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File metadata and controls

142 lines (122 loc) · 4.19 KB

There are probably ways to improve the Neovim experience. If you have suggestions, please open an issue!

Install the LSP Server

First, install (globally) the does-it-throw-lsp package from NPM:

npm i -g does-it-throw-lsp

You can use your favorite package manager, eg bun install

This package contains the same LSP Server VSCode runs under the hood. The server itself uses Node.js, but the core of the code is written in Rust and compiled to WASM. The server is published to NPM, and the Rust code is published to

If anyone has ideas on how to run the server via bun with some shim, let me know! The current bin script is located here.

Lua Setup

(optional) install Lazy.nvim:

-- init.lua
local lazypath = vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/lazy/lazy.nvim'
local uv = vim.uv or vim.loop

-- Auto-install lazy.nvim if not present
if not uv.fs_stat(lazypath) then
    print('Installing lazy.nvim....')
        {'git', 'clone', '--filter=blob:none', '', '--branch=stable', -- latest stable release


Starting the Server

You can start the server manually by running the following command:

does-it-throw-lsp --stdio

Lua Setup (cont'd)

Tell Neovim to use the LSP server:


local lsp_configurations = require('lspconfig.configs')

local server_config = {
    ["doesItThrow"] = {
        throwStatementSeverity = "Hint",
        functionThrowSeverity = "Hint",
        callToThrowSeverity = "Hint",
        callToImportedThrowSeverity = "Hint",
        includeTryStatementThrows = false,
        maxNumberOfProblems = 10000

-- Setup doesItThrow
if not lsp_configurations.does_it_throw_server then
    lsp_configurations.does_it_throw_server = {
        default_config = {
            cmd = {"does-it-throw-lsp", "--stdio"},
            filetypes = {"typescript", "javascript"},
            root_dir = function(fname)
                return vim.fn.getcwd()

require'lspconfig'.does_it_throw_server.setup {
    on_init = function(client)
        client.config.settings = server_config
		-- important to set this up so that the server can find your desired settings
    handlers = {
        ["workspace/configuration"] = function(_, params, _, _)
            local configurations = {}
            for _, item in ipairs(params.items) do
                if item.section then
                    table.insert(configurations, server_config[item.section])
            return configurations


Notice the above lua config:

["doesItThrow"] = {
    throwStatementSeverity = "Hint",
    functionThrowSeverity = "Hint",
    callToThrowSeverity = "Hint",
    callToImportedThrowSeverity = "Hint",
    maxNumberOfProblems = 10000

The settings correspond to the same VSCode settings. These settings and descriptions can be found under package.json.

(optional) Customize your diagnostics:

vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = vim.lsp.with(vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics, {
    -- Enable underline, use default values
    underline = true,
    -- Enable virtual text, override spacing to 4
    virtual_text = {
        spacing = 4,
        prefix = '' -- This can be any character you prefer
    -- Use a function to define signs
    signs = true,
    -- Disable a feature
    update_in_insert = false
local signs = {
    Error = "",
    Warn = "",
    Hint = "",
    Info = ""
for type, icon in pairs(signs) do
    local hl = "LspDiagnosticsSign" .. type
    vim.fn.sign_define(hl, {
        text = icon,
        texthl = hl,
        numhl = hl

If you need to debug the server for whatever reason, you can set the log level to debug:

-- Enable server log diagnostics if you want