From ae694096b3877d0b7d229e68a034c845cfd7d292 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Maksim Petrov <> Date: Mon, 15 May 2023 10:01:53 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 10944: Build ID 19909232 --- src/Misc/layoutbin/de-DE/strings.json | 14 ++++++++------ src/Misc/layoutbin/es-ES/strings.json | 14 ++++++++------ src/Misc/layoutbin/fr-FR/strings.json | 14 ++++++++------ src/Misc/layoutbin/it-IT/strings.json | 14 ++++++++------ src/Misc/layoutbin/ja-JP/strings.json | 14 ++++++++------ src/Misc/layoutbin/ko-KR/strings.json | 14 ++++++++------ src/Misc/layoutbin/ru-RU/strings.json | 14 ++++++++------ src/Misc/layoutbin/zh-CN/strings.json | 14 ++++++++------ src/Misc/layoutbin/zh-TW/strings.json | 14 ++++++++------ 9 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Misc/layoutbin/de-DE/strings.json b/src/Misc/layoutbin/de-DE/strings.json index 3ad41baf48..95058d89bd 100644 --- a/src/Misc/layoutbin/de-DE/strings.json +++ b/src/Misc/layoutbin/de-DE/strings.json @@ -285,10 +285,10 @@ "EnvironmentNotFound": "Die Umgebung wurde nicht gefunden: \"{0}\"", "EnvironmentVariableExceedsMaximumLength": "Die Umgebungsvariable \"{0}\" überschreitet die maximal unterstützte Länge. Umgebungsvariable Länge: {1}, Maximal unterstützte Länge: {2}", "EnvironmentVMResourceTags": "Kommagetrennte Liste mit Tags (z. B. web, db)", - "ErrorDuringBuildGC": "Der Speicherbereinigungsvorgang kann nicht basierend auf \"{0}\" ermittelt werden. Probieren Sie es das nächste Mal aus.", - "ErrorDuringBuildGCDelete": "GC kann, basierend auf \"{0}\" nicht abgeschlossen werden. Probieren Sie es das nächste Mal aus.", - "ErrorDuringReleaseGC": "Der Speicherbereinigungsvorgang kann nicht basierend auf \"{0}\" ermittelt werden. Probieren Sie es das nächste Mal aus.", - "ErrorDuringReleaseGCDelete": "GC kann, basierend auf \"{0}\" nicht abgeschlossen werden. Probieren Sie es das nächste Mal aus.", + "ErrorDuringBuildGC": "Unable to discover garbage based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringBuildGCDelete": "Unable to finish GC based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringReleaseGC": "Unable to discover garbage based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringReleaseGCDelete": "Unable to finish GC based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", "ErrorOccurred": "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten: {0}", "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "Fehler beim Veröffentlichen von Code Coverage-Dateien. Fehler: {0}", "EulasSectionHeader": "Endbenutzer-Lizenzverträge", @@ -299,6 +299,7 @@ "ExpectedMappingLocalPath": "Erwartete Zuordnung[{0}] lokaler Pfad: \"{1}\". Tatsächlich: \"{2}\"", "ExpectedMappingRecursive": "Erwartete Zuordnung[{0}] rekursiv: \"{1}\". Tatsächlich: \"{2}\"", "ExpectedMappingServerPath": "Erwarteter Zuordnungspfad[{0}] Serverpfad: \"{1}\". Tatsächlich: \"{2}\"", + "FailAgentOnUnsupportedOs": "This operating system will stop receiving updates of the Pipelines Agent in the future. To be able to continue to run pipelines please upgrade the operating system or set an environment variable or agent knob \"AGENT_ACKNOWLEDGE_NO_UPDATES\" to \"true\". See for more information.", "Failed": "Fehler: ", "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "Fehler beim Löschen des temporären Verzeichnisses \"{0}\". {1}", "FailedTestsInResults": "Es wurde mindestens ein Testfehler in den Ergebnisdateien erkannt. Eine detaillierte Zusammenfassung der veröffentlichten Testergebnisse kann auf der Registerkarte \"Tests\" angezeigt werden.", @@ -402,8 +403,9 @@ "MinRequiredDockerServerVersion": "Die mindestens erforderliche Serverversion für die Docker-Engine-API ist „{0}“, Ihre Serverversion für Docker („{1}“) lautet „{2}“.", "MinRequiredGitLfsVersion": "Die mindestens erforderliche Git-lfs-Version ist „{0}“. Ihre Git-lfs-Version („{1}“) ist „{2}“.", "MinRequiredGitVersion": "Die mindestens erforderliche Git-Version ist „{0}“. Ihre Git-Version („{1}“) ist „{2}“.", + "MinSecretsLengtLimitWarning": "The value of the minimum length of the secrets is too high. Maximum value is set: {0}", "MissingAgent": "Der Agent ist auf dem Server nicht mehr vorhanden. Konfigurieren Sie den Agent neu.", - "MissingAttachmentFile": "Die Aufgabenanlagendatei kann nicht hochgeladen werden. Der Speicherort der Anlagendatei wurde nicht angegeben, oder die Anlagendatei ist nicht auf dem Datenträger vorhanden.", + "MissingAttachmentFile": "Cannot upload task attachment file, attachment file location is not specified or attachment file does not exist on disk.", "MissingAttachmentName": "Die Aufgabenanlage kann nicht hinzugefügt werden. Der Anlagenname ist nicht angegeben.", "MissingAttachmentType": "Die Aufgabenanlage kann nicht hinzugefügt werden. Der Anlagentyp ist nicht angegeben.", "MissingConfig": "Es kann keine Verbindung mit dem Server hergestellt werden, da Konfigurationsdateien fehlen. Die Entfernung des Agents vom Server wird übersprungen.", @@ -593,7 +595,7 @@ "ShallowLfsFetchFail": "Fehler beim Abrufen von Git-lfs im flachen Repository. Dies liegt möglicherweise daran, dass der Git-Abruf mit der Tiefe „{0}“ nicht den lfs-Abruf-Commit „{1}“ umfasst. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Dokumentation (", "ShutdownMessage": "Der Computer wird neu gestartet, um den Agent im interaktiven Modus zu starten.", "Skipping": "Ist nicht vorhanden. Überspringen ", - "SkipTrackingFileWithoutRepoType": "Die Nachverfolgungsdatei „{0}“ wird überspringen. Der Repository-Typ wurde noch nicht aktualisiert.", + "SkipTrackingFileWithoutRepoType": "Skip tracking file '{0}', repository type hasn't been updated yet.", "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "Der Quellanbieter für das Artefakt vom Typ „{0}“ wurde nicht gefunden.", "StartingArtifactDownload": "Herunterladen von {0} wird gestartet.", "StartMaintenance": "Wartung starten: {0}", diff --git a/src/Misc/layoutbin/es-ES/strings.json b/src/Misc/layoutbin/es-ES/strings.json index 5061b519f8..ad4cc0b70f 100644 --- a/src/Misc/layoutbin/es-ES/strings.json +++ b/src/Misc/layoutbin/es-ES/strings.json @@ -285,10 +285,10 @@ "EnvironmentNotFound": "No se encontró el entorno: '{0}'", "EnvironmentVariableExceedsMaximumLength": "La variable de entorno '{0}' supera la longitud máxima admitida. Longitud variable de entorno: {1}, longitud máxima admitida: {2}", "EnvironmentVMResourceTags": "Lista de etiquetas separadas por comas (por ejemplo, web, db)", - "ErrorDuringBuildGC": "No se pueden detectar elementos no utilizados según '{0}'. Inténtelo la próxima vez.", - "ErrorDuringBuildGCDelete": "No se puede finalizar el proceso de GC según '{0}'. Inténtelo la próxima vez.", - "ErrorDuringReleaseGC": "No se pueden detectar elementos no utilizados según '{0}'. Inténtelo la próxima vez.", - "ErrorDuringReleaseGCDelete": "No se puede finalizar el proceso de GC según '{0}'. Inténtelo la próxima vez.", + "ErrorDuringBuildGC": "Unable to discover garbage based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringBuildGCDelete": "Unable to finish GC based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringReleaseGC": "Unable to discover garbage based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringReleaseGCDelete": "Unable to finish GC based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", "ErrorOccurred": "Se ha producido un error: {0}", "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "Error al publicar archivos de cobertura de código. Error: {0}", "EulasSectionHeader": "Contratos de licencia para el usuario final", @@ -299,6 +299,7 @@ "ExpectedMappingLocalPath": "Se esperaba la ruta de acceso local de asignación [{0}]: '{1}'. Actual: '{2}'", "ExpectedMappingRecursive": "Asignación esperada [{0}] recursiva: '{1}'. Real: '{2}'", "ExpectedMappingServerPath": "Se esperaba la ruta de acceso del servidor de asignación [{0}]: '{1}'. Real: '{2}'", + "FailAgentOnUnsupportedOs": "This operating system will stop receiving updates of the Pipelines Agent in the future. To be able to continue to run pipelines please upgrade the operating system or set an environment variable or agent knob \"AGENT_ACKNOWLEDGE_NO_UPDATES\" to \"true\". See for more information.", "Failed": "Con error: ", "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "No se pudo eliminar el directorio temporal '{0}'. {1}", "FailedTestsInResults": "Se han detectado uno o varios errores de prueba en los archivos de resultados. En la pestaña Pruebas puede ver un resumen detallado de los resultados de pruebas publicados.", @@ -402,8 +403,9 @@ "MinRequiredDockerServerVersion": "La versión mínima requerida del servidor de API del motor de Docker es \"{0}\"; su versión del servidor de Docker (\"{1}\") es \"{2}\"", "MinRequiredGitLfsVersion": "La versión mínima de Git-lfs requerida es \"{0}\", su versión de Git-lfs (\"{1}\") es \"{2}\"", "MinRequiredGitVersion": "La versión mínima de Git requerida es \"{0}\", su versión de Git (\"{1}\") es \"{2}\"", + "MinSecretsLengtLimitWarning": "The value of the minimum length of the secrets is too high. Maximum value is set: {0}", "MissingAgent": "El agente ya no existe en el servidor. Vuelva a configurar el agente.", - "MissingAttachmentFile": "No se puede cargar el archivo de datos adjuntos de la tarea, no se ha especificado la ubicación del archivo adjunto o el archivo adjunto no existe en el disco", + "MissingAttachmentFile": "Cannot upload task attachment file, attachment file location is not specified or attachment file does not exist on disk.", "MissingAttachmentName": "No se pueden agregar datos adjuntos de tarea, no se proporciona el nombre de datos adjuntos.", "MissingAttachmentType": "No se pueden agregar datos adjuntos de tarea, no se proporciona el tipo de datos adjuntos.", "MissingConfig": "No se puede conectar con el servidor porque faltan archivos de configuración. Omitiendo la eliminación del agente del servidor.", @@ -593,7 +595,7 @@ "ShallowLfsFetchFail": "Error de captura de Git lfs en el repositorio superficial. Esto puede deberse a que la captura de Git con profundidad \"{0}\" no incluye la confirmación de recuperación de cambios lfs \"{1}\". Consulte la documentación (", "ShutdownMessage": "Reiniciando la máquina para iniciar el agente en modo interactivo.", "Skipping": "No existe. Saltar ", - "SkipTrackingFileWithoutRepoType": "Omita el archivo de seguimiento \"{0}\", el tipo de repositorio no se ha actualizado aún.", + "SkipTrackingFileWithoutRepoType": "Skip tracking file '{0}', repository type hasn't been updated yet.", "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "No se encuentra el proveedor de origen para el artefacto de tipo {0}", "StartingArtifactDownload": "Iniciando descarga {0}", "StartMaintenance": "Iniciar mantenimiento: {0}", diff --git a/src/Misc/layoutbin/fr-FR/strings.json b/src/Misc/layoutbin/fr-FR/strings.json index 29b88fb26e..c0ec9b2310 100644 --- a/src/Misc/layoutbin/fr-FR/strings.json +++ b/src/Misc/layoutbin/fr-FR/strings.json @@ -285,10 +285,10 @@ "EnvironmentNotFound": "Environnement introuvable : « {0} »", "EnvironmentVariableExceedsMaximumLength": "La variable d'environnement « {0} » dépasse la longueur maximale prise en charge. Longueur de la variable d'environnement : {1}, longueur maximale prise en charge : {2}", "EnvironmentVMResourceTags": "Liste d'étiquettes séparées par une virgule (exemple : web, db)", - "ErrorDuringBuildGC": "Impossible de découvrir la mémoire à nettoyer d'après « {0} ». Réessayez une autre fois.", - "ErrorDuringBuildGCDelete": "Impossible de finir l'opération GC basée sur « {0} ». Réessayez une autre fois.", - "ErrorDuringReleaseGC": "Impossible de découvrir la mémoire à nettoyer d'après « {0} ». Réessayez une autre fois.", - "ErrorDuringReleaseGCDelete": "Impossible de finir l'opération GC basée sur « {0} ». Réessayez une autre fois.", + "ErrorDuringBuildGC": "Unable to discover garbage based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringBuildGCDelete": "Unable to finish GC based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringReleaseGC": "Unable to discover garbage based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringReleaseGCDelete": "Unable to finish GC based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", "ErrorOccurred": "Une erreur s'est produite : {0}", "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "Une erreur s’est produite lors de la publication des fichiers de couverture du code. Erreur : {0}", "EulasSectionHeader": "Contrats de licence utilisateur final", @@ -299,6 +299,7 @@ "ExpectedMappingLocalPath": "Mappage attendu[{0}], chemin local : « {1} ». Réel : « {2} »", "ExpectedMappingRecursive": "Mappage attendu[{0}], récursif : « {1} ». Réel : « {2} »", "ExpectedMappingServerPath": "Mappage attendu[{0}], chemin du serveur : « {1} ». Réel : « {2} »", + "FailAgentOnUnsupportedOs": "This operating system will stop receiving updates of the Pipelines Agent in the future. To be able to continue to run pipelines please upgrade the operating system or set an environment variable or agent knob \"AGENT_ACKNOWLEDGE_NO_UPDATES\" to \"true\". See for more information.", "Failed": "Échec : ", "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "Échec de la suppression du répertoire temporaire « {0} ». {1}", "FailedTestsInResults": "Un ou plusieurs échecs de tests ont été détectés dans les fichiers de résultats. Vous pouvez consulter un récapitulatif détaillé de la publication des résultats des tests sous l'onglet Tests.", @@ -402,8 +403,9 @@ "MinRequiredDockerServerVersion": "La version minimale nécessaire du serveur d'API du moteur Docker est la version '{0}', votre version du serveur Docker ('{1}') correspond à la version '{2}'", "MinRequiredGitLfsVersion": "La version minimale requise de Git-Ifs est '{0}', votre version Git-Ifs ('{1}') est '{2}'", "MinRequiredGitVersion": "La version minimale requise de Git est '{0}', votre version Git ('{1}') est '{2}'", + "MinSecretsLengtLimitWarning": "The value of the minimum length of the secrets is too high. Maximum value is set: {0}", "MissingAgent": "L’agent n’existe plus sur le serveur. Reconfigurez l’agent.", - "MissingAttachmentFile": "Impossible de charger le fichier de pièce jointe du travail, l’emplacement du fichier joint n’est pas spécifié ou le fichier de pièce jointe n’existe pas sur le disque", + "MissingAttachmentFile": "Cannot upload task attachment file, attachment file location is not specified or attachment file does not exist on disk.", "MissingAttachmentName": "Impossible d’ajouter une pièce jointe de travail, le nom de pièce jointe n’est pas fourni.", "MissingAttachmentType": "Impossible d’ajouter une pièce jointe de travail, le type de pièce jointe n’est pas fourni.", "MissingConfig": "Impossible de se connecter au serveur, car des fichiers de configuration sont manquants. Suppression de l’agent du serveur ignorée.", @@ -593,7 +595,7 @@ "ShallowLfsFetchFail": "Échec de git lfs fetch sur le dépôt superficiel. Il est possible que git fetch avec la profondeur « {0} » n'inclue pas la validation lfs fetch « {1} ». Consultez la documentation de référence (", "ShutdownMessage": "Redémarrage de l’ordinateur afin de lancer l’agent en mode interactif.", "Skipping": "N’existe pas. En cours d’abandon ", - "SkipTrackingFileWithoutRepoType": "Ignorer le suivi du fichier « {0} ». Le type de dépôt n'a pas encore été mis à jour.", + "SkipTrackingFileWithoutRepoType": "Skip tracking file '{0}', repository type hasn't been updated yet.", "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "Fournisseur source introuvable pour l’artefact de type {0}", "StartingArtifactDownload": "Démarrage du téléchargement {0}", "StartMaintenance": "Démarrer la maintenance : {0}", diff --git a/src/Misc/layoutbin/it-IT/strings.json b/src/Misc/layoutbin/it-IT/strings.json index 80f8faaf80..afb533d1a3 100644 --- a/src/Misc/layoutbin/it-IT/strings.json +++ b/src/Misc/layoutbin/it-IT/strings.json @@ -285,10 +285,10 @@ "EnvironmentNotFound": "Ambiente non trovato: '{0}'", "EnvironmentVariableExceedsMaximumLength": "La variabile di ambiente '{0}' supera la lunghezza massima supportata. Lunghezza della variabile di ambiente: {1} Lunghezza massima supportata: {2}", "EnvironmentVMResourceTags": "Elenco di tag delimitati da virgole (ad esempio web, db)", - "ErrorDuringBuildGC": "Non è possibile rilevare gli elementi da sottoporre a Garbage Collection sulla base di '{0}'. Provare la prossima volta.", - "ErrorDuringBuildGCDelete": "Non è possibile completare la Garbage Collection sulla base di '{0}'. Provare la prossima volta.", - "ErrorDuringReleaseGC": "Non è possibile rilevare gli elementi da sottoporre a Garbage Collection sulla base di '{0}'. Provare la prossima volta.", - "ErrorDuringReleaseGCDelete": "Non è possibile completare la Garbage Collection sulla base di '{0}'. Provare la prossima volta.", + "ErrorDuringBuildGC": "Unable to discover garbage based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringBuildGCDelete": "Unable to finish GC based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringReleaseGC": "Unable to discover garbage based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringReleaseGCDelete": "Unable to finish GC based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", "ErrorOccurred": "Si è verificato un errore: {0}", "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "Si è verificato un errore durante la pubblicazione dei file code coverage. Errore: {0}", "EulasSectionHeader": "Contratto di licenza con l'utente finale", @@ -299,6 +299,7 @@ "ExpectedMappingLocalPath": "Percorso locale di mapping[{0}] previsto: '{1}'. Effettivo: '{2}'", "ExpectedMappingRecursive": "Previsto mapping[{0}] ricorsivo: '{1}'. Effettivo: '{2}'", "ExpectedMappingServerPath": "Percorso server di mapping[{2}] previsto: '{0}'. Effettivo: '{1}'", + "FailAgentOnUnsupportedOs": "This operating system will stop receiving updates of the Pipelines Agent in the future. To be able to continue to run pipelines please upgrade the operating system or set an environment variable or agent knob \"AGENT_ACKNOWLEDGE_NO_UPDATES\" to \"true\". See for more information.", "Failed": "Operazione non completata: ", "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "L'eliminazione della directory temporanea non è stata completata '{0}'. {1}", "FailedTestsInResults": "Sono stati rilevati uno o più errori di test nei file dei risultati. Il riepilogo dettagliato dei risultati del test pubblicati può essere visualizzato nella scheda Test.", @@ -402,8 +403,9 @@ "MinRequiredDockerServerVersion": "La versione minima richiesta del server dell'API del motore Docker è '{0}', mentre la versione corrente del server di Docker ('{1}') è '{2}'", "MinRequiredGitLfsVersion": "La versione minima richiesta di git-lfs è '{0}', la versione di git-lfs ('{1}') è '{2}'", "MinRequiredGitVersion": "La versione minima richiesta del GIT è '{0}', la versione git ('{1}') è '{2}'", + "MinSecretsLengtLimitWarning": "The value of the minimum length of the secrets is too high. Maximum value is set: {0}", "MissingAgent": "L'agente non esiste più nel server. Riconfigurare l'agente.", - "MissingAttachmentFile": "Non è possibile caricare il file allegato dell'attività, il percorso del file allegato non è specificato o il file allegato non esiste sul disco", + "MissingAttachmentFile": "Cannot upload task attachment file, attachment file location is not specified or attachment file does not exist on disk.", "MissingAttachmentName": "Non è possibile aggiungere l'allegato dell'attività. Il nome dell'allegato non è specificato.", "MissingAttachmentType": "Non è possibile aggiungere l'allegato dell'attività. Il tipo di allegato non è stato specificato.", "MissingConfig": "Impossibile connettersi al server. File di configurazione mancanti. La rimozione dell'agente dal server verrà ignorata.", @@ -593,7 +595,7 @@ "ShallowLfsFetchFail": "Il comando git lfs fetch non è riuscito su un repository superficiale. Questo problema potrebbe essersi verificato perché git fetch con profondità '{0}' non include il commit di lfs fetch '{1}'. Vedere la documentazione (", "ShutdownMessage": "Riavvio del computer per avviare l'agente in modalità interattiva.", "Skipping": "Non esiste. Saltare ", - "SkipTrackingFileWithoutRepoType": "La verifica del file '{0}' verrà ignorata. Il tipo di repository non è stato ancora aggiornato.", + "SkipTrackingFileWithoutRepoType": "Skip tracking file '{0}', repository type hasn't been updated yet.", "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "Non è possibile trovare il provider di origine per l'artefatto di tipo {0}", "StartingArtifactDownload": "Avvio del download {0}", "StartMaintenance": "Avvia manutenzione: {0}", diff --git a/src/Misc/layoutbin/ja-JP/strings.json b/src/Misc/layoutbin/ja-JP/strings.json index e044d7dc14..6d80c99049 100644 --- a/src/Misc/layoutbin/ja-JP/strings.json +++ b/src/Misc/layoutbin/ja-JP/strings.json @@ -285,10 +285,10 @@ "EnvironmentNotFound": "環境が見つかりません: '{0}'", "EnvironmentVariableExceedsMaximumLength": "環境変数 '{0}' がサポートされている最大長を超えています。環境変数の長さ: {1}、サポートされる最大長: {2}", "EnvironmentVMResourceTags": "タグのコンマ区切りリスト (例: web, db)", - "ErrorDuringBuildGC": "'{0}' に基づいてガベージを検出できませんでした。次回お試しください。", - "ErrorDuringBuildGCDelete": "'{0}' に基づいて GC を終了できませんでした。次回お試しください。", - "ErrorDuringReleaseGC": "'{0}' に基づいてガベージを検出できませんでした。次回お試しください。", - "ErrorDuringReleaseGCDelete": "'{0}' に基づいて GC を終了できませんでした。次回お試しください。", + "ErrorDuringBuildGC": "Unable to discover garbage based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringBuildGCDelete": "Unable to finish GC based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringReleaseGC": "Unable to discover garbage based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringReleaseGCDelete": "Unable to finish GC based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", "ErrorOccurred": "エラーが発生しました: {0}", "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "コード カバレッジ ファイルの公開中にエラーが発生しました。エラー: {0}", "EulasSectionHeader": "エンドユーザー ライセンス契約", @@ -299,6 +299,7 @@ "ExpectedMappingLocalPath": "予期されたマッピング[{0}] ローカル パス: '{1}'。実際: '{2}'", "ExpectedMappingRecursive": "予期されたマッピング[{0}] 再帰: '{1}'。実際: '{2}'", "ExpectedMappingServerPath": "予期されたマッピング[{0}] サーバー パス: '{1}'。実際: '{2}'", + "FailAgentOnUnsupportedOs": "This operating system will stop receiving updates of the Pipelines Agent in the future. To be able to continue to run pipelines please upgrade the operating system or set an environment variable or agent knob \"AGENT_ACKNOWLEDGE_NO_UPDATES\" to \"true\". See for more information.", "Failed": "失敗しました: ", "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "一時ディレクトリ '{0}' を削除できませんでした。 {1}", "FailedTestsInResults": "結果ファイルで 1 つ以上のテスト エラーが検出されました。公開されたテスト結果の詳細な概要は、[テスト] タブで確認できます。", @@ -402,8 +403,9 @@ "MinRequiredDockerServerVersion": "最低限必要な Docker エンジン API サーバーのバージョンは '{0}'、docker ('{1}') サーバーのバージョンは '{2}' です", "MinRequiredGitLfsVersion": "最低限必要な Git バージョンは '{0}'、Git ('{1}') バージョンは '{2}' です", "MinRequiredGitVersion": "最低限必要な Git バージョンは '{0}'、Git ('{1}') バージョンは '{2}'", + "MinSecretsLengtLimitWarning": "The value of the minimum length of the secrets is too high. Maximum value is set: {0}", "MissingAgent": "エージェントはサーバーに存在しません。エージェントを再構成してください。", - "MissingAttachmentFile": "タスク添付ファイルをアップロードできません。添付ファイルの場所が指定されていないか、添付ファイルがディスクに存在しません", + "MissingAttachmentFile": "Cannot upload task attachment file, attachment file location is not specified or attachment file does not exist on disk.", "MissingAttachmentName": "タスクの添付ファイルを追加できません。添付ファイル名が指定されていません。", "MissingAttachmentType": "タスクの添付ファイルを追加できません。添付ファイルの種類が指定されていません。", "MissingConfig": "構成ファイルが見つからないため、サーバーに接続できません。サーバーからのエージェントの削除をスキップしています。", @@ -593,7 +595,7 @@ "ShallowLfsFetchFail": "浅いリポジトリでの Git lfs フェッチに失敗しました。これは、深度 '{0}' の Git のフェッチに lfs フェッチのコミット '{1}' が含まれていないためと考えられます。ドキュメント ( を参照してください", "ShutdownMessage": "エージェントを対話モードで起動するためにマシンを再起動しています。", "Skipping": "存在しません。スキップしています ", - "SkipTrackingFileWithoutRepoType": "追跡ファイル '{0}' をスキップします。リポジトリの種類がまだ更新されていません。", + "SkipTrackingFileWithoutRepoType": "Skip tracking file '{0}', repository type hasn't been updated yet.", "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "型が {0} の成果物のソース プロバイダーが見つかりません", "StartingArtifactDownload": "{0} のダウンロードを開始しています", "StartMaintenance": "メンテナンスを開始する: {0}", diff --git a/src/Misc/layoutbin/ko-KR/strings.json b/src/Misc/layoutbin/ko-KR/strings.json index 3a17065e21..a51a45def4 100644 --- a/src/Misc/layoutbin/ko-KR/strings.json +++ b/src/Misc/layoutbin/ko-KR/strings.json @@ -285,10 +285,10 @@ "EnvironmentNotFound": "환경을 찾을 수 없음: '{0}'", "EnvironmentVariableExceedsMaximumLength": "'{0}' 환경 변수가 최대 지원 길이를 초과합니다. 환경 변수 길이: {1}, 최대 지원 길이: {2}", "EnvironmentVMResourceTags": "쉼표로 구분된 태그 목록(예: web, db)", - "ErrorDuringBuildGC": "'{0}'을(를) 기반으로 가비지를 검색할 수 없습니다. 다음에 시도해 보세요.", - "ErrorDuringBuildGCDelete": "'{0}'을(를) 기반으로 GC를 완료할 수 없습니다. 다음에 시도해 보세요.", - "ErrorDuringReleaseGC": "'{0}'을(를) 기반으로 가비지를 검색할 수 없습니다. 다음에 시도해 보세요.", - "ErrorDuringReleaseGCDelete": "'{0}'을(를) 기반으로 GC를 완료할 수 없습니다. 다음에 시도해 보세요.", + "ErrorDuringBuildGC": "Unable to discover garbage based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringBuildGCDelete": "Unable to finish GC based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringReleaseGC": "Unable to discover garbage based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringReleaseGCDelete": "Unable to finish GC based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", "ErrorOccurred": "오류가 발생했습니다: {0}", "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "코드 검사 파일을 게시하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 오류: {0}", "EulasSectionHeader": "최종 사용자 라이선스 계약", @@ -299,6 +299,7 @@ "ExpectedMappingLocalPath": "예상되는 매핑[{0}] 로컬 경로: '{1}'. 실제: '{2}'", "ExpectedMappingRecursive": "예상되는 매핑[{0}] 재귀: '{1}'. 실제: '{2}'", "ExpectedMappingServerPath": "예상되는 매핑[{0}] 서버 경로: '{1}'. 실제: '{2}'", + "FailAgentOnUnsupportedOs": "This operating system will stop receiving updates of the Pipelines Agent in the future. To be able to continue to run pipelines please upgrade the operating system or set an environment variable or agent knob \"AGENT_ACKNOWLEDGE_NO_UPDATES\" to \"true\". See for more information.", "Failed": "실패: ", "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "'{0}' 임시 디렉터리를 삭제하지 못했습니다. {1}", "FailedTestsInResults": "결과 파일에서 테스트 오류가 하나 이상 검색되었습니다. 테스트 탭에서 게시된 테스트 결과의 자세한 요약을 볼 수 있습니다.", @@ -402,8 +403,9 @@ "MinRequiredDockerServerVersion": "최소 필수 도커 엔진 API 서버 버전은 '{0}'이고 Docker('{1}') 서버 버전은 '{2}'입니다.", "MinRequiredGitLfsVersion": "최소 필수 git-lfs 버전은 '{0}'이고 git-lfs('{1}') 버전은 '{2}'입니다.", "MinRequiredGitVersion": "최소 필수 git 버전은 '{0}'이고 git('{1}') 버전은 '{2}'입니다.", + "MinSecretsLengtLimitWarning": "The value of the minimum length of the secrets is too high. Maximum value is set: {0}", "MissingAgent": "에이전트가 더 이상 서버에 존재하지 않습니다. 에이전트를 다시 구성하세요.", - "MissingAttachmentFile": "작업 첨부 파일을 업로드할 수 없습니다. 첨부 파일 위치가 지정되지 않았거나 첨부 파일이 디스크에 없습니다.", + "MissingAttachmentFile": "Cannot upload task attachment file, attachment file location is not specified or attachment file does not exist on disk.", "MissingAttachmentName": "작업 첨부 파일을 추가할 수 없습니다. 첨부 파일 이름이 제공되지 않았습니다.", "MissingAttachmentType": "작업 첨부 파일을 추가할 수 없습니다. 첨부 파일 유형이 제공되지 않았습니다.", "MissingConfig": "구성 파일이 없기 때문에 서버에 연결할 수 없습니다. 서버에서 에이전트 제거를 건너뜁니다.", @@ -593,7 +595,7 @@ "ShallowLfsFetchFail": "단순 복사 리포지토리에서 git lfs fetch가 실패했습니다. 수준이 '{0}'인 git fetch가 lfs fetch 커밋 '{1}'을(를) 포함하지 않기 때문입니다. 설명서(를 참조하세요.", "ShutdownMessage": "대화형 모드에서 에이전트를 시작하기 위해 컴퓨터를 다시 시작합니다.", "Skipping": "존재하지 않습니다. 건너뛰는 중 ", - "SkipTrackingFileWithoutRepoType": "추적 파일 '{0}' 건너뛰기, 리포지토리 유형이 아직 업데이트되지 않았습니다.", + "SkipTrackingFileWithoutRepoType": "Skip tracking file '{0}', repository type hasn't been updated yet.", "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "{0} 유형의 아티팩트에 대한 원본 공급자를 찾을 수 없습니다.", "StartingArtifactDownload": "다운로드 시작 중 {0}", "StartMaintenance": "유지 관리 시작: {0}", diff --git a/src/Misc/layoutbin/ru-RU/strings.json b/src/Misc/layoutbin/ru-RU/strings.json index 8e54288e0d..26fcc91829 100644 --- a/src/Misc/layoutbin/ru-RU/strings.json +++ b/src/Misc/layoutbin/ru-RU/strings.json @@ -285,10 +285,10 @@ "EnvironmentNotFound": "Среда не найдена: {0}", "EnvironmentVariableExceedsMaximumLength": "Переменная среды \"{0}\" имеет максимально допустимую длину. Длина переменной среды: {1}, максимально допустимая длина: {2}", "EnvironmentVMResourceTags": "Список тегов, разделенный запятыми (например, web, db)", - "ErrorDuringBuildGC": "Не удалось обнаружить мусор на основе \"{0}\". Повторите попытку позже.", - "ErrorDuringBuildGCDelete": "Не удалось завершить сборку мусора на основе \"{0}\". Повторите попытку позже.", - "ErrorDuringReleaseGC": "Не удалось обнаружить мусор на основе \"{0}\". Повторите попытку позже.", - "ErrorDuringReleaseGCDelete": "Не удалось завершить сборку мусора на основе \"{0}\". Повторите попытку позже.", + "ErrorDuringBuildGC": "Unable to discover garbage based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringBuildGCDelete": "Unable to finish GC based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringReleaseGC": "Unable to discover garbage based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringReleaseGCDelete": "Unable to finish GC based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", "ErrorOccurred": "Произошла ошибка: {0}", "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "Произошла ошибка при публикации файлов объема протестированного кода. Ошибка: {0}", "EulasSectionHeader": "Лицензионные соглашения конечного пользователя", @@ -299,6 +299,7 @@ "ExpectedMappingLocalPath": "Ожидаемое сопоставление[{0}] Локальный путь: \"{1}\". Фактическое: {2}", "ExpectedMappingRecursive": "Ожидаемое сопоставление[{0}] Рекурсивное: \"{1}\". Фактическое: \"{2}\".", "ExpectedMappingServerPath": "Ожидаемое сопоставление[{0}] Путь к серверу: \"{1}\". Фактическое: \"{2}\".", + "FailAgentOnUnsupportedOs": "This operating system will stop receiving updates of the Pipelines Agent in the future. To be able to continue to run pipelines please upgrade the operating system or set an environment variable or agent knob \"AGENT_ACKNOWLEDGE_NO_UPDATES\" to \"true\". See for more information.", "Failed": "Сбой: ", "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "Не удалось удалить временный каталог \"{0}\". {1}", "FailedTestsInResults": "В файлах результатов обнаружен один или несколько сбоев тестов. Подробные сведения об опубликованных результатах тестов можно просмотреть на вкладке \"Тесты\".", @@ -402,8 +403,9 @@ "MinRequiredDockerServerVersion": "Минимальная требуемая версия сервера API подсистемы Docker — \"{0}\", ваша версия сервера Docker (\"{1}\") — \"{2}\".", "MinRequiredGitLfsVersion": "Минимальная требуемая версия Git-lfs — ''{0}'', ваша версия Git-lfs (''{1}'') — ''{2}''", "MinRequiredGitVersion": "Минимальная требуемая версия Git — ''{0}'', ваша версия Git (''{1}'') — ''{2}''", + "MinSecretsLengtLimitWarning": "The value of the minimum length of the secrets is too high. Maximum value is set: {0}", "MissingAgent": "Агент больше не существует на сервере. Перенастройте агент.", - "MissingAttachmentFile": "Не удалось отправить файл вложения задачи, расположение файла вложения не указано, или файла вложения нет на диске", + "MissingAttachmentFile": "Cannot upload task attachment file, attachment file location is not specified or attachment file does not exist on disk.", "MissingAttachmentName": "Не удалось добавить вложение задачи, не указано имя вложения.", "MissingAttachmentType": "Не удалось добавить вложение задачи, не указан тип вложения.", "MissingConfig": "Не удалось подключиться к серверу, так как отсутствуют файлы конфигурации. Пропускается удаление агента с сервера.", @@ -593,7 +595,7 @@ "ShallowLfsFetchFail": "Не удалось выполнить команду Git lfs fetch в неполном репозитории. Это может быть вызвано тем, что команда git fetch с глубиной \"{0}\" не включает фиксацию lfs fetch \"{1}\". Обратитесь к документации (", "ShutdownMessage": "Перезапуск компьютера для запуска агента в интерактивном режиме.", "Skipping": "Не существует. Пропуск ", - "SkipTrackingFileWithoutRepoType": "Пропуск файла отслеживания \"{0}\", тип репозитория еще не был обновлен.", + "SkipTrackingFileWithoutRepoType": "Skip tracking file '{0}', repository type hasn't been updated yet.", "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "Не удается найти поставщика источника для артефакта типа {0}", "StartingArtifactDownload": "Начинается скачивание {0}", "StartMaintenance": "Начать обслуживание: {0}", diff --git a/src/Misc/layoutbin/zh-CN/strings.json b/src/Misc/layoutbin/zh-CN/strings.json index 5a60da979a..cef69f87f6 100644 --- a/src/Misc/layoutbin/zh-CN/strings.json +++ b/src/Misc/layoutbin/zh-CN/strings.json @@ -285,10 +285,10 @@ "EnvironmentNotFound": "找不到环境: \"{0}\"", "EnvironmentVariableExceedsMaximumLength": "环境变量 \"{0}\" 超出了支持的最大长度。环境变量长度: {1},支持的最大长度: {2}", "EnvironmentVMResourceTags": "逗号分隔的标记列表(例如 web, db)", - "ErrorDuringBuildGC": "无法根据 \"{0}\" 发现垃圾。请下次再试。", - "ErrorDuringBuildGCDelete": "无法根据 \"{0}\" 完成 GC。请下次再试。", - "ErrorDuringReleaseGC": "无法根据 \"{0}\" 发现垃圾。请下次再试。", - "ErrorDuringReleaseGCDelete": "无法根据 \"{0}\" 完成 GC。请下次再试。", + "ErrorDuringBuildGC": "Unable to discover garbage based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringBuildGCDelete": "Unable to finish GC based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringReleaseGC": "Unable to discover garbage based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringReleaseGCDelete": "Unable to finish GC based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", "ErrorOccurred": "发生错误: {0}", "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "发布代码覆盖率文件时出错。错误: {0}", "EulasSectionHeader": "最终用户许可协议", @@ -299,6 +299,7 @@ "ExpectedMappingLocalPath": "预期的映射[{0}] 本地路径: \"{1}\"。实际: \"{2}\"", "ExpectedMappingRecursive": "预期的映射[{0}] 递归: \"{1}\"。实际: \"{2}\"", "ExpectedMappingServerPath": "预期的映射[{0}] 服务器路径: \"{1}\"。实际: \"{2}\"", + "FailAgentOnUnsupportedOs": "This operating system will stop receiving updates of the Pipelines Agent in the future. To be able to continue to run pipelines please upgrade the operating system or set an environment variable or agent knob \"AGENT_ACKNOWLEDGE_NO_UPDATES\" to \"true\". See for more information.", "Failed": "失败: ", "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "无法删除临时目录 \"{0}\"。{1}", "FailedTestsInResults": "在结果文件中检测到一个或多个测试失败。可以在“测试”选项卡中查看已发布测试结果的详细摘要。", @@ -402,8 +403,9 @@ "MinRequiredDockerServerVersion": "所需的 Docker 引擎 API 服务器最低版本为 \"{0}\",而你的 Docker (\"{1}\")服务器版本为 \"{2}\"", "MinRequiredGitLfsVersion": "所需的最低 git-lfs 版本为 \"{0}\",你的 git-lfs (\"{1}\")版本为 \"{2}\"", "MinRequiredGitVersion": "所需的 git 最低版本为 \"{0}\",你的 git (\"{1}\")版本为 \"{2}\"", + "MinSecretsLengtLimitWarning": "The value of the minimum length of the secrets is too high. Maximum value is set: {0}", "MissingAgent": "服务器上不再存在代理。请重新配置代理。", - "MissingAttachmentFile": "无法上传任务附件文件,附件文件位置未指定或磁盘上不存在附件文件", + "MissingAttachmentFile": "Cannot upload task attachment file, attachment file location is not specified or attachment file does not exist on disk.", "MissingAttachmentName": "无法添加任务附件,未提供附件名。", "MissingAttachmentType": "无法添加任务附件,未提供附件类型。", "MissingConfig": "无法连接到服务器,因为缺少配置文件。正在跳过从服务器删除代理的过程。", @@ -593,7 +595,7 @@ "ShallowLfsFetchFail": "浅存储库上的 Git lfs 提取失败,这可能是因为深度为 \"{0}\" 的 Git 提取不包含 lfs 提取提交 \"{1}\"。请参考文档(", "ShutdownMessage": "重启计算机以在交互模式下启动代理。", "Skipping": "不存在。正在跳过", - "SkipTrackingFileWithoutRepoType": "跳过跟踪文件 \"{0}\",存储库类型尚未更新。", + "SkipTrackingFileWithoutRepoType": "Skip tracking file '{0}', repository type hasn't been updated yet.", "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "找不到类型 {0} 的项目的源提供程序", "StartingArtifactDownload": "即将开始下载 {0}", "StartMaintenance": "开始维护: {0}", diff --git a/src/Misc/layoutbin/zh-TW/strings.json b/src/Misc/layoutbin/zh-TW/strings.json index 9c984176b9..65ce192129 100644 --- a/src/Misc/layoutbin/zh-TW/strings.json +++ b/src/Misc/layoutbin/zh-TW/strings.json @@ -285,10 +285,10 @@ "EnvironmentNotFound": "找不到環境: '{0}'", "EnvironmentVariableExceedsMaximumLength": "環境變數 '{0}' 超過支援的長度上限。環境變數長度: {1},支援的長度上限: {2}", "EnvironmentVMResourceTags": "逗點分隔標籤清單 (例如 web, db)", - "ErrorDuringBuildGC": "無法根據 '{0}' 探索廢棄項目。請下次再試。", - "ErrorDuringBuildGCDelete": "無法根據 '{0}' 完成 GC。請下次再試。", - "ErrorDuringReleaseGC": "無法根據 '{0}' 探索廢棄項目。請下次再試。", - "ErrorDuringReleaseGCDelete": "無法根據 '{0}' 完成 GC。請下次再試。", + "ErrorDuringBuildGC": "Unable to discover garbage based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringBuildGCDelete": "Unable to finish GC based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringReleaseGC": "Unable to discover garbage based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", + "ErrorDuringReleaseGCDelete": "Unable to finish GC based on '{0}'. Try it next time.", "ErrorOccurred": "發生錯誤: {0}", "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "發佈程式碼涵蓋範圍檔案時發生錯誤。錯誤: {0}", "EulasSectionHeader": "終端使用者授權合約", @@ -299,6 +299,7 @@ "ExpectedMappingLocalPath": "必須是對應[{0}] 本機路徑: '{1}'。實際是: '{2}'", "ExpectedMappingRecursive": "必須是對應[{0}] 遞迴: '{1}'。實際是: '{2}'", "ExpectedMappingServerPath": "必須是對應[{0}] 伺服器路徑: '{1}'。實際是: '{2}'", + "FailAgentOnUnsupportedOs": "This operating system will stop receiving updates of the Pipelines Agent in the future. To be able to continue to run pipelines please upgrade the operating system or set an environment variable or agent knob \"AGENT_ACKNOWLEDGE_NO_UPDATES\" to \"true\". See for more information.", "Failed": "失敗: ", "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "無法刪除暫存目錄 '{0}'。{1}", "FailedTestsInResults": "在測試檔案中偵測到一或多個測試失敗。您可於 [測試] 索引標籤檢視已發佈測試結果的詳細摘要。", @@ -402,8 +403,9 @@ "MinRequiredDockerServerVersion": "至少需要 Docker 引擎 API 伺服器版本 '{0}',但您的 Docker ('{1}') 用戶端版本為 '{2}'", "MinRequiredGitLfsVersion": "至少需要 Git LFS 版本 '{0}',但您的 Git LFS ('{1}') 版本為 '{2}'", "MinRequiredGitVersion": "至少需要 Git 版本 '{0}',但您的 Git ('{1}') 版本為 '{2}'", + "MinSecretsLengtLimitWarning": "The value of the minimum length of the secrets is too high. Maximum value is set: {0}", "MissingAgent": "代理程式已不存在於伺服器上。請重新設定代理程式。", - "MissingAttachmentFile": "無法上傳工作附件檔案、未指定附件檔案位置,或是附件檔案不存在於磁碟上", + "MissingAttachmentFile": "Cannot upload task attachment file, attachment file location is not specified or attachment file does not exist on disk.", "MissingAttachmentName": "無法新增工作附件,因為未提供附件名稱。", "MissingAttachmentType": "無法新增工作附件,因為未提供附件類型。", "MissingConfig": "無法連線到伺服器,因為設定檔遺失。正在略過從伺服器移除代理程式。", @@ -593,7 +595,7 @@ "ShallowLfsFetchFail": "淺層存放庫的 Git lfs 失敗,原因可能是深度為 '{0}' 的 Git 擷取未包含 lfs 擷取認可 '{1}'。請參閱文件 (", "ShutdownMessage": "正在將電腦重新啟動,以在互動模式中啟動代理程式。", "Skipping": "不存在。正在跳過 ", - "SkipTrackingFileWithoutRepoType": "跳過追蹤檔案 '{0}',尚未更新存放庫類型。", + "SkipTrackingFileWithoutRepoType": "Skip tracking file '{0}', repository type hasn't been updated yet.", "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "找不到類型為 {0} 之成品的來源提供者", "StartingArtifactDownload": "正在開始下載 {0}", "StartMaintenance": "啟動維護: {0}",