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Debug and Option Codes

The SDK provides debug and compiler options for the user to configure the compiler behavior.

This document provides a description of the debug and compile options that are set using the SetFlag function.

GetInfo returns some information about the SDK. The flags for GetInfo are also provided here.

These options are the same for both the C API and the Python API.


debug: set what outputs the API will print during its execution, a string containing zero or more of the following characters:

  • 'b': print basic messages
  • 'w': print warnings
  • 'c': print memory allocation addresses in external memory
  • 'C': print workload distribution accross clusters
  • 'n': print list of layers
  • 's': print partitioning strategy
  • 'S': print info about DLA instructions run by the simulator (only with fpgaid 'sim')
  • 'p': print list of operations
  • 'd': print accelerator debug registers
  • 'a': print memory access pattern. All load/store lengths and addresses
  • 'r': print wrong results only. This needs to be used with SetFlag('options', 's')`.
  • 'R': print all results returned by the accelerator. This needs to be used with SetFlag('options', 's').
  • 'i': dump accelerator instructions into instr.txt
  • 'I': print intermediate code instructions
  • 't': print dynamic instruction trace
  • 'T': print verbose dynamic instruction trace
  • 'o': print thnets debuging
  • 'Q': print variable fixpoint selected of each layer
  • 'J': dump the partitioning information into partition.json

options: configures compile options of the SDK, a string containing zero or more of the following characters:

  • 'v': compile for varfp hardware, if hardware is not present and thus not auto-detected, same as has_varfp=1
  • 'V': enable variable fix-point precision. Default precision is Q8.8, same as varfp=1
  • 'M': enable multi-MM vertical padding optimization, same as multicu_vpadding=1
  • 'C': no batch mode for multiple clusters, same as clusterbatchmode=1
  • 'B': sandbox mode. Reads DLA instruction from a text file, same as sandbox=1
  • 'k': try kernel_stationary optimization if possible, same as convalgo=1 [Paper reference]
  • 'r': try kernel_stationary option if possible, maxpool will reshape output, same as convalgo=2
  • 'K': try kernel_stationary option if possible, with yPxp ordering (instead of Pyxp), maxpool will reshape output, same as convalgo=3
  • 'f': force one of kernel stationary modes above, same as force_algo=1
  • 'd': run tests with deterministic input and weights instead of random, same as rand=0
  • 'P': progressive load instead of DLA banks switching, same as progload=1
  • 'w': wait one second for hardware to finish instead of polling the DLA, same as hwwait=1
  • 's': run the software version for comparing the accelerator output, same as comparesw=1
  • 'S': do not run DLA. Only run software version, same as runsw=1
  • 'Q': do not run DLA. Only run software version using float precision and save quantization metrics: variable fix-point for inputs, intermediate activations and outputs, same as runsw=2
  • 'i': measure time to load the initial data into DLA, same as initmeasure=1
  • 'L': profile each layer separately: run each layer in the model individually (measure execution time of each layer). This option only works with the Run function, same as breaklayer=2
  • 'z': profile each layer separately: run entire model and output each layer's output (only to check output of each layer), same as breaklayer=1
  • 't': save input and output of the inference in a file, same as temporary_save=1
  • 'm': MV level batch (batchsize must be a multiple of 4), same as mvbatch=1
  • 'a': compile, run and check which option works better. loop{ compile, run, save_best_choice }, same as compile_profile=1
  • 'x': enable prune outplanes if they are zero, same as prune=1
  • 'n': disable computes optimizations (useful for debugging), same as optimize_computes=0
  • 'l': merge computes creating loops, same as gen_loops=1

reset: reset flags to the default values

bitfile: immediately upload the given bitfile

fpgaid: FPGA to use, 510, 511, 852 or sim, default is -1, which will use the first FPGA found

firstcluster: First cluster to use

nclusters: Number of clusters to use

nfpgas: Number of FPGAs to use

imgs_per_cluster: Per-cluster batch size (number of inputs processed by each cluster)

clustersbatchmode: If 1, multiple clusters process different parts of the same input (no clusters-level batching)

bufsmode: 0=one program for each of the two buffers, 1=parametric offset, 2=program patching at each run

comparesw: Compare DLA output to reference software output

progload: Progressive loading of maps instead of banks switching

convalgo: Convolution algorithm: 0 non-kernel stationary (default), 1 Pyxp, 2 Pyxp maxpool-reshapes, 3 yPxp maxpool-reshapes

force_algo: Force convolution kernel stationary mode instead of leaving it to automatic choice

compile_profile: True: loop{compile, run, save_best_choice} False: compile (only)

depthconvalgo: Depth-convolution algorithm: 0 add reshaping layer, 1 pixel-by-pixel reshaping, 2 row-by-row reshaping inside compute, 3 create reshaping object before store object

gen_loops: Generate hardware loops to group similar operations, when possible

multicu_vpadding: Vertical padding optimization for convolutions

optimize_computes: Optimize compute objects by applying double buffering, removing double loads, etc... useful to disable for simpler debugging, default 1

prune: Prune output planes

blockingmode: Blocking mode API operation, putinput/getresult will wait instead of failing when the device is busy

mvbatch: Distribute inputs among MVs, imgs_per_cluster must be a multiple of 4

int8mode: Select int8 mode: 0=no, 1=int8 hw, 2=auto, 3=16->8, 4=8->16

hwlinear: Run linear layers in hardware (default True)

addroff: Set starting address on DLA

runsw: 0: Standard operation, 1: Run reference software instead of DLA, 2: Run reference software in floating-point mode

seed: Set seed for random values to get deterministic results at each run using random values

rand: Use random values for input, weights and bias for random tests, default True

nlayers: Number of layers to parse (-1=all, default)

lremove: Remove first N layers

dumpdir: Dump all writes to DLA memory to this directory

has_varfp: Compile for variable-fixed-point hardware

varfp: Use variable fixed-point weights if 1

sandbox: Read code from instr_.txt

breaklayer: 0 (normal operation), 1 run entire model, but output all intermediate results, 2 run each layer individually

initmeasure: Measure the initial loading time

hwwait: Wait 1 second after inference start instead of polling the hardware to detect the end of inference

max_instruction_size: Max instructions memory size

temporary_save: Cache testing data on disk

no_rearrange: Skip output rearrangement

heterogeneous: Run DLA-unsupported layers on CPU also in the middle of the network


Gets information from the DLA or return flags that have been set with SetFlag; additionally to the flags specified above, these names can be passed:

hwtime: returns the number of milliseconds taken by the Micron DLA hardware for the processing only, returned as a float.

addroff: get the last address of the memory map, returned as an int64. Used to attach a new memory map using this addr_off.

freq: the Micron DLA hardware frequency, returned as an int.

maxcluster: the maximum number of clusters in Micron DLA hardware, returned as an int.

maxfpga: the maximum number of FPGAs available, returned as an int.

version: the version number of the SDK, returned as a string.

build: the build hash, returned as a string.

hwversion: the DLA hardware version, returned as a string.

hwbuild: the DLA hardware build, return as a string.

hwdebug: print the DLA registers.

temperature: print the DLA temperature in Celsius, returned as a float.

busy_comp: returns if DLA is busy processing an input buffer, returned as an int.

inshapes: semi-colon separated input shapes in the format size0xsize1...sizeN

outshapes: semi-colon separated output shapes in the format size0xsize1...sizeN

innames: semi-colon separated inputs names

outnames: semi-colon separated outputs names

print_flags: print the currently set flags

help: print the available SetFlag and GetInfo options