Releases: meilisearch/meilisearch-symfony
Releases · meilisearch/meilisearch-symfony
v0.4.0 🎵
- Remove jms serializer (#93) @codedge
- Refacto rename indexName to indexUid (#89) @blump
- Install fails, autowiring manager registry fails (#94) @codedge
- Allowing different entities indexed into same index (#92) @codedge
- Option to listen to postRemove event (#96) @codedge
Breaking changes ⚠️
Thanks again to @baumanno, @blump, @codedge, @curquiza, Julien Colinet and Oliver Baumann! 🎉
v0.3.0 🎵
v0.2.6 🎵
v0.2.5 🎵
v0.2.4 🎵
- Fix entity mapping not working correctly (#33) @kermitsxb
Thanks again to @curquiza, and @kermitsxb! 🎉
v0.2.3 🎵
- Removing document issue, send documentId instead of array (#21) @emulienfou
Thanks again to @emulienfou! 🎉
v0.2.2 🎵
v0.2.1 🎵
- Fix clear command, checking return status code (#13) @emulienfou
- Fixing Docker configuration (#15) @emulienfou
- Compatibility with meilisearch-php v0.13.0 and MeiliSearch v0.13.0
Thanks again to @emulienfou! 🎉