Michael DeGuzis,
- aka "ProfessorKaos64", "pk"
- ProfessorKaos64@linux.com
- Creator, main code, maintainer, project planning/management, tester
- Packaging
- aka "JC"
- none@domain.com
- Contributor, tester, packaging, code, patching
- Idea machine
- Rom Collection Browser
- The various emulators in use her (too many to list!)
- The great folks of #linuxactionshow (Geekshed IRC)
- All the members of #bash (freenode.net IRC)
- All the members of /r/LinuxActionShow
- The great work from FernetMenta's xbmc branch
- wsnipex from the XBMC forums
- The creator of the Ace XBMC theme
- The creator of the Steam Launcher addon for XBMC/Kodi
- Thank you IMMENSELY for all other testing, ideas, and support!