a configuration file
YAML.load_file("attributes.yml")["attributes"].each do
attr_accessor attribute
# define some dynamic methods based on a configuration file
YAML.load_file("protocol.yml")["methods"].each do
|method_name, method_body|
define_method method_name do
eval method_body
class Skynet < ActiveRecord::Base
# define some attributes explicitly
attr_accessor :asimovsFirstLaw, :asimovsSecondLaw, :asimovsThirdLaw
# define some methods explicitly
def takeoverTheWorld
# implementation
[X] Automatic
We have a whitelist of valid usages or directly ban some methods.
- Meta-Programming
Metaprogramming often involves using complex code and abstractions that can make the resulting code difficult to read and maintain. This can make it harder for other developers to understand and modify the code in the future, leading to increased complexity and bugs.
Code Smell 21 - Anonymous Functions Abusers
Code Smell 189 - Not Sanitized Input
Code Smells are my opinion.
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God.
Alan Perlis
Software Engineering Great Quotes
This article is part of the CodeSmell Series.