- Fix schema representation in openapi.py (progress in schemas branch)
- Fix how we pull schemas from spec into template context in template_handler.py (also probably rename to template_context.py)
- Need to figure out how to decide which schemas to generate (things like properties are schemas as well, but simple schemas shouldn't be generated. Need to look more into this)
- Sort resulting schemas alphabetically
- Command line tests:
- Expected: generate all python files in build folder, etc
pixis -b buildfiles/build1.py
andpixis --build buildfiles/build1.py
pixis -b doesntexist.py
- Expected: program exits and says specified build file doesn't exist
pixis -b asdf
- Expected: program exits and says specified build file is not a Python file
pixis -o out
andpixis --output out
pixis -t mytemplates
andpixis --templates mytemplates
- Template Context tests
- openapi.py functions unit test
- config.py unit test
- emit_template unit test
- logger module
- angular2
- encodeURIcomponent part needs to be fixed
- POST methods aren't being generated correctly
- i.e. one path specifies a specific server