DEPRECATION: "pkgconfig" entry is deprecated and should be replaced by "pkg-config" WARNING: Recommend using either -Dbuildtype or -Doptimization + -Ddebug. Using both is redundant since they override each other. See: The Meson build system Version: 1.3.1 Source dir: D:\b\gdk-pixbuf\src\2.42.10-ebb7e46440.clean Build dir: D:\b\gdk-pixbuf\x64-windows-static-rel Build type: native build Project name: gdk-pixbuf Project version: 2.42.10 DEPRECATION: None of the values ['gnu99'] are supported by the c compiler. However, the deprecated gnu99 std currently falls back to c99. This will be an error in the future. If the project supports both GNU and MSVC compilers, a value such as "c_std=gnu11,c11" specifies that GNU is prefered but it can safely fallback to plain c11. C compiler for the host machine: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Enterprise/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.38.33130/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe -DWIN32 -D_WINDOWS -W3 -utf-8 -MP -MT -O2 -Oi -Gy -DNDEBUG -Z7 (msvc 19.38.33133 "Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.38.33133 for x64") C linker for the host machine: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Enterprise/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.38.33130/bin/Hostx64/x64/link.exe link 14.38.33133.0 Host machine cpu family: x86_64 Host machine cpu: x86_64 Found pkg-config: YES (D:/downloads/tools/msys2/023cdb3ca06f77f2/mingw64/bin/pkg-config.exe) 2.1.0 Run-time dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.78.1 Run-time dependency gobject-2.0 found: YES 2.78.1 Run-time dependency gmodule-no-export-2.0 found: YES 2.78.1 Run-time dependency gio-2.0 found: YES 2.78.1 Has header "unistd.h" : NO Has header "sys/resource.h" : NO Has header "sys/time.h" : NO Library m found: NO Checking for function "round" with dependency -lm: YES Checking for function "lrint" with dependency -lm: YES Library intl found: YES Checking for function "bind_textdomain_codeset" with dependency -lintl: NO Checking for function "setrlimit" : NO Checking if "sigsetjmp" : links: NO Compiler for C supports arguments -FImsvc_recommended_pragmas.h: NO Compiler for C supports arguments -utf-8: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -FImsvc_recommended_pragmas.h: NO (cached) Compiler for C supports arguments -utf-8: YES (cached) Library mlib found: NO Found CMake: D:/downloads/tools/cmake-3.27.1-windows/cmake-3.27.1-windows-i386/bin/cmake.exe (3.27.1) Run-time dependency png found: YES 1.6.40 Run-time dependency jpeg found: YES 62 Checking for function "jpeg_destroy_decompress" with dependency jpeg: YES Checking for function "jpeg_simple_progression" with dependency jpeg: YES Run-time dependency libtiff-4 found: YES 4.6.0 Configuring config.h using configuration Program build-aux/ found: YES (D:\downloads\tools\python\python-3.11.5-x64\python.exe D:\b\gdk-pixbuf\src\2.42.10-ebb7e46440.clean\build-aux/ Program build-aux/ found: YES (D:\downloads\tools\python\python-3.11.5-x64\python.exe D:\b\gdk-pixbuf\src\2.42.10-ebb7e46440.clean\build-aux/ Program build-aux/ found: YES (D:\downloads\tools\python\python-3.11.5-x64\python.exe D:\b\gdk-pixbuf\src\2.42.10-ebb7e46440.clean\build-aux/ Program glib-compile-resources found: YES Configuring gdk-pixbuf-features.h using configuration Configuring gdk_pixbuf.rc using configuration Windows resource compiler: Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 10.0.10011.16384 Program g-ir-scanner skipped: feature introspection disabled Program cmake found: YES Program msgfmt found: NO ..\src\2.42.10-ebb7e46440.clean\po\ WARNING: Gettext not found, all translation (po) targets will be ignored. Run-time dependency gi-docgen found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake) Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency gi-docgen Automatic wrap-based subproject downloading is disabled Subproject gi-docgen is buildable: NO (disabling) Dependency gi-docgen from subproject gi-docgen found: NO (subproject failed to configure) Configuring gdk-pixbuf.toml using configuration Configuring gdk-pixdata.toml using configuration Program gi-docgen found: NO Program rst2man found: NO Build targets in project: 28 NOTICE: Future-deprecated features used: * 0.62.0: {'pkgconfig.generate variable for builtin directories'} gdk-pixbuf 2.42.10 Loaders Shared modules : true Enabled loaders : png jpeg tiff Builtin loaders : all Build Debugging : false Optimization : plain GIO MIME sniffing: false MediaLib : false Introspection : false Documentation : false Manual pages : false Relocatable : false Build tests : false Installed tests : false Directories prefix : D:/p/gdk-pixbuf_x64-windows-static libdir : D:/p/gdk-pixbuf_x64-windows-static/lib datadir : D:/p/gdk-pixbuf_x64-windows-static/share libexecdir : D:/p/gdk-pixbuf_x64-windows-static/lib Subprojects gi-docgen : NO Automatic wrap-based subproject downloading is disabled User defined options Native files : D:/b/gdk-pixbuf/meson-x64-windows-static-rel.log backend : ninja buildtype : plain cmake_prefix_path: ['D:/installed/x64-windows-static','D:/installed/x64-windows-static/debug','D:/installed/x64-windows-static/share'] debug : false libdir : lib optimization : plain prefix : D:/p/gdk-pixbuf_x64-windows-static wrap_mode : nodownload builtin_loaders : all docs : false gio_sniffing : false gtk_doc : false installed_tests : false introspection : disabled jpeg : enabled man : false png : enabled relocatable : true tests : false tiff : enabled Found ninja-1.11.0 at "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Enterprise/Common7/IDE/CommonExtensions/Microsoft/CMake/Ninja\ninja.EXE" WARNING: Running the setup command as `meson [options]` instead of `meson setup [options]` is ambiguous and deprecated.