SciDB is a column-oriented database management system (DBMS) designed for multidimensional data management and analytics common to scientific, geospatial, industrial, and financial applications. See and for more information about the Data Management and Analytics Software System (DMAS) known as SciDB.
The hquery command is a Haskell command line and interactive interpreter for SciDB AFL queries via shim. See also
- hquery -y,
- hquery -h, or
- hquery -m
for more information
There is a primitive API derived after the creation of hquery defined by the following data structures and actions:
- Environment
- Err
- mkGlobalManagerEnv
- runQueries
- unsafeRunQuery
- getSciDbVersion
hquery - Haskell query for SciDB via shim
hquery [-V n] [-W] [-t hstfile] [-c certstore] [-n]
[-r http[s]] [-i host] [-p port] [-a true|false]
[-e true|false] [-o fmt] [-b num] [-d|-s]
[-u usr] [-w pw]
[-f qyfile] [query...]
hquery -g
hquery -h
hquery -l
hquery -m
hquery -v
hquery -y
Marcus D. Gabriel. All rights reserved 2014-20(c).
License terms: GNU GPL version 3 (hquery -l)
The command hquery with no operands and no options will begin an
interacitve session with a SciDB server using SciDB's shim
protocol at http://localhost:8080.
With operands, each string will be executed as a SciDB AFL (Array
Functional Language) query returning a result in SciDB DCSV
format and fetching only 23 lines per query by default. If
stdin is non-empty, it will be execute before the operands.
SciDB AFL queries are case insensitive and terminated by
semi-colons (;).
Before submitting a query to the shim server, the command
hquery will
1. return syntax and parsing errors
2. report bad nestings, e.g., 'uniq(store(A,B));'
3. report unknown commands, ignoring them
Additionally, the command hquery reports SciDB/shim server
query exceptions without terminating the process.
The command hquery accepts Haskell sytle comments and accepts
the setting of the following following global variables:
-- Number of lines to fetch
-- Format of the output
-- True to fetch data, false to not fetch data
-- True to read lines, false to read bytes
-- Prefix to execute before a query by shim, e.g.,
Prefix is an optional, semi-colon separated, AFL statements
to precede a query in the same SciDB connection context.
It is mainly used for SciDB namespace and role setting.
There is no terminating semi-colon so trailing semi-colons
are removed otherwise the prefix is sent to shim unverified
and unaltered via the variable 'prefix'.
The command 'quit;' or 'exit;' ends the interactive session
with exit status 0. The command "vars;" displays the interpreter
variables and values, and the command "funs;" displays the
currently defined interpreter functions and definitions: exit,
funs, quit, upload, and vars.
The upload command takes one argument, a local file path
string, and returns a shim server-side file path. It is used
in queries such as load, input, load_module that take a shim
server-side file path. Examples are
All of the above is case insensitive and terminated with a
semi-colon (;).
Multi-line queries are supported interactively as they
are in non-interactive execution. Ctrl-D at a new prompt
ends the interactive session. Ctrl-C returns to the
interactive prompt, used to end input, especially
multi-line input.
The default prompt is 'True/dcsv/23?', for example,
True/dcsv/23? list('arrays');
which displays up to 23 lines of arrays, that is,
You can change the global variables 'n', 'format', 'fetch',
'readinglines', and 'prefix' during execution which changes
the prompt:
True/dcsv/23? n=200; -- Fetch 200 lines
True/dcsv/200? n=0; -- Fetch all lines
True/dcsv/0? format='csv'; -- Set format to csv
True/csv/0? fetch=false; -- Fetch no lines regardless
-- the value of n
False/csv/0? fetch=true;format=dcsv;n=23;
True/dcsv/23? readinglines=false; -- Fetch all bytes regardless
-- the value of n
Bytes/dcsv/23? prefix='set_namespace(\'sensor_data\');';
Bytes/dcsv/23p list('arrays'); -- List sensor_data arrays
Bytes/dcsv/23p quit;
In other words, the prompt indicates the default behaviour for
the next query executed.
The following options are supported:
-a True|false, true to read lines, false to read bytes
(--reading-lines). If false, the number of lines to
fetch (-b) is ignored and the entire output buffer is
downloaded. This follows the recommendataion of the
shim documentation.
-b Number, number of lines to fetch (--number).
-c Certificate store file, a certificate store to load and use
for SSL/TLS connections (--certificate-store). The insecure
option (-n) over-rides the certificate store (-c).
-d Use basic digest access authorization, used by either the
http and https protocols (--digest-authorization). Digest
authorization (-d) over-rides SciDB authorization (-s).
-e True|false, true to fetch lines, false to not fetch lines
-f Query file, a readable file of queries. Multi-line queries
are supported in a file (--file). If stdin is non-empty,
it is executed before the file of queries. If operands are
present, they are executed after the file of queries.
-g Get and display the SciDB version via shim and then exit
(--scidb-version). This performs a simple check for shim
and SciDB availability.
-h Display a short hquery summary (--help).
-i IP address or hostname, default localhost (--host).
-l Display the hquery license terms (--license).
-m Display this internal manual page (--manual).
-n Do not use certificate validation, insecure because
of potential man-in-the-middle attacks (--insecure).
The insecure option (-n) over-rides the certificate
store (-c).
-o Format, ouput format such as dcsv, csv, csv+, tsv, tsv+,
etc (--format).
-p Port number, default 8080 for protocol (-r) http and default
8083 for protocol (-r) https (--port).
-r Protocol, e.g., http or https, default http (--protocol).
If the protocol is http, the certificate store (-c) and
insecure (-n) options are disabled.
-s Use SciDB access authorization, requires the https protocol
(--scidb-authorization). This option sets the https protocol
except when digest authorization (-d) over-rides SciDB
authorization (-s).
-t History file, defualt ~/.hquery_history or /tmp/.hquery_history
if ~ does not exist (--history).
-u Username, defualt null (--username). Used by the digest or
SciDB authorization option (-d or -s). Displays an error
and exits if neither is used with digest or SciDB
-v The version of hquery (--version).
-w Password, default null (--password). Used by the digest or
SciDB authorization option (-d or -s). Displays an error
and exits if neither is used with digest or SciDB
-y A synopsis of the internal manual page (--synopsis).
-x Prefix, a prefix to execute before a query by shim
(--prefix). Note that the prefix on the command line
is verified before being sent to shim. Prefix is a
semi-colon separated set of statements. It is mainly
used for SciDB namespace and role setting. There is no
terminating semi-colon so trailing semi-colons are removed.
-V Same as -V1 (--verbose).
-V0 Quiet. No information is sent to stderr (--verbose=0).
-V1 Shows some HTTP exceptions and trace information (--verbose=1).
-V2 Shows additional URL information (--verbose=2).
-W Wait on stdin (--wait-on-stdin). In some cases, hquery can
determine that stdin is ready in which case it is consumed.
The -W option guarantees that hquery waits on stdin.
SciDB AFL queries.
The development of the utility hquery began with SciDB community
edition 13 and continued with 14, 15, 16, 18, and 19.
This version of hquery has been lightly tested with ghc version
8.2.2 and 8.6.5 and SciDB 18.1, 19.3 and 19.11 community edition.
Currently the command hquery has never been tested on a SciDB
enterprise edition, and thus it is not known if SciDB authorization
(-s) or a prefix (-x) actually works.
To list all currently defined arrays with SciDB authorization
required, use
hquery -i coordinator -s -u ScidB -w SciDBPassword \
"n=0; list('arrays');"
To list up to 100 lines of functions with digest authorization
required, use
hquery -i coordinator -d -u Digest \
-w DigestPassword "n=100; list('arrays');"
To list up to 23 lines of operators, 23 being the default, use
hquery -i coordinator "list('operators');"
To list all functions by reading bytes instead of lines, use
hquery -i coordinator -a false "list('functions');"
To create an array A, use
hquery -i coordinator "create array A <x:double> [i=0:99:0:10];"
To execute the file of queries HQTests.qy with no authorization
required via a TLS connection, use
hquery -c ssl_cert.pem -r https -i coordinator -f HQTest.qy
To execute the file of queries HQTests.qy with digest authorization
required via a TLS connection insecurely, use
hquery -n -r https -i coordinator -d -u Digest \
-w DigestPassword -f HQTests.qy
To list all arrays in the sensor_data namespace, use
hquery -i coordinator -b 0 -x "set_namespace('sensor_data');" \
To find and project the arrays A, B, C and D to be removed, use
hquery -otsv "project(apply(filter(list('arrays'),regex(name,'A|B|C|D')),
remove,'remove('+name+');'),remove);" | hquery -W
To display a synopsis of this internal manual page, use
hquery -y
To display a summary of usage, use
hquery -h
To display this internal manual page, use
hquery -m
HOME Home directory for the history file, by defualt
PAGER Page the internal manual page or license terms
using "${PAGER}", otherwise print it.
An exit status of 0 is returned if successful, otherwise non-zero
is returned.
1 Unknown error.
2 No authorization specified (-s|-d) with
3 Invalid protocol, hostname, port, or history
file option.
4 Cannot connect to hostname:port.
5 Unreadable query file.
6 Unreadable certicate store file.
7 Invalid certificate store.
8 Network/certificate manager initialization error.
9 Empty, bad or no digest authentication.
10 Unauthorized access.
11 Could not connect to SciDB.
12 Input syntax error for a SciDB query.
13 Fetch (-e) or reading-lines (-a) not true or false.
14 Bad command-line prefix (-x).
15..255 Unknown error.
SciDB, SciDB iquery, SciDB shim at
and for more information.
Please send bug reports to
No known bugs to date.