- resampling using a gaussian model and the fwhm of each band is now the default
- fixed bug that rescaled spectra when reading .sed files.
- read spectra can now read the new .sed format.
- Fixed bug in read_spectra, where the meatadata was not being read if the spectra had different bands.
- Fixed bug in read_spectra, where the date meatadata was being read from the wrong field.
- Fixed major bug in read_spectra. The metadata from target and reference where swapped.
- Now requires R >= 4.0
- Updated citation
- Updated intro vignette
- read_spectra now reads metadata from .sig and .sed files
- read_spectra guesses the file format automatically
- Added custom read_spectra function for ASD
- Removed dependency from prospectr
- Added the function guess_splice_at
- Updated match_sensors vignette
- Fixed bug in the match_sensors function
- Created a vignette for the match_sensors function
- Breaking backwards compatibility!
- as.spectra is now as_spectra
- deprecated ratio.spectra
- removed dependency from devtools
- refactored resample, normalize, print, getter & setter
- updated vignette
- Breaking backwards compatibility!
- wavelengths function is now called bands
- reflectance function is now called value
- switched to usethis::use_package from devtools deprecated version
- generic "smooth" function has its own interface and the default now calls stats::smooth internally. Work in progress.
- Fixed major bug. Spectrum replacement (e.g. spec_a[i, ] = spec_b[1, ]) only replaced the value and not the other information (names, metadata, etc.)
now allows the user to choose names for the spectra
- NOT backwards compatible!. Now, as.spectra() does not assume by default that
the first column of a matrix or data.frame contains the names for the spectra.
Users must explicitly use the
argument to pick the correct column - NOT backwards compatible!.
functions and attribute deprecated.
- fixed bug in subset_by, where n_min was matching sample names instead of indices.
- Fixed bug in "value" setter, where the object was not being returned
- The parser inside read_spectra now finds the spectral data using tags instead of assuming that the data starts at a specific line
- added unit tests for the read_spectra function
- cleaned up several minor issues
- sample names in the spectra class are now required to be char. Names coercible to numeric will have a prefix added to them by default. This may break existing code!
- updated README
- refactored the internal i_is_index function
- added unit tests for i_is_index function
- fixed index duplication in the match sensor vignette.
- added CRAN installation instructions to readme.md
- internal spline smoothing now requires the parallel package
- Initial release