Thank you for considering contributing to the Winged-Python project! We're glad to receive contributions from community developers.
Before you start, we recommend reading this contribution guide to understand how you can help improve the project.
Before you begin working on a new feature or bug fix, create an issue to discuss what you intend to do. This allows other contributors and project maintainers to have visibility and provide guidance on your contribution. Be sure to include clear details about what you plan to do and why.
Fork the Winged-Python repository to your own GitHub account by clicking the "Fork" button in the upper right corner of the repository's page.
Clone your forked repository to your local development environment:
git clone
cd Winged-Python
Create a branch for your contribution from the main
git checkout -b my-contribution
Develop and make the necessary changes for your contribution. Ensure you follow best development practices and thoroughly test your code.
Make sure your tests pass and that the new feature or bug fix doesn't introduce regressions.
If your contribution affects documentation, update the corresponding documentation to reflect the changes.
Commit your changes and push them to your GitHub fork:
git add .
git commit -m "Add my contribution"
git push origin my-contribution
In your GitHub fork, click the "New Pull Request" button. Ensure that you create the pull request for the main
branch of the original Winged-Python repository.
Other collaborators and project maintainers will review your pull request. Be ready to engage in discussions and make adjustments as needed.
This project follows a Code of Conduct that sets expectations for all contributors' behavior.
By submitting a contribution, you agree that your contribution will be licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
We greatly appreciate your interest in contributing to the Winged-Python project! Your contributions are valuable in making the project better for everyone.