Heavily cleaned up and simplified C# library to calculate the sunrise and sunset for a location on earth on any given date. Compiled for .NET 4.6.2 and signed assemblies.
// Date for which to calculate the sunrise and sunset
var date = DateTime.Today;
// Latitude for which to calculate the sunrise/sunset
var latitude = 52.3702157;
// Longitude for which to calculate the sunrise/sunset
var longitude = 4.8951679;
// Hours from UTC which this location is in
var utcOffset = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now).Hours;
// Write the output to the screen
Console.WriteLine("Date: " + date.ToLongDateString());
Console.WriteLine("UTC Offset: " + utcOffset);
Console.WriteLine("Coordinates: LONG " + longitude + " LAT " + latitude);
Console.WriteLine("Sunrise: " + SunSetRiseLib.SunriseAt(latitude, longitude, date, utcOffset));
Console.WriteLine("SunSet: " + SunSetRiseLib.SunsetAt(latitude, longitude, date, utcOffset));
Also available as NuGet Package: KoenZomers.SunSetRise
Version - October 8, 2017
Minor update to return a NULL when the sunset or sunrise can't be calculated based on the provided lat or long in combination with the timezone. Before it would throw an exception instead.
Version - August 16, 2017
Minor update just to accommodate the NuGet package name change to get it aligned with my other NuGet packages
Version - March 27, 2017
Changed namespace of code to make it look cleaner when used
Version - March 27, 2017
Initial version as forked. Cleaned up code, compiled against .NET 4.6.2 and signed the assemblies.
Forked from https://github.com/sely2k/SunSetRiseLib
Comments\suggestions\bug reports are welcome!
Koen Zomers mail@koenzomers.nl