$ sbt assembly [info] welcome to sbt 1.6.2 (Debian Java 17.0.2) [info] loading settings for project chi-build from plugins.sbt ... [info] loading project definition from /home/milia/Documents/dev/scala/chi/project [info] loading settings for project root from build.sbt ... [info] set current project to chi (in build file:/home/milia/Documents/dev/scala/chi/) [info] JavaFunctionsSpec: [info] function application [info] - should work according to the implication elimination rule [info] function composition [info] - should chain functions with aligned types [info] function interfaces [info] - should support lambda notations from Java 8 and beyond [info] Built-in types [info] - should be included in the type search [info] IsomorphismSpec: [info] isomorphism [info] - should exist between two identities [info] - should exist between alpha-equivalent functions [info] - should consider the laws of exponents [info] - should respect disjunction elimination [info] - should respect conjunction associativity [info] - should exist between isomorphic functions with built-in types [info] - should respect disjunction associativity [info] - should support named parameters [info] FileContentSpec: [info] file content [info] - should support multiple inputs from different languages [info] - should support isomorphism queries [info] ScalaDefSpec: [info] A => A [info] - should map the input to itself [info] (A => B) => A => B [info] - should apply the function to the input of the resulting function [info] fst [info] - should return the first element [info] snd [info] - should return the second element [info] compose [info] - should apply the first function after the second [info] andThen [info] - should apply the first function before the second [info] unit [info] - should be provable with the universal value () [info] conjunction [info] - should depend on the proofs of its components [info] either [info] - should default to left when the evaluation succeeds [info] all assumptions [info] - should be considered [info] implication [info] - should evaluate it's antecedent recursive [info] Unknown propositions [info] - should not be allowed [info] disjunction elimination [info] - should work as formalized in propositional logic [info] search for implication assumption [info] HaskellFunctionsSpec: [info] A => A [info] - should map the input to itself [info] - should be recursive [info] (A => B) => A => B [info] - should apply the function to the input of the resulting function [info] fst [info] Built-in types [info] - should return the first element [info] snd [info] - should return the second element [info] - should be included in the type search [info] compose [info] Function expressions [info] - should apply the first function after the second [info] - should be simplified [info] andThen [info] Point-free style [info] - should apply the first function before the second [info] unit [info] - should use Scala's `compose` function [info] - should be provable with the universal value () [info] conjunction [info] component of a product consequent [info] - should depend on the proofs of its components [info] - should be accessible if the function is applied [info] either [info] - should default to left when the evaluation succeeds [info] Either over tuples [info] all assumptions [info] - should be considered [info] - should deconstruct the tuples [info] implication [info] - should evaluate it's antecedent recursive [info] disjunction elimination [info] - should work as formalized in propositional logic [info] search for implication assumption [info] - should be recursive [info] component of a product consequent [info] - should be accessible if the function is applied [info] either over tuples [info] - should deconstruct the tuples [info] Run completed in 4 seconds, 352 milliseconds. [info] Total number of tests run: 48 [info] Suites: completed 5, aborted 0 [info] Tests: succeeded 48, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0 [info] All tests passed. [info] Strategy 'discard' was applied to 15 files (Run the task at debug level to see details) [info] Strategy 'first' was applied to 3 files (Run the task at debug level to see details) [info] Assembly up to date: /home/milia/Documents/dev/scala/chi/target/scala-2.13/chi-0.5.0-snapshot.jar [success] Total time: 11 s, completed Apr 22, 2022, 12:28:24 AM