There are many ways to contribute to Windows Protocol Test Suites.
- Report issues and help verify fixes when they are checked in.
- Fork your own repo and send us pull requests to:
- Submit updates and improvements to the documentation like User Guide and Test Design Specification.
- Contribute to existing bug fixes.
- Add new features. But firstly you should log an issue to notify the team before you spend a lot of time on it.
Contributors must sign a Contribution License Agreement (CLA) before any pull requests will be considered. This is a one time job. Once you have signed a CLA for any project sponsored by Microsoft, you are good to go for all the repos sponsored by Microsoft.
Before you send out the pull request, you must:
- Run all the impacted cases of the test suite and make sure they can all pass and be compatible with Windows.
Your pull request should:
- Include a description of what your change intends to do. Have clear commit messages, e.g. "Add feature", "Fix issue", "Add test cases for protocol"
- Follow the code conventions of the existing code.
- Include the update to the specific document if you add new cases or new configurations.
- If a new test case is added to a test suite, the corresponding test design specification must be updated.
- If a new configuration is added to a test suite, the corresponding user guide must be updated.
After we receive the pull request, we will do code review and give you feedback.