We use Azure DevOps for running our multi-stage pipeline with build(CI), ML training and scoring service release (CD) stages. If you don't already have an Azure DevOps organization, create one by following the instructions here.
If you already have an Azure DevOps organization, create a new project.
Fork this repository within GitHub, or clone it into your Azure DevOps project.
This repository includes a YAML pipeline definition file for an Azure DevOps pipeline that will create the Azure ML workspace and associated resources through Azure Resource Manager.
The pipeline requires an Azure Resource Manager service connection. Given this service connection, you will be able to run the IaC pipeline and have the required permissions to generate resources.
Use AzureResourceConnection
as the connection name, since it is used
in the IaC pipeline definition. Leave the Resource Group
field empty.
Note: Creating the ARM service connection scope requires 'Owner' or 'User Access Administrator' permissions on the subscription. You must also have sufficient permissions to register an application with your Azure AD tenant, or receive the ID and secret of a service principal from your Azure AD Administrator. That principal must have 'Contributor' permissions on the subscription.
We make use of a variable group inside Azure DevOps to store variables and their values that we want to make available across multiple pipelines or pipeline stages. You can either store the values directly in Azure DevOps or connect to an Azure Key Vault in your subscription. Please refer to the documentation here to learn more about how to create a variable group and link it to your pipeline. Click on Library in the Pipelines section as indicated below:
Create a variable group named devopsforai-aml-vg
. The YAML pipeline definitions in this repository refer to this variable group by name.
The variable group should contain the following required variables:
Variable Name | Suggested Value |
BASE_NAME | [unique base name] |
LOCATION | centralus |
WORKSPACE_SVC_CONNECTION | aml-workspace-connection |
ACI_DEPLOYMENT_NAME | diabetes-aci |
The WORKSPACE_NAME parameter is used for the Azure Machine Learning Workspace creation. You can provide an existing AML Workspace here if you have one.
The BASE_NAME parameter is used throughout the solution for naming Azure resources. When the solution is used in a shared subscription, there can be naming collisions with resources that require unique names like azure blob storage and registry DNS naming. Make sure to give a unique value to the BASE_NAME variable (e.g. MyUniqueML), so that the created resources will have unique names (e.g. MyUniqueMLamlcr, MyUniqueML-AML-KV, etc.). The length of the BASE_NAME value should not exceed 10 characters.
The RESOURCE_GROUP parameter is used as the name for the resource group that will hold the Azure resources for the solution. If providing an existing AML Workspace, set this value to the corresponding resource group name.
Make sure to select the Allow access to all pipelines checkbox in the variable group configuration.
There are more variables used in the project. They're defined in two places, one for local execution and one for using Azure DevOps Pipelines.
In order to configure the project locally, create a copy of .env.example
in the root directory and name it .env
. Fill out all missing values and adjust the existing ones to suit your requirements.
For local development, you will also need to install the Azure CLI. The Azure CLI will be used to log you in interactively. Please be aware that the local environment also needs access to the Azure subscription so you have to have Contributor access on the Azure ML Workspace.
For using Azure DevOps Pipelines all other variables are stored in the file .pipelines/diabetes_regression-variables.yml
. Using the default values as a starting point, adjust the variables to suit your requirements.
Up until now you should have:
- Forked (or cloned) the repo
- Configured an Azure DevOps project with a service connection to Azure Resource Manager
- Set up a variable group with all configuration values
The easiest way to create all required resources (Resource Group, ML Workspace, Container Registry, Storage Account, etc.) is to leverage an "Infrastructure as Code" pipeline in this repository. This IaC pipeline takes care of setting up all required resources based on these ARM templates.
In your Azure DevOps project, create a build pipeline from your forked repository:
Select the Existing Azure Pipelines YAML file option and set the path to /environment_setup/iac-create-environment.yml:
Having done that, run the pipeline:
Check out the newly created resources in the Azure Portal:
(Optional) To remove the resources created for this project you can use the /environment_setup/iac-remove-environment.yml definition or you can just delete the resource group in the Azure Portal.
Note: The training ML pipeline uses a sample diabetes dataset as training data. If you want to use your own dataset, you need to create and register a datastore in your ML workspace and upload the datafile (e.g. diabetes.csv) to the corresponding blob container. You can also define a datastore in the ML Workspace with az cli. You'll also need to configure DATASTORE_NAME and DATAFILE_NAME variables in devopsforai-aml-vg variable group.
Install the Azure Machine Learning extension to your organization from the marketplace, so that you can set up a service connection to your AML workspace.
Create a service connection to your ML workspace via the Azure DevOps Azure ML task instructions to be able to execute the Azure ML training pipeline. The connection name specified here needs to be used for the value of the WORKSPACE_SVC_CONNECTION
set in the variable group above.
Note: Creating service connection with Azure Machine Learning workspace scope requires 'Owner' or 'User Access Administrator' permissions on the Workspace. You must also have sufficient permissions to register an application with your Azure AD tenant, or receive the ID and secret of a service principal from your Azure AD Administrator. That principal must have Contributor permissions on the Azure ML Workspace.
Now that you have all the required resources created from the IaC pipeline, you can set up the pipeline necessary for deploying your ML model to production. The pipeline has a sequence of stages for:
- Model Code Continuous Integration: triggered on code change to master branch on GitHub, performs linting, unit testing, publishes a training pipeline, and runs the published training pipeline to train, evaluate, and register a model.
- Train Model: invokes the Azure ML service to trigger model training.
- Release Deployment: deploys a model to QA (ACI) and Prod (AKS) environments, or alternatively to Azure App Service.
In your Azure DevOps project create and run a new build pipeline referring to the diabetes_regression-ci-build-train.yml pipeline definition in your forked repository:
Once the pipeline is finished, explore the execution result:
and check out the published training pipeline in the mlops-AML-WS workspace in Azure Portal:
Great, you now have the build pipeline set up which automatically triggers every time there's a change in the master branch.
The first stage of the pipeline, Model CI, performs linting, unit testing, build and publishes an ML Training Pipeline in an ML Workspace.
Note: The build pipeline also supports building and publishing ML pipelines using R to train a model. This is enabled by changing the
pipeline variable to eitherdiabetes_regression_build_train_pipeline_with_r.py
, ordiabetes_regression_build_train_pipeline_with_r_on_dbricks.py
. For pipeline training a model with R on Databricks you'll need to manually create a Databricks cluster and attach it to the ML Workspace as a compute (Values DB_CLUSTER_ID and DATABRICKS_COMPUTE_NAME variables should be specified). -
The second stage of the pipeline, Train model, triggers the run of the ML Training Pipeline. The training pipeline will train, evaluate, and register a new model. The actual computation is performed in an Azure Machine Learning Compute cluster. In Azure DevOps, this stage runs an agentless job that waits for the completion of the Azure ML job, allowing the pipeline to wait for training completion for hours or even days without using agent resources.
Note: If the model evaluation determines that the new model does not perform better than the previous one then the new model will not be registered and the pipeline will be cancelled.
- The third stage of the pipeline, Deploy to ACI, deploys the model to the QA environment in Azure Container Instances. It then runs a smoke test to validate the deployment, i.e. sends a sample query to the scoring web service and verifies that it returns a response in the expected format.
Wait until the pipeline finishes and verify that there is a new model in the ML Workspace:
To disable the automatic trigger of the training pipeline, change the auto-trigger-training
variable as listed in the .pipelines\diabetes_regression-ci-build-train.yml
pipeline to false
. This can also be overridden at runtime execution of the pipeline.
The final stage is to deploy the model to the production environment running on Azure Kubernetes Service.
Note: Creating a Kubernetes cluster on AKS is out of scope of this tutorial, but you can find set up information here.
Note: If your target deployment environment is a K8s cluster and you want to implement Canary and/or A/B testing deployment strategies check out this tutorial.
In the Variables tab, edit your variable group (devopsforai-aml-vg
). In the variable group definition, add the following variables:
Variable Name | Suggested Value |
AKS_DEPLOYMENT_NAME | diabetes-aks |
Set AKS_COMPUTE_NAME to the Compute name of the Inference Cluster referencing your AKS cluster in your Azure ML Workspace.
After successfully deploying to Azure Container Instances, the next stage will deploy the model to Kubernetes and run a smoke test.
Note: This is an optional step and can be used only if you are deploying your scoring service on Azure App Service.
In the Variables tab, edit your variable group (devopsforai-aml-vg
). In the variable group definition, add the following variable:
Variable Name | Suggested Value |
Set WEBAPP_DEPLOYMENT_NAME to the name of your Azure Web App. Delete the ACI_DEPLOYMENT_NAME variable.
The pipeline uses the Create Image Script to create a scoring image. The image created by this script will be registered under Azure Container Registry (ACR) instance that belongs to Azure Machine Learning Service. Any dependencies that scoring file depends on can also be packaged with the container with Image config. Learn more on how to create a container with AML SDK.
Make sure your webapp has the credentials to pull the image from the Azure Container Registry created by the Infrastructure as Code pipeline. You could do this by following the instructions in the section Configure registry credentials in web app. Note that you must have run the pipeline once (including the Deploy to Webapp stage up to the Create scoring image
step) so that an image is present in the registry, before you can connect the Webapp to the Azure Container Registry in the Azure Portal.
- The provided pipeline definition YAML file is a sample starting point, which you should tailor to your processes and environment.
- You should edit the pipeline definition to remove unused stages. For example, if you are deploying to ACI and AKS, you should delete the unused
stage. - The sample pipeline generates a random value for a model hyperparameter (ridge regression alpha) to generate 'interesting' charts when testing the sample. In a real application you should use fixed hyperparameter values. You can tune hyperparameter values using Azure ML, and manage their values in Azure DevOps Variable Groups.
- You may wish to enable manual approvals before the deployment stages.
- You can explore aspects of model observability in the solution, such as:
Logging: navigate to the Application Insights instance linked to the Azure ML Portal, then to the Logs (Analytics) pane. The following sample query correlates HTTP requests with custom logs generated in
, and can be used for example to analyze query duration vs. scoring batch size:let Traceinfo=traces | extend d=parse_json(tostring(customDimensions.Content)) | project workspace=customDimensions.["Workspace Name"], service=customDimensions.["Service Name"], NumberOfPredictions=tostring(d.NumberOfPredictions), id=tostring(d.RequestId), TraceParent=tostring(d.TraceParent); requests | project timestamp, id, success, resultCode, duration | join kind=fullouter Traceinfo on id | project-away id1
Distributed tracing: The smoke test client code sets an HTTP
header (per the W3C Trace Context proposed specification), and thescore.py
code logs this header. The query above shows how to surface this value. You can adapt this to your tracing framework. -
Monitoring: You can use Azure Monitor for containers to monitor the Azure ML scoring containers' performance, just as for any other container.