git clone
cd vapo/
conda create -n vapo_env python=3.8
conda activate vapo_env
To install the voting layer the cudatoolkit installed with pytorch must match the native CUDA version (in /usr/local/cuda/) which will be used to compile the CUDA code. Otherwise, the compiled CUDA/C++ code may not be compatible with the conda-installed PyTorch.
First check your CUDA version with nvcc --version or in /usr/local/cuda/version.json then install pytorch with the corresponding toolkit version. This code was tested with pytorch 1.10.1 and cuda 11.3.
conda install pytorch==1.10.1 torchvision==0.11.2 torchaudio==0.10.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
For more details refere to VREnv setup
pip install pybullet
pip install -e .
For more details refere to VREnv setup
pip install -e .
To install the voting layer first install Eigen.
git clone
cd eigen/
mkdir build/
cd build/
cmake ..
sudo make install
Go to the directory of the voting layer and run If you do not have sudo privileges, don't run sudo make install
instead change the diretory in "include_dirs" to match where the eigen repo was downloaded, then run:
conda activate vapo_env
cd /VAPO_ROOT/vapo/affordance/hough_voting/
python install