All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.0.0 (2024-01-30)
- chore: drops node 14 & 16 support (8dc8ba8)
1.0.0 (2022-05-19)
0.5.1 (2021-08-30)
0.5.0 (2021-08-14)
- hooks: add support for husky v6 (32d9ab5)
- hooks: adjust detection of hooks for husky 7 (e0570df)
- log-messages: show npm version in wrong npm version log message (a58df21)
- log-messages: show why is this link next to the warnings (f94fa41)
- security: add option to check for secure node version (902ba3b)
- security: Check for higher minor security version inside used major version; adjust error and success messages; adjust security tests; (9504086)
- security: Create security check based on lts; add test; (86096b7)
- hooks: change detection of husky 6 hooks (f57c732)
0.4.0 (2020-09-17)
0.3.2 (2020-07-09)
- hooks-installed: allow detection of hooks from anywhere in the repository (ecc7805)
0.3.1 (2020-06-22)
- install: remove env-linter post-install since it is causing issues on install (7ea513b)
0.3.0 (2020-06-22)
- env-var: add environment variable ENV_LINTER_SKIP to skip all env-linter checks (5eb4548)
- ci: prevent version checks on CI environments (a54563f)
0.2.1 (2020-06-10)
- add depencencies-exact-version option with support for mono-repos (15b347a, 8d767b9, 7463682, 468a706, c7d3c59, c01a9e9)
- update dependencies (c4d3ef9)