Student billy{70, 50, 75};
- Allocated on the stack not the heap
- If an appropriate constructor is present, it is called
Student billy = Student(80, 50, 75);
- Allocated on the stack not the heap
int x = 5;
int x(5);
string s = "hello";
string s("string");
int x{5};
string s{"hello"};
Student billy{...};
- You can always use curly braces (5, 6, 7) since C++11.
- They added it in C++11 to have a single initializing syntax that is can be used everywhere
// pbilly is allocated on the heap NOT the stack
Student *pbilly = new Student{85, 50, 75};
// Some code
delete pbilly;
- Execute arbitrary code
- Default arguments
- Overload constructors
- Sanity checks
- Anything you can do with methods, you can do with a constructor
// Note: Default values go in the declaration
struct Student {
Student(int assns = 0, int mt = 0, int final = 0);
int assns = 0;
int mt = 0;
int final = 0;
// This constructor has some sanity checks
Student::Student(int assns, int mt, int final) {
this->assns = assns < 0 ? 0 : assns;
this->mt = mt < 0 ? 0 : mt;
this->final = final < 0 ? 0 : final;
Student s1{50, 50, 50};
Student s2{50, 50}; // {assns, mt}
Student s3{50}; // {assns}
Student s3; // use ALL default values (note: no curly braces)
- Every class comes with a default (0 param) constructor which initializes fields that that are objects by calling its default constructor
struct A {
int x;
Student y;
Vec *z;
A a; // Calls the default constructor
// x, z are uninitialized
// y is initialized
- Note: Above there is no constructor declared, so
A a;
calls the default constructor - As soon as you implement any constructor, you lose the default constructor and C-stlye initialization
// No default constructor
struct A {
// Bad style, used for brevity
A::A(int x, Vec *z) {
this->x = x;
this->z = z;
int x;
Vec *z;
A a; // Won't compile (if you have default params it will compile)
A b(5, nullptr); // Will compile
- Initializing constant/reference fields
// Option 1
// in class initialization
int z;
struct MyStruct {
const int myConst = 10;
int &myRef = z;
// Option 2
// Do not do in class initializing
// Rule: const/refs must be initialized before constructor body runs
- allocate space
- field initialization
- constructor body runs
- Lets hijack step 2: Member initialization List (MIL)
Student::Student(const int id, int assns, int mt, int final) :
id{id}, assns{assns}, mt{mt}, final{final < 0 ? 0 : final} {
- MIL cna be used for ALL fields
- no need to use
- outside the braces the identifier is a field
- inside the braces normal scope rules apply
- in the MIL field initialization occurs in field declaration order
- Initializing fields in the MIL can be more efficient than Initializing in
the constructor body
- It would get default value at step 2, then reassigned in constructor body.
Student billy{80, 50, 75};
Student bobby{billy}; // copy constructor (get for free)
- default constructor
- copy constructor
- copy assignment operator
- destructor
- move constructor (C++ onwards)
- move assignment operator (C++ onwards)
- 2-6 are called the big five (1/4 of the midterm is on this)
// The free copy constructor
Student::Student(const Student &other) :
assns{other.assns}, mt{}, final{} {
- Sometimes the free copy constructor does not work the way we want it
- So we can override it
struct Node {
int data;
Node *next;
Node(int data, Node *next);
Node(const Node &other);
Node::Node(int data, Node *next) :
data{data}, next{next} {
Node::Node(const Node &other) :
data{}, next{} {
Node *np = new Node{1, new Node{2, new Node{3, nullptr}}}; // heap
Stack np -> | heap -> Node(1) -> Node(2) -> Node(3) -> nullptr
Node m{*np};
- Stack m(1) -> | heap -> Node(2) same node as above
Node *n1 = new Node{*np};
- Stack n1 -> | heap -> Node(1) -> Node(2) same node as above
This is not a true copy of a linked list since it should share nodes
- This is called a Shallow copy
What we want is a deep copy
// Deep copy
// Recursively call the copy constructor
// Incorrect: it has no base case for next
// segmentation fault
Node::Node(const Node &other) :
data{}, next{*} {
// Correct: has base case
Node::Node(const Node &other) :
data{}, next{ ? new Node{*} : nullptr} {
- an object is constructed as a copy of another
- pass by value
- returning by value
- Due to #2, the param of a copy constructor must be a reference
- or else we will have infinite recursion