- Added support for Python 3 (Nuke 13)
- Rules; Use Python scripts as filters to decide whether or not to show specific buttons.
- Added support for PySide2 (Nuke 11) for Windows and Mac.
- The option to easily change the colors of the text and background of a button.
- Templates: The ability to save snippets of code to quickly access at a later point in time.
- No-click execution: Execute the button underneath the cursor upon closing the Hotbox.
- New button order system.
- Auto save. No need to click the 'save' button anymore as changes will be saved automatically.
- Option to change to Manager’s font size.
- Tooltips added to Manager.
- Fixed transparency issues on Linux.
- In the script editor, the background color of the selected line now reflects the current state of the loaded script (black - unchanged, white - modified, green - just saved).
- Added the option to launch the hotbox with a single tap, instead of having to keep the shortcut pressed. This mode is available through the ‘Launch Mode’-dropdown in the preferences.
- Reorganised the preferences panel and assigned tooltips to all its knobs.
- Improved script editor. The script editor of the Manager now includes line numbers, syntax highlighting and auto indentation to make writing code easier. Tab’s will be automatically registered as four spaces.
- Error catching. Whenever executing a hotbox button causes an error, the problem and it’s corresponding line now will be printed.
- The Hotbox will now function properly in combination with nodes inside groups.
- Knob added to the preferences panel to control the hotbox’s font size.
- License added
- Knob formerly called ‘iconLocation’ renamed to ‘hotboxIconLocation’.
- Improved the way archives will get created when none is present.
- Improved the way of defining additional repositories (feature added in v1.1). Rather than changing the actual python files the repositories can now be defined by setting environment variables, called ‘W_HOTBOX_REPO_PATHS’ and ‘W_HOTBOX_REPO_NAMES’ (See page 13 of the user guide for more information)
- Same applies for hiding the ‘hotboxIconLocation’ knob from the preferences panel (‘W_HOTBOX_HIDE_ICON_LOC’).
Added the option to have multiple repositories to store buttons in. To make the tool suitable to be installed in a studio environment. Buttons loaded from an additional repository will appear outlined grey, rather than black. See the chapter called ‘Working in a studio environment’ of the user guide for more information.
Option to hide the ‘iconsLocation’ knob from the preference panel so artists won’t be able to change it, when installed facility-wide.
When importing an archive of buttons, the buttons will now append the current set, rather than replacing it.