- Fixes for record reupload, RealmSwift non-optional properties.
- Sample project shows how to connect/disconnect SyncKit.
- Ported all code to Swift.
- Updated sample project.
- Support for database subscriptions.
- Fixes for sharing and UICloudSharingController.
- Updated to Swift 4.2
- Requiring QSPrimaryKey for Core Data.
- Support for CloudKit sharing and multiple record zones.
- Some of the APIs have changed.
- SyncKit now requires iOS 10+ or OS X 10.12+.
- SyncKit can use CKAsset for Data property types.
- Handling CKErrorUserDeletedZone error.
- Added @objc attribute to RealmSwift class properties.
- Detecting CKErrorLimitExceeded nested in CKErrorPartialFailure error.
- Updated iCloud APIs.
- Added support for Apple Watch.
- Updated Realm libraries.
- RealmSwiftChangeManager.
- Support for app groups, to store tracking data in shared app container.
- WatchOS for now.
- Fixed issues with nil record keys and primary keys.
- toMany relationships getting record values.
- Prevent fetch operation from being released before completion block executed.
- Synchronization of nilled properties.
- Subscription handling.
- Realm threading and tracking.
- Cleaning up pending relationships after they're applied.
- CoreData Primary key not recognized when entity name is different from class name.
- Core Data iOS framework model.
- Realm tracking.
- Use ManagedObjectClassName instead of Name when getting entity class from NSEntityDescription.
- Example project models target membership.
- Sanitized Example workspace and added platform to podfile.
- Support for Realm.
- Using private queue for synchronizer.
- Example project storyboard compatibility.
- Download only mode.
- Performance improvements.
- Compatibility version number to facilitate model updates.
- QSPrimaryKey protocol for objects with a primary key, to support deduplication and migrations.
- Migration policy to preserve sync data when a Core Data model is migrated to add an identifier field, to support QSPrimaryKey
- Identifier update method.