Create an iOS app — like Prisma — with CoreML, Fast Style Transfer, and TensorFlow.
git clone
- Xcode 9
- Python 2.7
- TensorFlow (1.0.0 works best with fast-style-transfer, and 1.1.0 or greater for tf-coreml)
- Fast Style Transfer:
- TensforFlow-CoreML:
Note that you'll want to make the necessary adjustments for Fast-Style-Transfer and TensorFlow-CoreML. I write about these in my medium article. The adjusments are also available in this repo: fst and tf-coreml.
You can train your own models using FST, and use my adjustments to convert them to CoreML models. I've already converted the pre-trained models from FST:
CoreML Models:
Once you have your models, just import them into the Xcode project. The current setup looks for a particular set of models (wave, udnie, rain_princess, and la_muse)
Copyright (c) 2018 Michael Ramos. MIT on any of my code, but you'll need to abide by the Licences of the libraries used (FST, tf-coreml)