Packing any application with a tiny/bare minimal base image sounds like an awesome/cool/intelligent idea, until things break and there are not tools inside the container to debug the problem at hand. This repo/docker image tries to solve this problem by having a different image with all possible tools needed to debug majority of the problems in a production environment. This image also includes a very small web application for testing/debugging purposes.
For Linux, see file: package/Dockerfile
# Run and attach to the network namespace of the container to debug
docker run --name swiss-army-knife --net=container:${CONTAINER_ID_TO_DEBUG} -itd leodotcloud/swiss-army-knife
# Exec into the tools container
docker exec -it swiss-army-knife bash
# Show off your ninja skill!
tcpdump -i eth0 -vvv -nn -s0 -SS -XX