- Nice jekyll example site: https://amor.cms.hu-berlin.de/~jaeschkr/#
- Run local jekyll site: bundle exec jekyll serve
- Find and replace all fonts in css: regex search and replace with font-family:(?:.*);
- Change spacing between menu items: change 'margin-right' in nav ul li, footer ul li {
- Font awesome & Academicons inclusion in website:
- Start: https://fontawesome.com/start or https://jpswalsh.github.io/academicons/
- Look for icons: https://fontawesome.com/icons/
- Font Awesome: Include href link, around icon: ICON LINK
- Academicons:
- Include dynamic iframe: http://seankross.com/2016/11/17/How-to-Start-a-Bookdown-Book.html
Jekyll plugins overview: https://github.com/planetjekyll/awesome-jekyll-plugins
In-site citations: see http://weinan.io/2017/03/06/using-papers-and-manuscripts-to-do-correct-citation.html
Atom feed inclusion: https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-feed
- OK
Jekyll-planet (Planet Pluto) to included other RSSs in blog: https://github.com/feedreader/jekyll-planet
- Usage (steps)
- include/edit pluto.ini
- bash: 'gem install pluto' to install
- bash: pluto update planet.ini [original: pluto build planet.ini]
- create blogposts: ruby -r 'jekyll/planet' -e 'JekyllPlanet.main'
- Note on how to assign automatic tags to websites:
- input tag name in website title in 'planet.ini'
- add
tags: [#{item.title}]
to line 52 oftool.rb
- Usage (steps)
Tagging: according to https://codinfox.github.io/dev/2015/03/06/use-tags-and-categories-in-your-jekyll-based-github-pages/
- Tag categories:
- website: posts related to website
- rss-repost: interesting blogposts from the internet (t-rss feed)
- *twitter: twitter posts
- *input-output:
- Tag categories:
Find out where gems are installed (ruby):
gem environment
- Gem (Ruby)
- Update gem : 'gem update --system'
- Update gems: 'bundle update --all' --> updates all gems in gemfile