Here you will find the documentation of the Primary Technical Features to help you navigate through this project's code.
Creating spatial objects: object hierarchy
- Composed objects, multiple objects behaving as a single one.
- Spatial audio integrated. Audio coming from different locations or objects.
- Custom helper functions for developers to get children of spatial objects.
- Deletion of composed objects. Recursive deletion of objects to remove composed objects.
Store multiple room configurations: Update data and persistence
- SQLite database. Introduction on how we store spatial data and object relationship.
- Use components to save and retrieve object data and state.
- Helper system to update objects positions. Store states on database.
- Detect keyboard events. Update content with user interactions.
Spawn objects relative to user's position.
- Placing objects facing the user.
Panels and interaction with spatial objects
- Creating a panel depending on the type.
- Access panels and give them functionality.
- Panels transparency and spatial text.
- Load and switch between panoramas (skybox).
- Load and switch between 3D model scenes.
- Change the lighting environment accordingly.