This document describes the process on how to release Nebula NatTable.
- In case of a major or minor release, ensure that the DEPENDENCIES information is up to date.
Update it via the Eclipse Dash License Toolmvn org.eclipse.dash:license-tool-plugin:license-check -Ddash.summary=DEPENDENCIES
- Ensure that everything is checked in to the master branch
- Create and push a release branch for the version that should be released (e.g. releases/2.0.2)
- Create a release in the project management:
- Ensure that the project information is updated (e.g. set the correct Release Type)
- Create a tag for the new version based on the last commit
- Ensure that there is a milestone for the release and that all issues that are resolved with this milestone are correctly assigned.
- Trigger the Jenkins Job to release to Eclipse:
- Build with parameters
- Select the branch that should be build and released
- Specify the version tag that should be used, which is needed for the folder in the download area
Update the version to remove -SNAPSHOT and .qualifier from any version numbers in the release branch via
mvn org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:set-version -DnewVersion=VERSION
Trigger the Jenkins Job to release to Eclipse:
Build with parameters
- Select the branch that should be build and released
Once the build finishes successfully, you have deployed the artifacts to the OSSRH staging area. According to the documentation you now need to release the deployment to Maven Central.
- Login to
- In the left menu check for Build Promotion - Staging Repositories
- Select your repository and validate if it meets your expectations
- If everything is correct Close the repository, otherwise Drop it and fix any issues
- Once it is closed, press the Release button to trigger the release to the Central repository
- Create a release on GitHub and upload the release artifacts from the Eclipse build
- Update the version in the master branch via
mvn org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:set-version -DnewVersion=NEW_VERSION_NUMBER.qualifier
- Update download.php to add the new version for downloading
- Update documentation.php to correct the link to the API docs
- Update pages/_index.html to add the news about the new release
- Update documentation/start.html to correct the link to the API docs
- Update documentation/examples_application.html to correct the links to the examples applications
More details on the publishing process of Eclipse projects to Maven Central can be found here