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Releases: melvic-ybanez/dry


06 Oct 19:01
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This is the initial release of the Dry programming language.

Screen Shot 2022-11-06 at 11 16 42 PM

It implements the following grammar (but see bottom notes as well):

<declaration> ::= <class> | <function> | <let> | <statement>
<class>       ::= "class" <identifier> "{" <function>* "}"
<function>    ::= "def" <identifier> <params> <block>
<let>         ::= "let" <identifier> ("=" <expression>)? ";"
<statement>   ::= <expr-stmt> | <block> | <if> | <while> | <for> | <return> | <import>
<expr-stmt>   ::= <expression> ";"
<if>          ::= "if" "(" <expression> ")" <statement> ("else" <statement>)?
<while>       ::= "while" "(" <expression> ")" <statement>
<for>         ::= "for" "(" (";" | <let> | <expr-stmt>)
      (<expression>? ";") <expression> ")" <statement>
<return>      ::= "return" <expression>? ";"
<import>      ::= "import" <identifier>("."<identifier>)* ";"
<expression>  ::= <assignment>
<assignment>  ::= (<call>".")?<identifier> "=" <assignment> | <lambda>
<call>        ::= <primary> ("(" (<expression> | ("," <expression>)*)? ")" | "." <identifier>)
<identifier>  ::= <alpha>(<alpha>?<digit>?)*
<lambda>      ::= "lambda" <params> <block> | <or>
<block>       ::= "{" <declaration>* "}"
<params>      ::= "(" (<identifier> | ("," <identifier>)*)? ")"
<or>          ::= <and> ("or" <and>)*
<and>         ::= <equality> ("and" <equality>)*
<equality>    ::= <comparison> ("!=" | "==" <comparison>)*
<comparison>  ::= <term> (">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=" <term>)*
<term>        ::= <factor> ("-" | "+" | "&" | "|" | "^" | "<<" | ">>"
      | ">>>" | "<=" <factor>)*
<factor>      ::= <unary> ("/" | "*" | "%" <unary>)*
<unary>       ::= ("!" | "-") <expression> | <call>
<primary>     ::= "false" | "true" | "none" | <number> | <string>
      | "self" | <identifier> | "(" <expression> ")"
<number>      ::= <sign>?<nat>("."<nat>)?
<sign>        ::= "-" | "+"
<string>      ::= '"'(.?"\n"?)*'"'
<alpha>       ::= 'a' ... 'z' | 'A' ... 'Z' | '_'
<nat>         ::= <digit><digit>*
<digit>       ::= '0' ... '9'

Edit: Apparently the grammar above did not match the implementation in this release.