Ok, like most people I'm not great at these things so based on the ideas provided here I'll give it a shot.
I have been working for dbITpro, which is a Women Owned Small Business (WOSB) for well over a decade, typically as a developer (my preferred tasks), architect, and team leader. I originally started out using GitHub practically since it started with a personal account of barlowm. But created this second account so that my work for my primary client (the Department of Veterans Affairs) could be separate from my personal account. One of my personal areas of expertise and work is in the area of Web Accessibility (both in learning how to make applications more accessible as well as teaching other developers how to do the same). I've worked with a number of companies in evaluating applications and providing input for VPATs™ (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template) for both Government and Non Government organizations.
- 🔭 Currently Technical Architect for several projects for the Program Management Office of the Dept. of Veterans Affairs
- 🌱 I’m currently learning anything I can. Trying to improve my knowledge and expertise on DevOps
- 📫 Personal Email is probably the best way (though I am on several slack and discord groups as well and you can usually find me there under the name "MikeB")
- ⚡ Fun fact: I have been asked and told that I resemble a "jolly old elf" and that is for a good reason, I AM Santa Claus (in disguise wink)
- If you want to learn more about my technical background I have a brief resume on my other GitHub account as well.