Spelling and readability are very important for humans and not important for machines.
TL;DR: Take care of your names.
Harder to search terms in code.
Spellcheck your code.
Use an IDE with spellchecking
Many of us don't speak English as our first language.
We need to have extra care for our texts and names.
This article has a typo in its title as proof of context and also a clickbait😀
comboFeededBySupplyer = supplyer.providers();
comboFedBySupplier = supplier.providers();
[X] Manual
- We need to read the code in a peer review.
[X] Automatic
- Some IDEs have warnings on the typos.
Code Styling
Pay close attention to your names.
You will probably be the person reading the code in a few months.
Code Smell 48 - Code Without Standards
What exactly is a name - Part I The Quest
What exactly is a name - Part II Rehab
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
Inside every well-written large program is a well-written small program.
C.A.R. Hoare
Software Engineering Great Quotes
This article is part of the CodeSmell Series.