These instructions are tailored towards running the photobooth in a docker container, using a dummy camera and pyqt pdf for printing.
Install docker. (I let you decide how you want to do that ^^)
For linux based hosts, you are fine. For mac based hosts, follow this using XQuartz: For windows based hosts, help yourself ;)
You might need to adjust the ENV variable DISPLAY
according to your setup.
export DISPLAY=<your_settings|:0>
docker compose up --build
flag is useful for development :)
Provide a build arg to the docker compose command --build-arg=''
or --build-arg=''
to choose the start script.
Replace the CMD with CMD ["sleep", "infinity"]
for debugging.
As long as there is no proper way to setup a ubuntu docker image with pyqt6, pyqt5 is used, which requires Pillow==9.