This project uses an ULTRASONIC SENSOR, multiple LEDs and a PIEZO BUZZER for indication. We can also add a LCD module to be interfaced with the arduino for cirtain commands that can be read by the user. The indication system consists of 3 layers- 1)With only one LED glowing and small synchronous beep, 2)With 2 LEDs glowing and fast synchronous beep, 3)With all LEDs glowing and continuous beep. The 3 layers of indication will depend on the value which is send by the sensor to the arduino. We can improve the system by using a RELAY MODULE that gets the input from the arduino. The relay will perform secondary tasks like braking system or pneumatic system for stopping the vehicle or any other precautionary actions. If the Obstacle is not limited to a straight line, mount the Ultrasonic Sensor on a SERVO MOTOR. The Servo motor will rotate from left to right continuously in a synchronous pattern and will detect obstacles in a 180 degree range. Refer to "Revised Code With Servo Motor."