This is the simple NoSQL database that built on the basis of files. Built on my previous nosql project but on class now. We have main folder core
where all databases located as folders.
The structure something like this:
core -> database_1 -> table_1 -> json files.
core -> database_1 -> table_2 -> json files.
core -> database_2 -> table_1 -> json files.
const Database = require(path_to_database_folder); // connect database
const Database = require('./database');
const db = new Database("database_name"); // create database
db.table("table_name").insert({}); // insert data to table
id: "1234",
name: "laptop",
price: "40000",
// if id doesn't set then id will be start from 1
db.table("table_name").remove(); // remove table
db.table("table_name").remove(id); // remove row by id
db.table("table_name").find(); // filter data
"name": "book",
"price": ">=1000"
// find row where name equal `book` and price more or equal `1000`
"brand": "laptop",
"price": ">=20000, <40000"
// find row where brand equal `laptop` and price more or equal `20000` and less than `40000`
db.table("table_name").sortby(value); // sort data by value
db.table("table_name").sortby("name").get(); // sort data by name
db.table("table_name").sortby("name", "desc").get(); // reverse sort data, default - asc
db.table("table_name").get(offset, count);
db.table("table_name").get(4, 2); // get two records start from index 4
Database.all(); // get data from all databases