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File metadata and controls

164 lines (112 loc) · 4.65 KB


If command is sync, redisGunYu supports below APIs.

HTTP API are supported to perform relevant devops operations, such as metric collection, process stop, full sync, etc.


Stop Process

DELETE http://http_server:port/

curl -XDELETE http://http_server:port/

Or sending a signal

Kill $PID

By default, the service will stop the process gracefully, so it will wait for all resources to be reclaimed before exiting. You can configure the server.gracefullStopTimeout in the configuration file to set the graceful wait timeout (default is 5 seconds).


Restart Sync Progress

POST http://http_server:port/syncer/restart

curl -XPOST http://http_server:port/syncer/restart

Pause Sync

curl -XPOST 'http://server:port/syncer/pause?inputs=inputIP&flushdb=yes'

URL, query parameters:

  • inputs: The source Redis IPs that need to be fully synchronized. If all source nodes need to be fully synchronized, write "inputs=all". If there are multiple source IPs, separate them with commas.

Resume Sync

curl -XPOST 'http://server:port/syncer/resume?inputs=inputIP&flushdb=yes'

URL, query parameters:

  • inputs: The source Redis IPs that need to be fully synchronized. If all source nodes need to be fully synchronized, write "inputs=all". If there are multiple source IPs, separate them with commas.

Sync Status Information

GET http://http_server:port/syncer/status

curl http://http_server:port/syncer/status


        "Input": "",   // Source Redis node
        "Role": "leader",             // Leader or follower, leader is responsible for syncing this Redis node(
        "Transaction":true,           // Transaction mode
        "State": "run"                // Running state
        "Input": "",
        "Role": "leader",
        "State": "run"
        "Input": "",
        "Role": "leader",
        "State": "run"

Sync Configuration Information

Get the configurations of redis-GunYu

Default is YAML format

GET http://http_server:port/syncer/config

Or JSON format

GET http://http_server:port/syncer/config?format=json

Full Sync

curl -XPOST 'http://http_server:port/syncer/fullsync?inputs=inputs&flushdb=yes' 

URL, query parameters:

  • inputs: The source Redis IP and port that need to be fully synchronized. If all source nodes need to be fully synchronized, write "inputs=all". If there are multiple source IP+port, separate them with commas. The specific IP+port can be obtained through the http://http_server:port/syncer/status API.
  • flushdb: Whether to execute flushdb before the full sync.

When flushdb=yes, if only some of the source nodes are being fully synchronized, you need to ensure that the slots of the source and target Redis can correspond one-to-one, otherwise please fully synchronize all the source nodes (inputs=all).

For example

# Force full synchronization of the two source Redis nodes and; and clear the data in the corresponding target Redis node (execute flushdb)
curl -XPOST 'http://http_server:port/syncer/fullsync?inputs=,'

Hand over leadership

You can use this API to transfer synchronization responsibility(leadership) from one redisGunYu node to another when redisGunYu is deployed in cluster mode.

curl -XPOST 'http://http_server:port/syncer/handover?inputs=inputs' 

URL, query parameters:

  • inputs: The source Redis IP and port that need to be fully synchronized. If all source nodes need to be fully synchronized, write "inputs=all". If there are multiple source IP+port, separate them with commas. The specific IP+port can be obtained through the http://http_server:port/syncer/status API.

Recycle Local Cache

GET http://http_server:port/storage/gc

curl http://http_server:port/storage/gc


Prometheus Metrics API

GET http://http_server:port/prometheus