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File metadata and controls

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A selection of core utilities with zero dependencies

Maven Central CircleCI Codecov CodeFactor Grade


Maven Central

The library is available via Maven Central

e.g., to add the core library to your dependencies:




implementation 'io.blt:blt-core:1.1.1'


API Docs

API docs are available for the latest release of the library.



Static utility methods for operating on Object

Includes object construction, mutation, fallbacks and validation

tap and poke

Return a passed or supplied value after mutating via a (throwing) consumer.

These can be handy when building an object without the need of a helper method:

var user = Obj.tap(User::new, u -> {

Or mutating an object to be passed as a parameter without the noise of a temporary variable:

repository.persist(Obj.poke(user, u -> u.createDate(now())));

Any exception thrown by a consumer will bubble up and be thrown by tap or poke.


Returns a passed value if non-null, otherwise invokes and returns the result of a (throwing) supplier.

This is very similar to Optional.ofNullable(...).orElseGet(...) but more concise and supports suppliers that throw:

private URL homepageOrDefault(URL homepage) throws MalformedURLException {
    return Obj.orElseGet(homepage, () -> new URL(""));


Invokes and returns the result of a supplier, unless it throws an exception, in which case a passed value is returned. e.g.,

private InputStream openFileOrResource(String name) {
    return Obj.orElseOnException(
            () -> new FileInputStream(name),


Invokes and returns the result of a supplier wrapped in an Optional, unless the supplier throws, in which case empty is returned.


private Optional<HttpResponse<InputStream>> fetchAsStream(HttpRequest request) {
    try (var client = HttpClient.newHttpClient()) {
        return Obj.orEmptyOnException(() -> client.send(
                request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofInputStream()));


Creates a new instance of the same type as the input object if possible, otherwise, returns empty. e.g.,

public <K, V> Map<K, V> mapOfSameTypeOrHashMap(Map<K, V> map) {
    return Obj.newInstanceOf(map).orElse(new HashMap<>());


Static utility methods for operating on Collection and Map i.e., Containers

For methods that accept and return a container, the result will be of the same type if possible


Returns a new Map containing the entries of another with a transform applied to the values. If possible, the returned Map is of the same type as the passed Map. e.g.,

var birthdays = Ctr.transformValues(
        Map.of("Greg", Month.NOVEMBER, "Phil", Month.OCTOBER, "Louis", Month.FEBRUARY), 
        e -> e.getDisplayName(TextStyle.FULL, Locale.ENGLISH));


Computes a value for a Map if one is not currently present and returns the value.

This is very similar to map.computeIfAbsent(...) but supports both functions and suppliers as well as exceptions:

public String fetch(URL url) throws IOException {
    return Ctr.computeIfAbsent(cache, url, () ->
            IOUtils.toString(url, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));


Static utility methods centred around Exception and Throwable

Includes raising and handling exceptions


Executes a function, transforming any thrown checked exceptions (i.e., Exception). Unchecked exceptions (i.e., RuntimeException) will bubble up unaltered.

This can be useful when a method or lambda throws many checked exception types which should be mapped to a higher-level exception.

e.g., say we have a custom XmlProcessingException that we want to raise for any exception related to parsing XML:

public Document parseXml(String pathname) throws XmlProcessingException {
    return Ex.transformExceptions(
            () -> DocumentBuilderFactory
                    .newDocumentBuilder()       // throws ParserConfigurationException
                    .parse(new File(pathname)), // throws SAXException, IOException

throwIf and throwUnless

Throws a provided exception if the given value satisfies (or doesn't satisfy) the provided predicate. e.g.,

public Map<String, String> loadProperties() {
    return Ex.throwIf(Properties.loadFromJson(FILENAME), Map::isEmpty,
            () -> new IllegalStateException("Properties must not be empty"));


Static utility methods for operating on Enum

of and ofIgnoreCase

Returns the enum constant matching name as an Optional; otherwise, returns empty. e.g.,

En.of(DayOfWeek.class, "FRIDAY");    // Optional.of(DayOfWeek.FRIDAY)
En.of(DayOfWeek.class, "friday");    // Optional.empty()
En.of(DayOfWeek.class, "Worf");      // Optional.empty()
En.of(DayOfWeek.class, "");          // Optional.empty()

Or, ignoring case:

En.ofIgnoreCase(DayOfWeek.class, "FRIDAY");    // Optional.of(DayOfWeek.FRIDAY)
En.ofIgnoreCase(DayOfWeek.class, "friday");    // Optional.of(DayOfWeek.FRIDAY)


Implementations of Collector that reduce to exactly one or zero elements.

Useful when it is not valid for more than one element to be present:

var activeStep =
var maybeActiveStep =