This document should help you quickly install the necessary tools to download and run the Medic Mobile public docker image.
- Note: Install both below
- Docker CE
- Docker-Compose
Mac OSX:
- Note: If you have Hyper-V Capability, please ensure it is enabled in order to run Linux Containers on Windows. If you are running your Windows Server in cloud services, please ensure it is running on bare-metal. You will not be able to run Linux Containers in Windows if the previous comments are not adhered due to nested virtualization.
- Docker for Windows
- Note: If you do not have Hyper-V capability, but your server still supports virtualization, ensure that is enabled in your BiOS, and install the following package:
- Docker Toolbox using VirtualBox
Run the installation and follow the instructions.
Launch Docker.
Performance Settings that can be changed: Memory: 4 GiB CPUs: 2
In the location you would like to host your configuration files, create a file titled <project_name>-medic-os-compose.yml with the following contents:
version: '3.7'
container_name: medic-os
image: medicmobile/medic-os:cht-3.7.0-rc.1
- medic-data:/srv
- 80:80
- 443:443
working_dir: /srv
- haproxy
- medic-net
container_name: haproxy
image: medicmobile/haproxy:rc-1.16
- medic-data:/srv
- COUCHDB_HOST=medic-os
- medic-net
name: medic-data
name: medic-net
Export a password for admin user named medic
Inside the directory that you saved the above <project_name>-medic-os-compose.yml, run:
$ docker-compose -f <project_name>-medic-os-compose.yml up
Note In certain shells, docker-compose may not interpolate the admin password that was exported above. In that case, your admin user had a password automatically generated. Note the New CouchDB Administrative User
and New CouchDB Administrative Password
in the output terminal. You can retrieve these via running docker logs medic-os
and searching the terminal.
Once containers are setup, please run the following command from your host terminal:
$ docker exec -it medic-os /bin/bash -c "sed -i 's/--install=3.7.0/--complete-install/g' /srv/scripts/horticulturalist/postrun/horticulturalist"
$ docker exec -it medic-os /bin/bash -c "/boot/svc-stop medic-core openssh && /boot/svc-stop medic-rdbms && /boot/svc-stop medic-couch2pg"
The first command fixes a postrun script for horticulturalist to prevent unique scenarios of re-install. The second command stops extra services that you will not need.
Open a browser to: https://localhost
You will have to click to through the SSL Security warning. Click Advanced -> Continue to site.
Stop containers:
docker-compose down
ordocker stop medic-os && docker stop haproxy
Remove containers:
docker-compose rm
ordocker rm medic-os && docker rm haproxy
Clean data volume:
docker volume rm medic-data
After following the above three commands, you can re-run docker-compose up
and create a fresh install (no previous data present)
In case you are already running services on HTTP(80) and HTTPS(443), you will have to map new ports to the medic-os container.
Turn down and remove all existing containers that were started:
docker-compose down && docker-compose rm
To find out which service is using a conflicting port: On Linux:
sudo netstat -plnt | grep ':<port>'
On Mac (10.10 and above):
sudo lsof -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN -n -P | grep ':<port>'
You can either kill the service which is occupying HTTP/HTTPS ports, or run the container with forwarded ports that are free. In your compose file, change the ports under medic-os:
container_name: medic-os
image: medicmobile/medic-os:cht-3.7.0-rc.1
- medic-data:/srv
- 8080:80
- 444:443
Note: You can substitute 8080, 444 with whichever ports are free on your host. You would now visit https://localhost:444 to visit your project.
- ssh:
docker exec -it medic-os /bin/bash
- view couchdb logs:
- #less /srv/storage/medic-core/couchdb/logs/startup.log
- view medic-api logs:
- #less /srv/storage/medic-api/logs/medic-api.log
- view medic-sentinel logs:
- #less /srv/storage/medic-sentinel/logs/medic-sentinel.log
- docker logs medic-os
- docker logs haproxy
# list running containers
docker ps
# list all available docker containers with their status
sudo docker ps -a
# stop container
docker stop <container_id>
# start container
docker start <container_id>
# list all stoped containers
docker ps -f "status=exited"
Use this prune command when unable to launch the containers and you'd like to restart from a clean slate. WARNING: This will delete all your unused images, containers, networks and volumes including those not related to CHT.
docker system prune -a --volumes